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2005 Greek Summer Soccer League

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Alexi said:
First off MegaPrime aka Kosta aka hardon. You play in a better league? You are in 3rd division Burnaby, might as well quit the game and try something else , you are useless. As for your comments. Ouzo started out well and got 2 LUCKY goals retard... Both teams played well and either team could have won, do not forget we missed 3 empty nets in the last 20 minutes. We have great respect for Ouzo and most of its players but jackasses like you make Ouzo look bad. You are a useless tit and know it. Quit the game as the game has quit on you....
Regarding your whining about cards and injuries, PAOK has had 4 starters out almost all season and we have not cried and you are crying for your shite, what a joke you are.

Do you get your facts off a serial box because I've never played in burnaby's division 3.

Your very eager to want me to quit. I can't fill that demand as 1, I don't listen/taker orders from inferior forms of life that live in a forest and smell bad and 2 it's too much fun taking the ball off you every time.


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Taking the ball off me, are you retarded, I and 90% of this league are much better than you, you suck. Honest you need to learn another sport as this is definetely not your best, please tell me its not your best.....
Inferior forms, lol this coming from a midget that looks like a volcano erupted on his face.
Stahi, seriously, boot this guy from Ouzo, you and your team are a great bunch of guys why do you have this ugly little retard on your team?


Alexi said:
Taking the ball off me, are you retarded, I and 90% of this league are much better than you, you suck. Honest you need to learn another sport as this is definetely not your best, please tell me its not your best.....
Inferior forms, lol this coming from a midget that looks like a volcano erupted on his face.
Stahi, seriously, boot this guy from Ouzo, you and your team are a great bunch of guys why do you have this ugly little retard on your team?

Shows how you don't have class if you have to insult someone by calling them handicapped.

Your one to talk about looks? You have a white streak that runs from the top of your head all the way to the bottom of your ass you stupid skunk.

You want to talk about whining? This coming from the same skunk who a few years back in our cup game in the winter made our team walk off and forfit the game in disgrace because his brother fouled a player in the penalty box (which was a foul). And after that our team was banned from vmsl.

You want to talk about can't play soccer? This is the same skunk who lives in the shadow of his brother on the field and only gets on teams because coaches want his brother and his brother won't play unless they take you.

Honestly, I never had a problem with you until now when you come online out of nowhere and start the hating.

Remember when you play with fire you will get burned and you just got burned.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
No Class.

Alexi said:
Taking the ball off me, are you retarded, I and 90% of this league are much better than you, you suck. Honest you need to learn another sport as this is definetely not your best, please tell me its not your best.....
Inferior forms, lol this coming from a midget that looks like a volcano erupted on his face.
Stahi, seriously, boot this guy from Ouzo, you and your team are a great bunch of guys why do you have this ugly little retard on your team?

All class I see....

One thing to "takethepiss" and it is another to do what you did above.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
What exactly did he do?

MegaPrime has been dishing out the insults for awhile here now. Unless he really is an ugly little midget retard that looks like a volcano erupted on his face, isn't it TTPing?

This place is fcuking whacked.


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Funny shite megafag.

Living in the shadows of his brother lol. I played professional soccer in Greece all by my little self, and in division 1 I scored 8 goals with the Lobbans and we came close to going up to premier, oh lets not forget winning the Greek League scoring title a few years back, anyway why am i explaining myself to you...(jealous???)

You never had a problem, well coming on here and insulting my teammates is tthe same as if you where insulting me, you started this shite not I.

To Phil: I did let this little moron get under my skin a bit too much so Im out after this post, but he did start this not me.
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
This is the same skunk who lives in the shadow of his brother on the field and only gets on teams because coaches want his brother and his brother wont play unless they take you

Megasub, if you were brothers with Schevchenko, I still wouldn't sign you!

On the Ouzo/Poak game. I felt Poak pressed well at the beginning but were unlucky to concede a goal against run of play. Pesch made a difference when he stepped on the field, as he's the only creative player for Ouzo, scoring almost immediately after a miscue from our defense. Denny's a handful, but doesn't really hurt you the way Pesch does. Marco as I've said from day 1 has pace but no smarts and very average skill. His heads always down when he's got the ball. I counted only once in that game where he got the better of Cory. Cory had him in his back pocket for the rest. This was the first time I've ever seen Phil play, and I've been to many ICSF games :rolleyes: Didn't make any mistakes, but any pressure meant a humped ball up field. Not enough composure on the ball, but perhaps it wasn't his natural position. Maybe if he signed for a div. 1 team he'd get some runs and lose the tire. Both teams had chances, but give me a break Ouzo if you think you can compare. Marco hit the crossbar while off balance, again a "smarter" player would've dished it to 1 of 2 players he had waiting infront. And yes you had a 2 on 0 breakaway which our keeper handled easily as they weren't 2 of your better players. I don't count them as breakaway's if it's just Marco running down the side with his head down. I remember we hit 2 inside posts, missed 1 empty net, 1 we chipped the keeper but went just over and Jim with just the keeper to beat from 16yrds. Ouzo have 2 or 3 dangerous players-Denny, Pesch and maybe Marco.

Poa or Poak for top spoils in cup!!


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree with the Inspector but in all honesty either team could have won this game.
The views of MEGA-PRIMATE are just that views of an APE!!!!!

The playoffs should be great and hopefully by then I will be at 100%.

Cheers :D


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
What exactly did he do?

MegaPrime has been dishing out the insults for awhile here now. Unless he really is an ugly little midget retard that looks like a volcano erupted on his face, isn't it TTPing?

This place is fcuking whacked.

You spelled fcuk wrong.

Great piss take, eh? :rolleyes:

Just dont find making fun of someones appearance as being very clever, or appropriate....whether it is true or not.

I know megaprime can handle this on his own, as he did with the skunk comment....but, there is sooooo much more to talk about rather than other peoples appearance.

Let's debate the body check on our keeper.

Let's debate how I still dont know who Inspector Blake is, and laugh at his comments about me hoofing it up.....especially when I was trash talking Alexi as I went around him...granted he never did open his legs up for the meg, but I was looking for it.
I continuously split your forwards from the backline to then dished to Peshy and Denny.
Yes, I did hoof it up on two occasions, as I recall.

My tire, well, TermofGlucose has already come at me with those comments....been there done that. Get original you flake.

Your keeper played well....and easily :rolleyes: handled a 2 on 0.
Yeah, like handling a 2 on 0 can ever be easy.

Both teams had chances, but give me a break Ouzo if you think you can compare
Yes, we both had chances, but you dont think Ouzo can compare to what?
Your team? :confused:

I played professional soccer in Greece all by my little self, and in division 1 I scored 8 goals with the Lobbans

How good is this Pro Greek league that everyone seems to have played in...and all of a sudden they are all playing in the Greek Summer League? And how do you even put Greek Professional and Div 1 Lobbans in the same sentence?????

Looking for a tryout,


PS :Inspector it's with an F, Filippos


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ghost, then you are dumber (can I say that on air :confused: ) than you post.....

I am clearly trying to start a debate, conversation about something other than someones looks.

Go fly a kite.

Great pisstake, I kill myself :wa:


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Dont look for a tryout you wont make it....
Trash talking me? what an idiot, when you pushed me off your goalie I told you if you do that again you and I are gonna have a problem, then you just put your head down like a coward, why? maybe you knew what you did was wrong. I did go into your keeper and apologized for it and got a nice bruise on my back for it also. Now how about when your keeper came out to get the ball and got only me in the head and no call in second half, thats ok though isnt it?
Got passed me, wow you are good, thats why we where all over your D the second half right? or did you forget about that? And honest ive seen you play midfield too and you are not that good.


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Oh and by the way Fil, i did not start the personal insults, your boyfriend megaloser did and i just responded, this is his qoute prior to my (in bad taste, sure) reply :
"I don't listen/taker orders from inferior forms of life that live in a forest and smell bad"


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Alexi said:
Dont look for a tryout you wont make it....
Trash talking me? what an idiot, when you pushed me off your goalie I told you if you do that again you and I are gonna have a problem, then you just put your head down like a coward, why? maybe you knew what you did was wrong. I did go into your keeper and apologized for it and got a nice bruise on my back for it also. Now how about when your keeper came out to get the ball and got only me in the head and no call in second half, thats ok though isnt it?
Got passed me, wow you are good, thats why we where all over your D the second half right? or did you forget about that? And honest ive seen you play midfield too and you are not that good.

Like a coward?

I pushed you off our keeper after you body checked him.
For someone who claims to have played professionally in Greece :rolleyes: , you more than anyone would have full control of your body, and I would recon you deliberatley went hard into our keeper with no intentions of getting the ball. If were another player with lesser skill who hadnt played proffessionally :rolleyes: I could see it as just a lack of skill/respect for another player.
But, coming from a former-pro :rolleyes: it was painfully obvious that you had no chance at the ball.

You talked about doing something, I did something.
Who's the coward?

Now how about when your keeper came out to get the ball and got only me in the head and no call in second half, thats ok though isnt it?
As a former-pro :rolleyes: you know that the goalies are protected more than us players. And the ref was missing calls all over the park, I recall having a chuckle about that with you during the game.

Got passed me, wow you are good, thats why we where all over your D the second half right? or did you forget about that?

You were all over us, true. I never forgot about that. Maybe you missed my previous posts about trying to stop a 5 on 2.

And honest ive seen you play midfield too and you are not that good.
Your right. I never did play professionally in Greece :rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I never went in delibaretely to hurt your keeper and anyone who knows me know that atleast, I know Demo well and would never try to hit him, it was just one of those bad calls that you go in but in the middle of it you realize you shouldnt have, but its to late to stop, kinda like how i got my ligament torn by going in on a stupid challenge when we where up 5-2 vs Panionios and now im still hurt cause of it.

Lets stop this stupid arguing shite im tired of it, we both have respect for eachother and I personally respect and like Ouzo, I have a cousin playing for you guys for gods sake.
I let Kosta get to me and I shouldnt have btu honest he does this shite every year and im tired of it.
It really gets me mad when he puts down the league all the time. I and Stathi and the rest of us put too much time into this for guys like him to be saying shite all the time, gotta go to another dumb meeting in a few to talk about playoffs and the stupid no slide rule im sure.
Its a FUN SUMMER league, we have 60 year olds playing, its a way for the community to get together mostly, there are some good players and good games played, like our game last week, it was a good game to watch I was told, lets keep it fun.


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
Dirty Money
Go fly a kite.

Oh my word!

I think the ttp has a childrens thread maybe you and megahump should jump on in. :D


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Alexi said:
I never went in delibaretely to hurt your keeper and anyone who knows me know that atleast, I know Demo well and would never try to hit him, it was just one of those bad calls that you go in but in the middle of it you realize you shouldnt have, but its to late to stop, kinda like how i got my ligament torn by going in on a stupid challenge when we where up 5-2 vs Panionios and now im still hurt cause of it.

Lets stop this stupid arguing shite im tired of it, we both have respect for eachother and I personally respect and like Ouzo, I have a cousin playing for you guys for gods sake.
I let Kosta get to me and I shouldnt have btu honest he does this shite every year and im tired of it.
It really gets me mad when he puts down the league all the time. I and Stathi and the rest of us put too much time into this for guys like him to be saying shite all the time, gotta go to another dumb meeting in a few to talk about playoffs and the stupid no slide rule im sure.
Its a FUN SUMMER league, we have 60 year olds playing, its a way for the community to get together mostly, there are some good players and good games played, like our game last week, it was a good game to watch I was told, lets keep it fun.

Coward. ;)


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
GHOST said:
Go fly a kite.

Oh my word!

I think the ttp has a childrens thread maybe you and megahump should jump on in. :D

I think u are missing the piss take....rather badly I might add.


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm not missing it at all donkey. You and your boyfriend Mega-Primate are killing me!!!
Piss take? The only one I've seen come from you is out of your mouth.
Now go back to camp and teach your little chimp new tricks. :D

Cheers you should have some time to respond as the only soccer you play is in the summer with a half rate team.

Good luck in the winter. You must really love to practice :D Your lawn chair must be getting worn from sitting on your fat ass on the side line. Can't wait till your next post you half wit part time CHUMP!

BEAT IT!!!!!! or go fly a kite
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