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The different approach to the ticket sales between Whitecaps and Sounders


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
The atmosphere at this game is better than games last year in BC Place, and I think it is largely due to the "artificial sell outs". People are closer together, there are no empty sections for cheers to be lost in.

I think the fact that Toronto has yet to come close to making the playoffs, combined with continual increases in ticket prices is why they have attendance issues, which is much different from the Whitecaps.

I'll take Lenarduzzi's comments in regards to opening the lower bowl for playoffs with a grain of salt. He's just posturing to defend their reasoning for not opening it for Becks. Again, if we make the playoffs, and it sells out a week prior (is there a week between end of season and the first playoff game?) It would take a real idiot to not open the extra 5,000 seats.

Seattle continues to not open their entire stadium despite consistent sellouts every game/year.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
RL RCD, I don't think anyone is annoyed that you have an opinion some agree and some disagree with, it's the posting of an 8000 word diatribe every 12 hours on the same rant saying the same thing over and over that's annoying everyone.

We get it, you were frozen out for one game when you had eurosnob relatives in from out of town and you wanted to compare VWFC to Real Madrid and it left a sour taste in your mouth. You don't understand why they don't open seats up for big games but you also probably don't understand the potential pitfalls of any of the following:
1) Staffing increase costs and such for opening up any amount of additional tickets
2) Potential additional emergency services staff (Police, Ambulance, etc) that would accompany an addition x-thousand people
3) Potential for random hooligan quotient that could accompany a "low cost" upper bowl ticket
4) The potential for bad pub and or pissed off fans in Beckham hadn't played (well outside the control of Lennard Bobbaduzzi and co)

etc etc etc.

Can this horse go to the glue factory now that it's been more than tenderized?

JBN......the irony. :D Lean knows all about 'bad' posters apparently.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Man, this stuff wasn't entirely easy to put together...

Here's the Whitecaps "official" attendance figures to date:

march 10Montreal21,000
march 24DC United19,394
april 18KC15,382
april 21Dallas18,027
may 5San Jose19,271
may 19Seattle21,000
june 10Houston18,811
june 16Colorado19,166
june 20New York20,060
july 18LA21,000
july 22San Jose20,112

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