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Nov 18 Referee meeting, suggestion box


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I gotta agree with HV.

Great that Fat monkey, Cainy and the refs took the time to improve the game in the valley.

Dialogue always will bring improvements.

Keep up the good work boys.

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Just to prove how human they (we) are.

I'm sure everyone has wondered what a referee thinks when he leaves the park, whether he thought he missed a call or he was unfair to one team or the other. Trust me when I say they are as critical on themselves as the players. They are well aware of possible blown calls and potential "hot spots" during games that they could have dealt with early to avoid problems later.

I know most players think they just collect a paycheque and go home, but it really isn't like that. Most try to improve on current knowledge, take an annual refresher course and maintain a certain fitness level required of FIFA.

It's too bad players don't want to take referee's course and learn the rules as they exist. I think the complaining would be reduced significantly if they understood why the ref called what he called. As an example, in a game I refereed two weeks ago, a player from team A complained that the team B wasn't allowed to substitute on team A's goal kick.:rolleyes: Pick up a rule book people.

Thanks to Cainy for allowing my input to the meeting, and to the referees who provided valuable input and suggestions to the players. Maybe we can make this an annual event.:eek:

Monkey with two hats.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Well Done

Thanks to Cainy and Fat Monkey.

I know reffing is hard and I wouldn't want to do it myself but we have to treat the refs with more respect. Even if they are doing a bad job.
Apparently there aren't many new refs coming up through the lines to take over when we are finished pissing the current ones off, so we better ease off a little.

Eveyone knows that refs remember all teams they ref. If you piss them off once before then you've already put your team at a dissadvantage. I know it's not supposed to be that way but it is.

Why yell at a ref anyways. I have never had a ref say " You know what, you're right and I'm wrong, I'm going to change me call"
So why bother?

I hope TheRob is reading Cainy's post right now.



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Fat Monkey
It's too bad players don't want to take referee's course and learn the rules as they exist. I think the complaining would be reduced significantly if they understood why the ref called what he called.

Maybe the money people pay for fines should go towards them sitting in a referees course before they can resume playing again?
I can say this because I never have to sit out because of cards.

[Monkey with two hats.

It always helps to have someone on both sides of the coin.

Cheers again FM and Cainy for representing us all.


Nov 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks to Cainy & Fat Monkey for coming to our meeting on Monday night.It went down very well.Most people probably don't know this, but this is not the first time this has been done.It has been done at least 4 times in the last 7 or 8 years.Previous guest have included Dave Woodward,Martin Foden & John Deacon.The last coach to come out was Peter Skelton in 1999.These were ,of course,pre-TTP days so it was not as widely known then as it is now.
Previous areas of concern (amongst others) have been
- Poor preparation of fields (lines,nets etc...)
- Disruptive people on the sidelines
- Foul language
- Bad tackles
- late arrivals (refs & players)
- Ref not keeping up with the game
- Things are different when the ref is being assessed.

Perhaps I should allow people to express their views (within reason of course) on these particular topics before posting what came out of the meeting with regards to these.
Enjoy your games this weekend


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by PNE

Previous areas of concern (amongst others) have been
- Poor preparation of fields (lines,nets etc...)
- Disruptive people on the sidelines
- Foul language
- Bad tackles
- late arrivals (refs & players)
- Ref not keeping up with the game

These are all common concerns obviously.

Poor prep. or CONDITION of fields for example is important to me as a coach/player, a recent game vs. GEU Cat (No offence to the GEU boys) for example we played on a field that was unbelievably pot holed and molehilled. (yes worse than our brown road!). Lucky to escape injury PLUS the game flow is disrupted by poor bounces. Haven't had any problems with lines or nets (other than Brown road in Langley having lines accross the pitch from mini-soccer).

Disruptive people on the sidelines. Theres always some ass, if they are drinking send them away, warn the team that they are supporting, or make it the coaches responsibilty. I myself as a coach don't tolerate any asses on the sidelines on my side of the field, if they are friends of a player I tell them to shut up, go home or keep their remarks related to the match. If its a player of mine they get a stiff warning. I find no place on the SIDE of the pitch for trash talk, ref bashing or foul mouths....

Foul Language? doesnt really bother me though when aimed at the ref in any severety it should warrant a yellow.

Bad Tackles? Simple like the rulebook states. intent to injure = red, seems easy to call from the sidelines.

Late arrivals. Refs should pay a monetary penalty, since the ones that are late probably care about that the most.
Players, should HAVE to check in with ref.

As for the ref not keeping up with the game, in the Cat division this is a horrible problem. With no linesmen present, offside calls are hit and miss if the ref isn't in position. As a team that plays the trap this year has been frustrating. I would gladly pay the extra dough to have linesmen/women


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Playing the trap without linseman is not an intelligent strategy and foul language towards a referee should be an automatic red.

Here is a suggestion for players, if you have a referee that has had poor performances in the past, go into the game expecting bad calls and then the good ones will be a surprising bonus.:D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Here is a suggestion for players, if you have a referee that has had poor performances in the past, go into the game expecting bad calls and then the good ones will be a surprising bonus.

Hereby known as the Tin Po strategy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Milhouse
Playing the trap without linseman is not an intelligent strategy and foul language towards a referee should be an automatic red.

Its not exactly a strategy I use, but when your last man back steps up, to clearly place a striker offside and the ref is 50 yards back it would be helpfull to have linesmen. My point was that I would pay for them, not whether or not my strategy or lack of was intelligent.

As for foul language towards the ref there are varying degrees. Theres' "HEY REF THAT WAS BULLSH*T" and "HEY REF YOUR A F*CKING JOKE"

the latter of which deserves a toss.


New Member
Nov 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Just read through this thread and thought was excellent, good job done by all involved. Wondering though if a meeting like this shouldn't be an annual event with representatives from clubs,not just individual teams, and be held at the beginning of the season. That way any new ideas could be implemented at the start of a season rather than a third if the way in, much the way pro leagues do (ie: NHL) to improve the quality and enjoyment of the game for all.

P.S. Just some thoughts from an aging keeper who likes the fact that ref's protect us because we are a sensitive bunch!!


Nov 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Does anybody else have anything to say about the areas of concern in a game & what they think the biggest problems are?
Millsy make a good point about ref/coaches meetings.However I believe that this is what league meetings are for & a member of our executive is supposed to be there;as are all coaches.Maybe it doesn't happen but it's supposed to.This way general things like law changes would get passed on.Meetings like the one we just had could still take place or maybe clubs could invite referees to their meetings.I think it's important to listen to what players have to say about referees & as long as we are all honest with each other we can certainly help to improve all aspects of the game.
Have a good week-end

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