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Inside the TTP Closet: At War With Reality

Which of these would you like to see in the closet?

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Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Lame Excuses-Excuses in general have become weak and overworn. Excuses will always be necessary but Instead of throwing out a meek, "I forgot" or "the cheque is in the mail" or "I don't post enough to warrant a premium membership" I want people to be more more creative. There are several ways to spice up an excuse and make the world a better place. Two of my favorites are:Creative Lying, and Extreme Sarcasm. Creative Lying can be used in different ways but you always have to be relentless when using this style. For example, if you steal something of your roommates and they confront you about it, just say, "I found it in Surrey". If they want you to clean the frying pan you just used tell them you have Dish-cleaningphobia. And never give in. It's always worth it to use more energy avoiding something than it is to do it. Especially dishes. As a famous supermodel once said, "Dishes lick!". Extreme Sarcasm is a fun method to employ. A good example when this might be used is the recent Todd Bertuzzi incident. Instead of saying, "I didn't mean to do it", Todd could have gone the other way and said sarcastically, "Ya, I really meant to cave his face in, have him fall face first onto the ice, crack two vertebrae, have the media freak out in epic proportions, be globally demonized, get suspended for the rest of the season and the playoffs, reduce my team's Stanley Cup chances, disappoint the Canucks owner and organization, have the police investigate me and generally be seen as an asshole world-wide". Using an exagerrated grimace immediately after the statement will enhance the effect. Into the closet with weak excuses and bring on the bullshit.

Panel Job Interviews-You know the type of interview where you sit before a panel, usually three people, and they put you through the ringer by asking you annoying questions for two straight hours. My last such interview was when I applied for an astronaut position with NASA. I go there and they are asking me shite like, "Why do you want to be an astronaut?". I tell the truth and say, "Well, ever since I seen that fcuking monkey fly that rocket into orbit I have had a dream. A dream to be the smartest monkey ever in space. Have you seen my scores on Monkey Lander? Plus, I seen that German Shepherd the Russians sent up back in the '60s and I am way more qualified than that knob". Then, one fellow asked me if I knew anything about electronics and I thought he said ebonics so I'm like, "Yo, what up G? Why you dogging me, man? shite, I just wanna lay the funk down and y'all aksing me cracker questions like I never seen no rocket ship be-fo". Later, I figured I'd be brave and turn the tables on the panel by asking them a few questions. I ask some brush-cut, uniformed guy what his qualifications were. He gives me a sneer and says, "I am an air-force pilot, war hero, Doctor of Aerospace Engineering and I have been to the goddamn moon, boy!". I said, "Well, woopity-do. You have a shocking lid and if you haven't played Division 2 Metro League then you're one down on me Luke Skywalker. It's good that you're in the military though. If it wasn't for the army who would fcuk all the ugly chicks?".Then I turn to the next guy and say, "Admiral Ass-Clown, prepare my Star Destroyer. I want the Millenium Falcon found now". That didn't seem to go over too well. I gave them three references, Fastshow, my Mom and that orangutan, Buddy, from the zoo but I haven't heard back from then. Man, those interviews are tough. Get rid of 'em.

Alien Abductions-What is with these alien species coming to earth and abducting human specimens for their experiments? If they want to anal-probe someone all they have to do is dress up in an orange Seaquam top with stretchy, light-blue warm up pants and head down to Davie Street with Knvb on a Friday night. Instead, half the Rednecks in the U.S. and Canada are now questioning their sexuality. Stupid aliens, leave the poor hicks alone.They have enough problems trying to get on the Price is Right.

PMS Pussyfooting-Well, we all know what PMS is. Even if you are male and will never experience the actual symptons you know what they are. It can be difficult to deal with a woman PMSing but I say we stop pussyfooting around, stop walking on eggshells and "embrace the attack" as they say in Kung-Fu. If you know a woman is irritable then instead of avoiding the issue take the other route and press her hot buttons. Wind her up with stuff like, "Oh, red tide out today, huh? Warrning! Warning! All males in the evacuate area immediately, go to pub and drink beer", "Are the painters in today cause you sure are grouchy?", "Aw, diddums. Are you feeling bloated and crampy and grumpy and cranky?". Let's take the power back! Of course, I'm not married so other people might have a different perspective on this one.

The Atkins Diet-Great idea here. Let's minimize our fruit and vegetable intake (necessary for proper functioning of our organs) and gorge ourselves on obscene amounts of flesh and fat so we can lose weight. Of course in the process our risk of heart disease fcuking skyrockets, our energy level is up and down like Sid on Roy Keane and our intestines are lined with morbid amounts of decaying animal matter putting incredible stress on our bodies filtering systems. Also, it's been well documented that if North Americans reduced their beef intake by just ten percent we could use the massive amounts of land needed for raising livestock to grow enough grain and other foodstuffs to eradicate famine in Africa. Instead, we dramatically increase our beef intake because some twat who died of heart disease brought on by his own shitty diet has convinced people its a great way to lose weight while still eating all the crap food they are addicted to. Save cows and people and send the Atkins Diet into the closet.

How the hell do I add a poll?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Lame Excuses....... I would tend to agree with you though excuses, per se, don't really get on my wick at all. When you look and behave the way I do, excuses are par for the course, you see. The excuses on TTP for not forking out $35 per to become Premium Members are the lowest form of excuse from the lowest form of pond scum. That lot should be banished to the Uglyfootballers.com Closet to a Luc Van Lierde never-ending soundtrack of tedious shite. In they get.

Panel Job Interviews........ I've never been interviewed for a panel job so I shouldn't really comment. I will though. When I got back from my second tour of 'Nam, the Americans wanted me to head a special task force charged with infiltrating the Viet Cong's inner sanctum (like an inner circle but with more a sanctum shape) given my Vietnamese ancestry, knowledge of Tae Bo, my ability to perform rather good bunny-hops on my Factory Kuwahara, and fluent Finnish. Didn't get the job did I? Wasn't a job interview conducted by anyone sat on a panel. They were sitting on chairs. As I said, I've never been interviewed for a panel job. In fact, I'm unemployable. Can't bother the TTP Closet with this one, I'm afraid.

I'm constantly afraid.

Alien Abductions- I keep elaborate wallcharts detailing the number of alien abduction cases around the world. Last year alone (1988), 167,435,975 Americans claimed to have been abducted by aliens. This number is quite large. Like most Americans, then. Last year in Burkina Faso, for instance, one alien abduction was filed with the Burkinese Alien Abduction (and animal hospice) Association of Faso. One! Turns out he was away in the UAE playing football against Canada in the World Youth Cup. Fcuking Canadian aliens beat them didn't they? Bless. Load of bollocks, aliens. Why do they bring these cnuts back? Keep 'em is what I say. I also like to say, 'cnut, arse, cnuty-bollocks', particularly while in the company of members of the clergy.

PMS Pussyfooting- Dunno 'bout this one either, matey. My new beloved is currently on the blob and it hasn't stopped us from puffing and panting away under the duvet. Duvets are a bastard to hang up to dry at the best of times but try getting one over the clothesline when you're working in tandem with a pre-menstrual bird who's a foot shorter than you and full of raging emotions and I wish you the best of luck. I ended up chucking the thing in the garden, telling her she's put on at least a stone in weight since we first fell in love two weeks ago and that her diet of wine, Dairy Milk, and Sex and the City was doing nothing for her already acne-ravaged complexion. Fcuking dizzy bint only whined and pined all night under my bedroom window asking to be let back in the house. Even the dog was fcuked off at the racket she was making from the rhododendron shrubs she ended in when I lost my rag (literally and figuratively, of course) and hoyed her in the direction of the forsythia I planted last weekend. Green thumbs are better than red.

The Atkins Diet- Load of cobblers idea made for people for whom the idea of ingesting a tablet with which one can lose weight, quit smoking, find Jesus, become a better driver, and end world famine is a plausible notion as well. I've already lost 18 pounds using the good Doctor's vanguard diet. Still struggling to end world famine but eating loads of cheese and I'm having a few drams with Jesus this evening at the Dog and Duck after driving school. Trouble with Jesus is that he's always cadging fags off me. Cheeky cnut.


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