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Bertuzzi's Plea


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Bertuzzi pleads guilty to assault in on-ice fracas

VANCOUVER (CP) - NHL star Todd Bertuzzi pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm Wednesday, reversing his earlier plan to fight charges laid after he slugged an opponent with an on-ice sucker punch seen by millions.
"You pleaded not guilty in an earlier appearance. Now you enter a plea of guilty. Do you now wish to change the plea?" asked Judge Herb Weitzel.

"Yes," the Vancouver Canucks' star forward responded. "I plead guilty."

It's not clear when Bertuzzi will be sentenced.

A lawyer acting on behalf of Colorado Avalanche player Steve Moore asked the judge to delay sentencing until January to give his client a chance to travel to Vancouver to make a victim-impact statement.

WOW!! Must have been doing some serious thinking over the past 9 months! I agree that he should plead guilty...I mean, he did sucker punch him and it is unfortunate what followed, but he does have to face the demon and deal with it.

I don't agree that Bertuzzi broke Steve Moore's neck...yes, he sucker punched him, and yes, that was a cowardly move, but if it weren't for the 8 200+ pounds of men that fell on top of him afterwards, I don't think we would even be discussing this!! There would have been a penalty given...a fine...and that's that!! But...I am glad that Bert is going to pay his dues...it'll be interesting what happens from here on!!



Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
[I don't agree that Bertuzzi broke Steve Moore's neck...yes, he sucker punched him, and yes, that was a cowardly move, but if it weren't for the 8 200+ pounds of men that fell on top of him afterwards, I don't think we would even be discussing this!! striker14

Striker...the 8 guys dogpile causing the broken neck is a complete cop-out. How many cases of broken neck and post concussion syndrome have you seen when someone gets dogpiled for scoring the winning goal? Get real.

As they said on Sportsnet, he agreed to the charge of assault because it admits he hit the guy (no one can say he didn't), but he won't admit that his assualt "caused bodily harm" because that leaves him open to a costly civil suit.

When he does have to go to court to face the civil suit, his lawyer will argue the same thing you just did: it cannot be proven that it was the punch or the driving of his face into the ice that caused the broken neck--it was probably due to those other guys.

Put yourself in Steve Moore's place: no contract, no team, possibilty of never playing again. I'm not sure what NHL insurance will cover (perhaps nothing since he hasn't played many NHL games), but someone needs to pay this guy for future loss of wages and suffering.

Speaking of suits, however, I must admit that Bertuzzi's navy w/ pinstripes three button is very nice!


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Quite frankly I've had enough of the whole Bert thing...

I feel very bad for Steve Moore, but it's time to move on....who really knows if the NHL will ever be the same after this lockout is over???

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
5bigtoes said:
Quite frankly I've had enough of the whole Bert thing...

I feel very bad for Steve Moore, but it's time to move on....who really knows if the NHL will ever be the same after this lockout is over???

I agree. Time to move on. If those tears Bert shed were true, then Bert should truly prove it. He should admit he fukced up, regardless if it was accidental, and take financial responsibility. The insurance will cover the law suit, so not a real worry there. This will linger forever if there isn't closure that makes all parties content.

As for the NHL never being the same after this lockout, I disagree. The majority of the fans will flock together like the good sheep they are. I'm sure they'll have fan appreciations and autograph signings with free "Spirit towels" for the kids. Then the hockey players will no longer be seen as BAAAAAAAD, and they can head down to the Roxy where some skank will be waiting to tell all her friends that she had a threesome with Artem Chubarov and Alex Auld.

When that happens, then we'll know that everything is back to normal!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
For a guy who can no longer concentrate on an intellectual(sp?)level, he sure writes a mean Victim Impact Statement :rolleyes: :


From TSN.CA:
The former Avalanche player now has no contract and no offers.
Yeah he's hurt, but maybe it's also because there is a lockout????? The Blackhawks only have two or three players signed.

I read the impact statement and this guy is starting to strike me as a bit of a weasel. Sure Bertuzzi shouldn't of hit him, but if someone elbowed Dial in the head, seeing as how Dial and I are teamates here on TTP, I would seek retribution the next time our two teams met. Moore knew this, just like whoever hit Dial would know it. He had a choice. He didn't need to play if he thought something might happen. All the signs were there. He still played. He made the wrong choice. His fault.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Victim Impact Statement.... hmmm. I would have thought if he couldn't make it to Vancouver because he "had one of those days" a videotape of him reading it would have been more effective, if that's what he was looking for.

If the pussy wouldn't have turned down the challenge to begin with and fought face to face this never would have happened. I have no sympathy for him. He dug his own grave or as my dad used to say "he made his own bed". I hope this teaches other NHL wanna be's if you go after a star you will suffer the consequences. I miss the old Semenko days. If Gretzky didn't have him he would have had a lot harder time producing.

I ask all you sympathizers if Naslund couldn't play anymore would we be as harse on Moore. Let's face it Moore would be better off doing tampon commercials.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It does read a little "wimpish" though I'm sure that's what these things are supposed to be like. The whole bit about him and his family feeling very distressed for weeks after the threats made when he hit Naslund was the worst though... he got a teammate that knew Naslund to call him to wish him well?!?!?!




Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Striker...the 8 guys dogpile causing the broken neck is a complete cop-out. How many cases of broken neck and post concussion syndrome have you seen when someone gets dogpiled for scoring the winning goal? Get real.

It isn't a cop-out...did you watch that game?? Come on Dial...you can't tell me that Bert's punch to the head broke 2 vertebrae in his neck!! Yes, he was out cold when he hit the ground and the hard ice doesn't help, but the impact of the 8 men on top of him afterwards is what broke his neck...not Bert!!
Don't get me wrong though...I don't agree AT ALL what Bert did, and quite frankly, I just wish this whole situation was done and dealth with, and yes, Bert deserves any punishment that is given...but he deserves to play hockey again!! shite happens as they say...get on with it!



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Is anybody listening to this shite on the radio? This guy has completely lost any ounce of sympathy I had for him. What a fcuking pussy!!!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Dirty Money
I completely agree.

He's being coached by his Lawyers, including members of his family, and he's just sucking up to everyone right now to get his Civil Suit set up.

This guy will get an insurance payout, and he's well educated. I feel bad for him that his career may be over, but it's not like he's going to be destitute!

The media need to stop eating out of his hands too.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Striker, when did you become a goddamn doctor?Everything I've read from you on this issue, from day fcuking one, has contributed to my belief that you are absolutely the flightiest puck bunny in town. Christ, you are fcuking transparent.

First of all, you guys are all a bunch of fcuking homers. Especially you, TheRob.

Explain again how Bert sucker punching him was his fault? The law doesn't agree with you, and neither do most intelligent, rational thinking people. It can't be Moore's fault, because he didn't do it. The one and only person responsible for Bert's sucker punch was Bert- full stop. Out of a long list of stupid things he's done, this was the stupidest.

He could not have picked a worst person to sucker punch. A Harvard grad from a family of lawyers. I agree, the short story comes across as whinny. I also believe that he's injured, and I believe that he's suffering significantly, considering where he was at. Anyone who's been in a car accident and suffered long term neck / concussion problems can attest to that. But beyond this, I think Moore is doing what is best for Moore. The NHL season is currently on hold, so I believe that while he is doing his best to recover, it is opportunistic for him in that he has the time to not only heal as best as he can, but to play the injury as best as he can. He's hurt, has been released by his team, and is currently without a contract. Best case scenario: he'll heal up enough for the 2005 training camps, and get his career back on track. Worst case: he'll win considerably in a civil law suit and retire. Likely: somewhere in the middle. He'll probably win a lawsuit that pays a sum of cash up front, then garnishes a percentage of Bert's wages on future hockey playing income. He'll likely recover enough to pursue a career in Europe if he chooses. If he chooses not to, he can fall back on his education.

So, yeah...I think this guy is doing everything he can to make the most of what is a shitty situation for him. There is a lot of what he's saying right now that makes me roll my eyes and cry foul, too. That said, let me ask you homers out there: if you were a fourth line NHL player who had just made the show, finally realized his dream, happen to be a Harvard graduate (with honors), son of successful lawyers, and all of a sudden you get blindsided and suffer career threatening injuries, what would you do?

Please, take off your Canuck colored shades.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Forget about about Bertuzzi. The real question is why the fcuk didn't his wife have at least an adult sweater around her shoulders.With all the money you think they could afford to get her the adult size. Or at least have enough spare time to finish knitting the damn thing.

Terrible Sweater


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
I don't suppose that Moore will be pursuing his civil suit against his "childhood heroes" regardless of whether they all had a party on the back of his head after he fell. I wish someone would explain that the 1200lbs of colorado Avalance was probably the cause of his broken neck and facial injuries...
It does sound like Bertuzzi might be screwed because even if Moores neck didn't break the concusion seems to be the biggest problem for Moore. I assume that he is exaggerating. But if Bert actually ended his ability to have a physical profession AND one requiring mental endurance, what's left for Steve? Working at White Castle?
I just hope the Bertuzzi gets over this and realizes that Steve is a whiner and wants to try and lay blame for his bad luck. It is too bad that he can't sit with his heroes anymore but he's not the first person to sacrifice and not end up smelling like roses. Maybe he can co-host Brett Lindros' show.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Bad luck?

I can't belive I'm reading this shite. Striker may be a bimbo, and TheRob may be a homer, but you are just plain fcuking stupid.


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
No I'm not. In all aspects of life shite happens. Football players don't sue and cry and whine when they get injured worse than Moore. Maybe you're a softy too. Hockey is loaded with the potential for injury. Players get punched from behind tons of times a game in front of goal and in the corners... it's become part of the game. Moore suffered bad luck and was unfortunately knocked out. shite happens. I don't agree with what Bertuzzi did but get real. The things didn't go my way so I'm going to sue attitude is tell tale sign of the kind of person you are... and I suppose agreeing with the attitude does too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money

Don Cherry would call you a sweater wearing bleeding heart socialist or something like that. Moore is a pussy and he's showing his true colours now. "I ask that Bertuzzi not be allowed to partake in any sporting event that I am taking part in." Who put him up to that? :rolleyes: I'll bet he has contracts from all the top Western Division teams coming out the yin yang now.

Dude. The new Cnut of TTP.

This guy is a joke.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Read my post again: you will se several references to my not liking what he's doing. I don't dispute that he's being a pussy. But, you CLEARLY stated it way MOORE'S fault. How do you justify that?

Cryuff: yes you are, trust me. If you weren't, you'd recognize that even in unwritten code, certain parts of the game are 100% off limits. The Brashear / McSorely incident was, so was this. "shite happens" applied to accidents that cause injuries. Bert SUCKER punching Moore was not an accident. Perhaps the two fractures and ensuing concussion were not intended, but the fact is that Bert crossed the line, and is 100% responsible for the injuries. His deliberate actions caused the injuries.

What is comical is that it is so obvious that you guys let your feeling of being Canuck and Bert fans get in the way of simple logic. For the record, I think Moore's a pussy, too. I don't like how he's putting his sob story out there for the media, and aiming to sway public opinion in his favor, and how this all seems to be staged and meticulously planned out in anticipation of the civic trial to come. I'd prefer that if he is going to bring this to a civil suit, that he keep shut, and go about his business- but he's choosing to milk it for all he can. I also believe he should have stood up to Bert, and fought him, instead of avoiding him. But, that egging on does not give Bert free license to do what he did. Very similar to Brashear / McSorely. That's the line, and Bert crossed it.

Now, TheRob, my good friend, you still haven't answered my question: if you were in Moore's shoes, what course of action would you take? Keeping in mind I know you well... ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I would hope that I got better soon so that I could go Mtn. Biking at the Woodlot.

It was his fault. He knew the risks and he decided to play. He needs to be at the very least partly blamed here.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Even if you're going to split the blame, the lion's share goes to Bert. Unfortunately, this isn't an ICBC claim.

As for the woodlot: I don't know if you want me riding there anymore. If I fail to land one of those 15 footers (not likely), and fracture my neck, I may choose to sue all the builders of the trail and stunts. I know one city worker I can really take to the cleaners.

What kind of guy builds a big stunt, then doesn't ride it? What am I, some kind of test dummy? I think that makes you liable for my failure to stick the landing too, doesn't it? Pretty sure it does, by your logic.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Very similar to Brashear / McSorely. That's the line, and Bert crossed it.
Bert never crossed any imaginary line. He hit Moore in the side of the head(with his glove on)and then accidentally fell on top of him. Then others jumped on which more than likely caused most of the injuries. Mcsorely whacked Brashear with a stick to the head. A little different if I do say so myself.

And for the record. I have never once claimed to be a Bertuzzi fan. EVER.

I haven't made a stunt that I couldn't ride. Everything that I have had a hand in, I've ridden. If you can't ride it than stay off the trail you newb bitch. :eek:

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