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Premier Premier Christmas Wish List


New Member
Nov 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Seeing as we don't have any games for a few weeks I thought we could all spread a little christmas cheer amongst us TTPer's. So put in your 2 cents whether it be serious or not about what you would like for christmas.Here's my list!

1. New shooting boots for Luc
2. Rogaine for Aves
3. 'D' grade plywood sanded both sides
4. Black polish for Pornstar's silver boots
5. Blond highlights for Danny Bonaduce's bright red mop
6. New jersey for Chilliwack's keeper (what's with the pink?)
7. Straight jacket for unruly Peg players
8. Season's tickets to all the Poco lads for our home games
9. Changerooms and showers for all
10. New camera for Yoda;)

Cheers! :D


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I hope Geu draws the div 1 Rangers first round in the pak cup, I would also like to see Pau and Poco get handed upsets by div 1 teams in the Pak cup.
I would love a new pair of boots, maybe Jimmy Grimble can help me out.
But most importantly I would like to see the end of the season to get even tighter in the point race causing the first through fourth place slots to all come down to the last game.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I would like to see more FVSLers become Premium Members :D

Oh, and for RF to lose some weight... his cholesterol levels are beginning to worry me...

Cheers Guys,



New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd like to see more ethnic based teams in the Valley. Like Delta Italia, Surrey Romania, Fraser Heights Croatia, Aldergrove South Americans, POCO Korean Kickers FC...

I suppose that Christmas wish will not kick in for a couple of more years...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
wish list

1. I would love to hear sqeaky's voice chearing for GEU from the sidelines.
2. I would love to play Langley every weekend.
3. I would love to see how good PAU will be when they add another 5 vmsl players.
4. I would love to see Luc and Sid on the same thread at the same time.
5. I would love to see Allan Solk(coach) with a head full of hair and a perm.
6. I would love to see that Peg player headbutt Scottie Kerr.
7. I would love to be able to save GN before they reach the bottom.
8. I would love to find a shortcut to Chilliwack that no-one knows about.
9. I would love to have some competition on this side of the bridge.
10. And finally I would love to be able to play soccer,ttp the crap out of each other and yes drink lots of beer 7 days a week.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Hmmmm for Christmas...

Being that it is the Christmas season and it is better to give than receive. Hmmmmm, let me think, what do we wish for a friendly guy, like say, HOS.

I got it- I wish for HOS the invention of a new type of velcro-like goalee kit with gloves, shirt, web-like shorts to cut down the five-hole and sox, with magnet like tendencies and sticking ability such that the ball can never again give up a rebound to an opposing striker.

:wa: :wa: :wa:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh, Oh

Oops!!!! I guess it isn't known yet but Khalsa is trying to trade the HOSser to GN and I guess it isn't a done deal yet.

Something about the flesh of a HOS being unclean or something like that.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Santa Dude is comming to town....

It’s getting closer to that time of the year again, and Santa Dude has lot’s of gifts for all the good boys and girl of TTP. I know…I know…no need to thank me! I just have lots-o-love in this TTP heart-of-hearts!

· Cainy & Guinness: a pair of custom PAU stilts.
· Mrs. Guinness: Dude. No need to say thank-you.
· Skip: subscription of Playboy. Anything to help him kick his obsession for Latin male singers. I’d get you Penthouse, Skip, but they do show the occasional penis in there, and after all, we don’t want you “falling off the wagon”.
· Yoda: Joke Book. Hell, a case of Joke Books.
· TheRob AND Yoda: very scary costumes for next Halloween. I know…I know…mission impossible, you say…
· Fat Monkey: a Brazilian wax job, and a whole lot of morphine.
· Fastshow: the Queen herself- God save her.
· I_Love_Sheep: a copy of “Hooked on Phonics”, and a grade 3 education. If you’re a good boy and pass the 3rd grade, I may even foot the bill for a grade 4 education (put that one down as one of “Santa’s promises he’ll never have to fulfill”).
· Next to God: turf.
· HOS: Urdu for dummies, so he can understand what his teammates are saying.
· Rangerforever: a new vault to stash all of Kelly O’Bryan’s cash, because the first one is overfull. Love those Pachos!
· KNVB: big bag of my old socks. Actually, make that half a bag…I still need some…
· Captain: a beer, because I don’t think he’s ever had one.
· Screw You Captain: a date with my sister in law. (Can I watch? Please?)
· Coach: Prozak.
· Ballbaby: see Fat Monkey’s gift.
· Reccos: a stack of Calvin Klein underwear ads to put up on his bead room wall.
· Demo: I’d give you stilts, but I already sent those to PAU. I’d give you the Brazilian wax job, but I don’t think there’s enough wax on the planet to take care of Fat Monkey, Ballbaby, AND you. You get an Umbro “Republic of Ireland” fleece sweatshirt…because I know how much you love the Irish. Besides, I have about 8 of these fcuking things…
· Skytrain: a new PCL, MCL, and ACL, to be delivered ASAP, PDQ, LMNOP.
· Regs: what do you get the man who has everything? How about a unlimited helping hands in helping organize the first ever TTP Champions League?
· GN Sport: box of mittens.
· SFC Peg: a hope and a prayer.

Anyone I’ve forgotten, the permission to buy Dude a beer at the Kelly O’Bryan’s X-Mass bash!

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
A toss-up between Div. 1 and the Valley

Originally posted by Regs

HOS doesn't play in the FVSL. Though, perhaps, he should... :eek:


They both are so shitty, I've decided to pack my bags and Head for the potential "B" Cup Champs and a trip to P.G.

HOS hopes he sees the Hoops in Imperial Cup this Year, that's all I want Santa, one more shot at my Old Reggy, can I get off your knee now, and what is that poking me in the back :eek:


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