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2024 BC Mens Provincial A Cup - Predictions, Results & Banter


New Member
Apr 23, 2024
Dirty Money
2 Provincial Games ruined this year by dog shite officiating….

Who selects these refs for the games??

Croatia & CMF game ruined.

Van U & Abby U game ruined.

2 reds given to Croatia, when Croatia should of been given 1 red & CMF 2 reds.

Penalty given to Van U after blatant handball which played a huge advantage & then a horrible touch taking player away from goal and a dive on contact.

Hope both middle refs from these games are never seen in the provincial cup again.


New Member
Oct 27, 2015
Dirty Money
2 Provincial Games ruined this year by dog shite officiating….

Who selects these refs for the games??

Croatia & CMF game ruined.

Van U & Abby U game ruined.

2 reds given to Croatia, when Croatia should of been given 1 red & CMF 2 reds.

Penalty given to Van U after blatant handball which played a huge advantage & then a horrible touch taking player away from goal and a dive on contact.

Hope both middle refs from these games are never seen in the provincial cup again.
The ref in langley-VUFC was absolutely shocking as well.


New Member
Apr 23, 2024
Dirty Money
The ref in langley-VUFC was absolutely shocking as well.
Sadly, not surprised to hear that.

It’s mind boggling as we consistently had good officiating throughout the FVSL season, other than the odd game with Kyle.

But for those who play in the FVSL, at least Kyle is so consistently shite that you know what to expect when you show up to the field. Glad to see that he didn’t ref much in the Prem this year.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
2 Provincial Games ruined this year by dog shite officiating….

Who selects these refs for the games??

Croatia & CMF game ruined.

Van U & Abby U game ruined.

2 reds given to Croatia, when Croatia should of been given 1 red & CMF 2 reds.

Penalty given to Van U after blatant handball which played a huge advantage & then a horrible touch taking player away from goal and a dive on contact.

Hope both middle refs from these games are never seen in the provincial cup again.

I think everyone can agree the 2nd red to Croatia was incorrect, but I don't see where CMF should have got a 2nd red. Both teams with 10 men would have been the right call, and maybe some cautions for those pushing excessively.

Regarding the pk in VUFC vs Abby. The video by @GoF Is pretty clear in that the VUFC player takes a touch and then the Abby player runs right into the back of him. There is a lot of force in the collision so i dont even think its a dive, but regardless that is a pk all day.


New Member
Apr 23, 2024
Dirty Money
I think everyone can agree the 2nd red to Croatia was incorrect, but I don't see where CMF should have got a 2nd red. Both teams with 10 men would have been the right call, and maybe some cautions for those pushing excessively.

Regarding the pk in VUFC vs Abby. The video by @GoF Is pretty clear in that the VUFC player takes a touch and then the Abby player runs right into the back of him. There is a lot of force in the collision so i dont even think it’s a dive, but regardless that is a pk all day.
Miss typo, I meant 1 red to Croatia and 1 red to CMF. Regardless, the point still stands, brutal officiating that changes the course of the game & gives a huge unfair advantage. Simple as.

Were you at the game watching live? Or just going off the @GoF highlights?

The contact is so minimal & the attackers first touch was shocking. Contact isn’t a foul and he certainly doesn’t go thru his back. They’re both going away from goal.

If you were at the game watching live, you’d understand the larger context of the major inconsistent calls for fouls & handballs throughout the game. VUFC LW completely deflects Abby U CBs clearance and a huge advantage is played to Van U overlapping fullback who plays the cutback cross for the pen. There’s no excuse for not calling that handball, with the calls he was making throughout the game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I was not there, but video doesn't lie.
You can't just run straight into the back of the guy whether he takes a poor touch or not.

The full game is on video. If I cared enough I would watch the whole thing to see about the ref's calls throughout, but I don't. I get that Abby is upset to lose late on a pk in a semifinal, but it doesn't change the fact that it was the correct call.



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
My take... Kinda hard to tell from the video if the Abby player got a touch on the ball before the body contact which would make it more legal. I believe there is a touch on the ball by the Abby player because the ball kinda just spins and bounces not too far away instead of rolling off of a normal touch of a foot...if that makes sense.

The ref however is in a great position to see the play and I didn't really see any other reffing mistakes from the video.

The handball in the buildup cannot be seen in the videos angle but Abby sure do ask for it.

Good game. Looks like Abby had more of the possession and VUFC played more on the counter.

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