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2016 Blockbuster vs Rogers Video B Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

What's your Provincial Cup Ice Cream

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Assured of a + .500 finish regardless of the outcome of my prediction, it's all gravy at this point in the B Cup!

Semis: 2/2
Overall: 12/22


Campo v Rino's
So it's come to this. Honestly I don't have a clue which way to go here. Campo has arguably been the most consistent team in the Province other than Coquitlam (of course Campo are playing at a MUCH LOWER LEVEL-hate to break it to them) over this season when you factor in Cup play. Their tactics and commitment have kept them in every game they have played this season, including their two narrow defeats. Rino's has experience on their side, with even a few grizzled hold overs from their previous title winning team from a bygone decade. These teams (or at least their leadership) do not care for each other, to put it mildly, so I am not expecting much respect to be shown on match day. I think either team could win this one and that's what a Final is supposed to be. The two best teams in the competition with one match, winner take all. Going to have to dig deep to find a difference between these two, I'll look at Rino's experience (even if it is ancient) and Campo's inability to win their biggest game of the season vs. NorVan when all the chips were down. Also, with a depleted squad travelling to the Island will be a real inconvenience. It's not much, but I'll say it's enough to make this coin flip go Rino's way (no Campo, this does not make you now massive underdogs...)


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
The two best teams in the competition with one match, winner take all

I am assuming that you are talking about Div.2? and if you are than its not the 2 best teams in the Division. May I remind you that Campo finished second and therefore aren't the best team in their Division side, GN Sporting is the best team in Div.2 A. Even after paying their players they still couldn't manage to get promoted, kind of sad when you pay players in Div.2.

And wasn't @Soccer Coach accusing Tanoa of paying players and yet he was doing the same thing??? sounds like a hypocrite to me!!!!

It would of been nice to see Rino's vs GN Sporting in the final to determine which side is better. I guess we wont get to see that....

Good Luck to Rino's!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I am assuming that you are talking about Div.2? and if you are than its not the 2 best teams in the Division. May I remind you that Campo finished second and therefore aren't the best team in their Division side, GN Sporting is the best team in Div.2 A. Even after paying their players they still couldn't manage to get promoted, kind of sad when you pay players in Div.2.

And wasn't @Soccer Coach accusing Tanoa of paying players and yet he was doing the same thing??? sounds like a hypocrite to me!!!!

It would of been nice to see Rino's vs GN Sporting in the final to determine which side is better. I guess we wont get to see that....

Good Luck to Rino's!!!!


I was referring to "the competition" (aka this tournament...)

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Hello guys,
I quickly came to go over our favourite forum. Very funny and interesting posts. The Campo side is in very good spirits, and motivated, and ready to face Rinos (albeit we still have injuries). It has been fun this preparation process. We have spent quite a bit of time with the players discussing and trying to figure out the best way to approach this game, and to beat Rinos. We are confident that we have done what we could for this game.

I think that the only post that really bothers me is the one of paying players when it is quite the opposite. We are struggling financially. Last practice one of our players very kindly donated soccer balls, because ours have been stolen. Yes, things are this tight financially in our club. We just keep going because of our love for the game, our club, and our light blue shirt.

As for the mentioning of Herrera, no problem at all. We do enjoy our goal celebrations. We are no shy in expressing our emotions.

I do trust that our Virgin Mary and God will give us what they think is fair for this game. No worries at all in this front.

Looking forward to our music and the time in the locker room before the game. This indeed very special for us.

I do have deep pleasure knowing that we will give a hard fight to Rinos. I know that they fear us. They know that we are the only team that can beat them (not GN, Norvan, Snipers, Strikers, Richmond or any other). They discounted us at the beginning of the season, but they quickly realized that we grew, and now they have to face us in the final.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Hello guys,
I quickly came to go over our favourite forum. Very funny and interesting posts. The Campo side is in very good spirits, and motivated, and ready to face Rinos (albeit we still have injuries). It has been fun this preparation process. We have spent quite a bit of time with the players discussing and trying to figure out the best way to approach this game, and to beat Rinos. We are confident that we have done what we could for this game.

I think that the only post that really bothers me is the one of paying players when it is quite the opposite. We are struggling financially. Last practice one of our players very kindly donated soccer balls, because ours have been stolen. Yes, things are this tight financially in our club. We just keep going because of our love for the game, our club, and our light blue shirt.

As for the mentioning of Herrera, no problem at all. We do enjoy our goal celebrations. We are no shy in expressing our emotions.

I do trust that our Virgin Mary and God will give us what they think is fair for this game. No worries at all in this front.

Looking forward to our music and the time in the locker room before the game. This indeed very special for us.

I do have deep pleasure knowing that we will give a hard fight to Rinos. I know that they fear us. They know that we are the only team that can beat them (not GN, Norvan, Snipers, Strikers, Richmond or any other). They discounted us at the beginning of the season, but they quickly realized that we grew, and now they have to face us in the final.

If things are so tough financially then how the hell can a two team club pay you as a technical director. Enough of the bullshit

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Rinos are so poor our players have to swim to Victoria for the final
BC Soccer and VMSL will give you $700 to cover expenses. We can give you a ride too.
Are we shaking hands tomorrow? I hope so. I took a bit of convincing for one of your coaches tonight to accept my hand shake. Guys...it is just a game. No need to get all upset for a few disagreements.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You should have offered him a fresh, cool, delicious scoop of gelato. I'm sure he would have come around.

And, we've figured it out. You deny paying your players in dollars, this may be true, but now we know you are actually paying them in gelato.

And obviously it works.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
This is true. You can get a free scoop of Gelato in Commercial Drive if you are part of the team. Other than this, we do it for the love of the game and to offer playing opportunities to people in our communities. Many of our players have come from other teams or clubs dissatisfied with the playing style or training provided to them. We offer a nice variety than what is available to players. About four or five have come from Rinos, and hence, this is part of the friction with the mentioned club. For instance, a couple of our players are itching to score on Rinos tomorrow. I am pretty sure that they will score.

By the way, I have to thank you for doing the cancer rides. I have struggled with cancer over the years, so it is appreciated what you do.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You and others are welcome, and the ride is a metaphor for the real struggle of a victim of the disease, and the fight they endure. One long and difficult day on a bike is just one day.

On a less serious note, you are still an idiot. But not that much of an idiot, as you are using ice cream as an incentive. This is smart, and obviously, something you've been doing for a long time, which means, you agree 100% with everything I've ever written on footballing philosophy. Ever.

Is this what it sounds like, when doves cry?

P.S.: You owe Canadian Soccer an apology, as your vehement arguments against all things good and Canadian were obviously mistruths of your actual inner feelings, and more of an outpouring of your inhibitions (one of which is losing the coveted Div. 2 Provincial title to the Westside Silver Spoons). This is irrefutable, as evidenced by your use of ice cream to motivate your players. Because we are Canadian, as much as it pains us, we will forgive you, as it is in our nature to forgive those who are wrong. Especially idiots.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I guess, I should do a ride to support for what I have to endure here at the TTP.

I do not owe Canadian soccer an apology. I am contributing to the development of soccer here with my limited means and resources. One of them is by questioning the stablished conventions and trying that the status quo starts to reflect the current realities of Canadian society (a much more multicultural society than 30 years ago) and the evolution of the game in the world (i.e. the game is more like art and expression of humanity that straight athletic competition, there is other ways than just playing 4-4-2, and long ball, and relying on physicality).
Sometimes I just need to shock you, and granted, is a bit of fun to poke at some of you.

It has been a very successful campaign for us. Exceeded expectations. At the beginning of the year we thought that we aimed for top 6 in the table and one or two wins in the VMSL cup and Provincial Cup. The guys have exceeded expectations. They have worked very hard in training and games.
It will be fun tomorrow.
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