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VMSL Masters Div. 2 (2008/2009)

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May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
Georgie: see you lot on Sunday if yer mudpit of a pitch is actually open. I honestly don't mind Quilchena against teams like yours; compared to Hastings, it's a mucker's paradise, like South Memorial used to be for us. Looking forward to abusing Densky and drinking your beer.

Alla best,


Yes see you Sunday. FYI.....after being moved to Quichena we have mastered the saucer pass so we still play as if on a Silky September Swangaurd Turf:wa:. If you have not seen the pitch for a while, then look out. It's as flat as the beach in Rio after the World Beach Football Championships! Hope your legs are ready to burn.
May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
Killarney 2

I dont have alot to say about this one except we played poorly. Not taking anything away from spurs as they played hard and took their two opportunities. We scored on ourselves from 20 yards....maybe 22 and then fell asleep (or do I mean into a deeper sleep) on their second but well taken. Poor pitch poor play, and a deserved result.

Our first was an own goal as our player barely managed to play it onto the post and then hit their defender and in. First 5 minutes so we decided to sleep. Our second (down 2-1) came from a penalty.

Points back for everyone. Well done killarney but as Stew said on a flat pitch they may have been in trouble. I am not sure about that but thanks for saying it stew. We were that poor today but artially because Killarney came to play and try to get a result.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Westside 2-2 Westside

We weren't supposed to be on the same side but the scheduler had a lot on his mind the day he put together the A and B sides...we could have switched teams or at least evened up the sides at the half with both of us being in the same CAT system, but we didn't.

They are faster than us and they exploited that for the first goal after about 15 on a nice slicing run onto a first-time ball into a dangerous area by big John.

We equalized in the second half and then went up by one on a good followup after a rocket of a shot from Miguel our Peruvian man of the match. They tied it up late and that's how it ended.

A good hard-fought derby, we both had a couple of A players who played Friday night. It would be nice to settle the score in the finals of the league cup, Insha'Allah.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Us 2 Bombastic 2. Why does everybody who can't beat us claim that they played poorly against us?:D No respect at all. It's enough to give a guy a complex...:rolleyes:

Like Georgie said, not pretty, but probably an honest result for both sides' effort levels on the day. Georgie, your field is SHITE!!!! Frozen when we started, and barely playable even after it thawed out.:rolleyes:

I think one of the Marks must have set all Bombastic's clocks ahead 2 hours, because when we got to the park, there were 18 of 'em jogging around already. Looks great when our stragglers saunter in about 2 minutes before the scheduled kick-off. Good thing our ref decided to give the field another 15 minutes to thaw out; it was about the only good decision he made.:rolleyes:

Traded own-goals in the first half; yes, theirs was prettier than ours.:D

2nd half, we pushed a bit harder on a break and were rewarded with an emphatic goal and the only legit one of the game. Looked to be good for us until our sweeper got caught with his leg out a bit further than it had a right to be while inside our box, and Arjun went down like Greg Louganis. Instant peno for what from my perspective looked like at best a very marginal call. Our keeper even showed the ref a letter-perfect copy of the flop, but he wasn't buying.:eek::rolleyes: Game tied up again, and that's the way it finished. Thanks for the brew, Georgie.:D Not sure about the generic low-key advertising approach, but I know we're going to fire our beer guy. Yes, we came to play, but it's geezer ball, man - we come to drink, too...:D

Honestly feel the ref we had should not be doing men's league games. He's too suggestable, and doesn't know how to deal with pressure situations. He needs a couple more years doing games at the U14 level to get a handle on how to deal with stuff that's close to the edge but not quite over.:rolleyes:

Stayed to watch Van Utd. thrash Caribbean who were again shorthanded. It was about 5-0 at the half, and Van Utd. loaned CAI a couple of bodies for the 2nd half to make a game out of it, so I would have thought that it would have ended up just as a forfeit, but the Most Excellent Site shows it as a 5-0 game...

beerz to ya,

May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
Us 2 Bombastic 2. Why does everybody who can't beat us claim that they played poorly against us?:D No respect at all. It's enough to give a guy a complex...:rolleyes:

Like Georgie said, not pretty, but probably an honest result for both sides' effort levels on the day. Georgie, your field is SHITE!!!! Frozen when we started, and barely playable even after it thawed out.:rolleyes:

Looked to be good for us until our sweeper got caught with his leg out a bit further than it had a right to be while inside our box, and Arjun went down like Greg Louganis. Instant peno for what from my perspective looked like at best a very marginal call. Our keeper even showed the ref a letter-perfect copy of the flop, but he wasn't buying.:eek::rolleyes: Game tied up again, and that's the way it finished.

The peno was a peno regardless of how he went down. If Arjuna had not flopped a little the call woudl have been missed by the ref (you yourself opointed out his poor authority). Your Keeper on the other hand was a clown and a half.....but he can play so what do you want right:bronco:

Well Done Killarney and I have to agree our replacement pitch is absolutely shite!!

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Maybe legit, but Arjuna lost all his credibility the second time he was hit by the sniper on the grassy knoll no more than two minutes later.:rolleyes: Yes, he was legitimately fouled, but who needs the histrionics? He's a talented player and shouldn't have to resort to that, shite ref or no.

Our keeper is a non-stop source of entertainment. Like John Belushi on a roll, you're never quite sure where he's going to end up, but don't stop him.:D He's another guy who wears his heart on his sleeve for the team. I'll have to tell him he finally rated a dancing pumpkin on here...

Good luck next week. It looks like we're off until everyone else catches up with us.

May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
NW Reds 1

We were shocking in front of their goal and we got cought sleeping on their goal.

We went down to 10 men at 50 minutes, professional foul last man took him downtop of 18 dead centre about to break in on goal. THey missed the kick.

That seemed to be our wake up call and with 10 men (although giving up a coulple of half chances) we pressed forward hard and berated their box with goal attempts, scrambles that could of resulted in 3 maybe 4 goals if we were either on target or a little more convincing in our attempt. One off the bar as well.

Apparetly Geogie really did save his best for last. Free kick 23 or 24 yards out to the right of their goal. Had a discussion with one of our other players and he didn't feel he could get the ball around the wall with his left foot......so I decided to take it. Up over the wall and dipped into near post. Keeper maybe should have been a little more centred in the goal but the kick was perfect so it would have taken a great save. Whistle blows before we even kick off. 1-1 and a much need point claimed.

I would like to say we were hard done by wiht the draw but we had to sleep in the bed we made. Yes we seriously outchanced New West even with 10 men but they worked hard and played to the strength of their better players.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Lusos 5 Us 1 :mad:

Vent time: by the pre-game commitments from our players, we should have had 13-14 out for this one on a sunny day to finish off the season with a bang. Instead, we have 9 bodies at kick-off and #10 comes straggling in 15 minutes later... WTF???!!!!:mad::mad: No post-game explanations from any of the missing idjits. We need new players...:mad:

Lusos full value for the win; we generated nothing until it was already 5-0 and Howie launched a scud from about 35 that caught their keeper way off his line and dipped amazingly into the top right corner. Lucky Howie - right in front of his new date too.:D

Two penalties against us; one legit, one quite bogus where Mr. Ref was looking at the wrong pair of hands pushing a player out of the way, and just assumed they belonged to one of our guys (they didn't; his teammate was trying to get the ball at the same time and couldn't stop his forward momentum).:rolleyes:

The legit peno was in the 2nd half; one of our guys made a great save on a volley that was headed for the top corner - trouble was, he wasn't our keeper.:rolleyes: He got an early headstart at the cooler, and the Polish Flash came up big and stoned their shooter on the shot.

The result means that there is a logjam for 2nd spot on our side with Team TooManyGuysNamedMark in 1st followed by Roma, Luso, and SFU all 4 points behind, and Celtic 2 further back. All of these except Roma can still finish 1st.

We're done for the season. If anybody running a summer league is looking for teams to fill spots, PM me.

May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
The result means that there is a logjam for 2nd spot on our side with Team TooManyGuysNamedMark in 1st followed by Roma, Luso, and SFU all 4 points behind, and Celtic 2 further back. All of these except Roma can still finish 1st.

We at Bombastic have decied to do our Best Man U impersination:D to make things interesting.:bronco:
May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
So as much as we tried to piss away the title we take it by one point after PCOV play ineligable players and then Celtic can't get it done vs SFU.

So BFC going up from DIV 2 A

Who goes up from DIV 2 B? Are either of the Westside squads eligable seeing the Bulldogs will be coming down?

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Who goes up from DIV 2 B? Are either of the Westside squads eligable seeing the Bulldogs will be coming down?

Nah... Ruben's going to have all 3 of them playing each other next year. Then when the Rangers realize that they're all over 35, there'll be a 4th Westside team. Eventually, they'll assimilate Meralomas, and there will be a 5th Westside team, and then Ruben will throw his hands up in the air and just call it The Westside Division instead of 2B.

Actually, speaking to Frank from Lusos before our last game, they didn't want to get promoted because they didn't have the bodies to make the jump.

...so you bastards would have had it anyway.:D

See you in Squamish. Don't keep us old farts up past our bedtimes.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I think Westside should pick the top squad out of all 4 teams and threaten the league to try and run up the score to double digits every game . . . or maybe they could promote the Rangers and everyone would be happy?

The Ranger

Sep 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Actually, Azzi already offered us at Westside our own league. Here are some of the names he suggested that it be called;

Red Neck League, Capitalist Pigs League or Fraser Institute League
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