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Sir Alex!


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
For all you Man U haters!

Subject: Sir Alex

Alex Ferguson is the one of the guests of honour at the Miss World Beauty pageant. During the interval all the guests and contestants are mingling over drinks. Sir Alex is besieged by three of the most
beautiful women in the world.

Miss Venezuela pops the first question. "Sir Alex, I admire your management skills and all you have achieved and the trophies you have won."
Sir Alex acknowledges her flattering remark, but she
then lowers the left strap of her dress and reveals her left breast and says, "Can you autograph this please?" Sir Alex now bemused, duly obliges.

Miss Croatia pops the second question. "Sir Alex, I admire the way you play psychological games with your opponents even before you play them."
Sir Alex acknowledges her flattering remark, but she then lowers the right strap of her dress and reveals her right breast and says,
"Can you autograph this please?" Sir Alex, again bemused, duly obliges.

Miss Argentina pops the third question. "Sir Alex, I admire the way you motivate your players and shield them like they were your own sons."
Sir Alex acknowledges her flattering remark, but she then lifts up her dress and reveals the fact she is wearing no underwear at all and is completely shaved, and says, "Can you autograph this please."

Sir Alex totally gobsmacked by now says,
"Hang on a minute love, no, no, no! Last time I signed a bald Argentinean c**t it cost me 28 million!"

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