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Div 1 [FVSL D1] Results & Banter 2010/2011

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I don't imagine the 20+ squad enjoyed the manager saying he would only keep 7-8 of them prior to the game. Probably found out a few hours before game time he only had about 7 or 8 players who wanted to play anymore.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
So why did you guys not show up to the game???? We were actually looking forward to playing you guys (acbc). It would also be nice if your coach gives us more then a few ours notice that you will not be showing up.... Good luck the rest of the way !!!!

Not enough players to field a full squad. Whether it was work, etc.etc. Like I said commitment issues. I was actually looking forward to play some solid Div.1 teams, but I guess others weren't. I would usually give you guys more than a couple hours notice, but unfortunately 9 players called at 4pm saying they couldn't make it. Not much one can do there.

If you want to play ACBC call Ghouse, and play the ACBC Premier team cause that's the only ACBC team in this league right now. The fact the Div.1 team says ACBC and that players might wear the uniform doesn't mean anything and its just cosmetic right now cause the league didn't approve the name change.


I don't imagine the 20+ squad enjoyed the manager saying he would only keep 7-8 of them prior to the game. Probably found out a few hours before game time he only had about 7 or 8 players who wanted to play anymore.

It's true too, I only had 7-8 players, go figure. But I never said who exactly the 7-8 were. So technically they didn't know if they were in 7-8 or not. So by that fact, it shouldn't have been an issue. They should have all shown up thinking they were in the 7-8. :)


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Ahmad took over the ACBC Div 1 Spot at Xmas from me because I have a new Baby Girl and a New Job.
My Wife gave me the ORDER...1 Team only!.
So Ahmad said he would do his best to run ACBC Div 1 and finnish off the season, till he can officially take over, after the season is over, and he then can change the name/club/Kit. And Turn ACBC Div 1 Into Another BC United team.
I think the problems he is faceing right now is exactly the problems I faced with our Div 1 team every week. I had to drive/pickup and dropoff at least half the team every game to make 11. A bunch of Lazy ass MF's. I warned all the players that I would be leaveing at Xmas and they would need to get thier shite together...Ahmad was warned too that the guys I had on my team were good(Obviously)but needed to be cared for like children. I have a Baby now and I can tell you the guys on the Div 1 ACBC team are almost the same...Just Bigger Babys!...
Ahmad I think didnt realize that I wasnt kidding when I said that he would need to really go the extra mile to finnish the season.
I do know Ahmad loves his Club and is not at fault. I know he is trying real hard to get the what ...30 guys signed ...out to play to finnish the season.
But what I do know is...If you want those lazy ass bitches to play..you have to go to thier house and knock on the door and put thier boots on them and drive them to the game...Oh and a Bananna or 2 wouldnt hurt...for real..I fed them fruit because they often cryed they couldnt play because they hadnt eaten anything that day..? go figure......Oh and yes we won the Provincials with those Babys.
So the moral of the Story is...If you wanna have a Great team and win Championships you as a Coach/Manager have to go the Extra Mile to push your team down that road.
Well thats how I did it anyways....Face it..Most real good ..and I mean real good players ...are Babys! (in thier each own way)
I miss the days where everyone pays the same and drives themselves to each and every practice/game.
LOL I Guess I created a Monster........But I have the Trophys to go with them.;)
Good Luck Ahmad...dont give up. All those guys will have to play somewhere and guess what..they will have to change to do it....


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I don't understand why N10H would take your team... as an insurance policy? as a chance to ensure D1 football next year?

As it sits now, unless N10H pulls a rabbit out of his hat, ACBC D1 will finish in the bottom rung of D1 and under the re-alignment will have a team in D2 (ACBC D1) D3 (BCU "A") and D4 (BCU "B")

However his BCU A team in our Div 2b, is tied with us on points and if they win their game in hand on us will be better than us in the standings should they win out and we also win out... however they have 2 tough makeup games, we have 1 (them). If they stay up he will have 2 teams in the new Div 2... that makes ZERO sense!

If I was him I wouldn't have stretched myself so thin, I would have waited out the year to acquire that D1 team or I would have basically abandoned my Div 2B or 3B side and transferred everyone up to the D1 team to ensure they stay in D1.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
Thanks Rich. It's also really a testament to your patience and love for ACBC that you were able to put up with some of these guys and also win with some of these players. I think most of those you won with are with you in Premier though. :) I think now some of these players will realize how good you were to them. Crazy how that works.
Anyways, my patience is unfortunately is really thin in this matter, once I find replacements it will be adios muchachos for many.
At some point players have to act, play, carry themselves like men. That entails feeding themselves, paying for fees, getting yourself to games, and so on. And if you can't commit to 1-game a week, then don't commit then. Let the team go find another goalie, or defender and so on. Don't get why some players don't get that.

JBN, the ACBC Div.1 spot was gone this year one way or the other, so it couldn't have waited til next year. And honestly, I didn't expect how bad the team got when a couple Premier players were signed back up. Really there are some good players on the Div.1 team there that should be able to hold out in Div.1, and at least pick up an occausional win here or there. Or at least look at it as an opportunity to earn a starting spot now that the Prem players are gone. But no, it worked the other way. Problem is what Ghouse said and also when those Premier players left, the rest said to themselves "there goes the season" and shut off, and all of the problems that were festering before with some players just boiled over.

In hindsight, maybe should have transferred more players up (though i've already transferred 3 and signed 3 new players) and maybe let some Div.3 players finish out the Div.2b season via call-ups. But again I didn't think the Div.1 team would have degraded or gotten that weak that quickly. Anyways, couple more games this season and then it's see you later for many.

And with Div.2, even with those games in hand, and even if we beat you next game, that's no guarantee, as the Knights have 2 wins on us. So it will depend on how the league decides tie breakers, cause it will be a weird situation cause we would have 2 wins on you guys, knights have 2 wins on us, you have 2 wins on the knights. It almost looks like a 3-way tie.

Anyways, lot of things can happen in the off season, teams fold, spots come up for purchase, other teams join clubs, so you never know. There might be a Div.1 team that says were not ready for the new Div.1 and wants to trade up their Div.1 spot for one of our Div.2 spots and so on.
One of the goals this year was to get the team I had this year in Div.2 was to at the least stay in the New Div.2 and one way or the other that will happen. One positive is that the Div.1 team will add 8-9 solid Div.1 players to the BC United for next season maybe more if guys smarten up, which should make the team/club even stronger for next season.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
And with Div.2, even with those games in hand, and even if we beat you next game, that's no guarantee, as the Knights have 2 wins on us. So it will depend on how the league decides tie breakers, cause it will be a weird situation cause we would have 2 wins on you guys, knights have 2 wins on us, you have 2 wins on the knights. It almost looks like a 3-way tie.

We control our own destiny. If we win out we can't be caught. We have 5 make up games. 2 x Bullets, 1 x Whalley, 1 x SFC Caps, 1 x BCU A. that would give us an additional 15 points and put us at 15 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss, and a total of 46 points.

if you beat us and win out the title's yours... we would be 14-1-3 with 43 points and you'd have 14-1-3 but you'd have beaten us twice and a better gf vs ga ratio... If GEU can win out they're 14-1-3 but we've beaten them twice and they have (currently) a poorer gf v ga ratio as us.. putting them third place... however we have 3 relatively "easy games" against the bullets and whalley, so if we can have big scorelines there we will prevail over GEU... but you will still have first place according to the Constitution:
The team having the highest number of points in each of the divisions of the League shall be declared the winner in the respective division. In the event of a tie in points, the position of the teams will be determined in the following order:

(i) record against the other team or teams; or, if still tied

(ii) goals for and against versus the other team or teams; or, if still tied

(iii) a playoff between the team or teams.


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Dirty Money
Thanks Rich. It's also really a testament to your patience and love for ACBC that you were able to put up with some of these guys and also win with some of these players. I think most of those you won with are with you in Premier though. :) I think now some of these players will realize how good you were to them. Crazy how that works.
Anyways, my patience is unfortunately is really thin in this matter, once I find replacements it will be adios muchachos for many.
At some point players have to act, play, carry themselves like men. That entails feeding themselves, paying for fees, getting yourself to games, and so on. And if you can't commit to 1-game a week, then don't commit then. Let the team go find another goalie, or defender and so on. Don't get why some players don't get that.

JBN, the ACBC Div.1 spot was gone this year one way or the other, so it couldn't have waited til next year. And honestly, I didn't expect how bad the team got when a couple Premier players were signed back up. Really there are some good players on the Div.1 team there that should be able to hold out in Div.1, and at least pick up an occausional win here or there. Or at least look at it as an opportunity to earn a starting spot now that the Prem players are gone. But no, it worked the other way. Problem is what Ghouse said and also when those Premier players left, the rest said to themselves "there goes the season" and shut off, and all of the problems that were festering before with some players just boiled over.

In hindsight, maybe should have transferred more players up (though i've already transferred 3 and signed 3 new players) and maybe let some Div.3 players finish out the Div.2b season via call-ups. But again I didn't think the Div.1 team would have degraded or gotten that weak that quickly. Anyways, couple more games this season and then it's see you later for many.

And with Div.2, even with those games in hand, and even if we beat you next game, that's no guarantee, as the Knights have 2 wins on us. So it will depend on how the league decides tie breakers, cause it will be a weird situation cause we would have 2 wins on you guys, knights have 2 wins on us, you have 2 wins on the knights. It almost looks like a 3-way tie.

Anyways, lot of things can happen in the off season, teams fold, spots come up for purchase, other teams join clubs, so you never know. There might be a Div.1 team that says were not ready for the new Div.1 and wants to trade up their Div.1 spot for one of our Div.2 spots and so on.
One of the goals this year was to get the team I had this year in Div.2 was to at the least stay in the New Div.2 and one way or the other that will happen. One positive is that the Div.1 team will add 8-9 solid Div.1 players to the BC United for next season maybe more if guys smarten up, which should make the team/club even stronger for next season.

Rat fink, take this bs to another thread. We don't care.



Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
You keep saying I signed the Premier guys up????
We won the Provincials last year...In June>>>Way after I signed my Guys up ......just like this year.
We signed guys up and won Provincials ..How clear is that...JUST LIKE THIS YEAR!
The 3 guys that played down this year only played a hand full of games and were never the reason We were in 2nd place at Xmas.
Everyone knows who we had signed down for extra games and KNEW they would be moveing up in January.
This excuse that we signed players up is a week excuse for dropping these games.
These games were dropped because the players need someone to hold thier hands.
What Ahmad should have done was swapped everyone with his div 2 team...they could then have stole enough points to stay up in Div 1...
We were in second place at that point...a few stolen points would have ment everything.
I dont think Ahmad really believed that not everyone is as keen as he or I and JBN are. Good teams are alot of work.
Anyways..Ahmad is trying and loves his club and they will somehow squeeze out the rest of the year and better prepair for next year.
But not in Div 1. :(


Oct 17, 2009
Dirty Money
Pak round 1

DFC 1 - Guildford 3

Revenge is sweet, and we took it to them tonight. Our team was out for it tonight to take back the three points that were stolen from us earlier in the year by DFC. We went up 3 in the first half and coasted the rest of the game. Its too bad we couldn't pump more past them, and a fairer score line would have been 5-1. DFC works hard but the difference in class and talent was shown tonight. Goodnight and of on to Red Devils...and hopefully this time we can play them with a full squad and move on to the later rounds!


Jan 15, 2006
Dirty Money
watched some of the wr vs fvrd game last night and a player on wr looked to of broke his leg for taken to hospital. Just wanted to say hope his recovery goes well did not look good


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
few weeks remaining, relegation battle is quite tight right now, 3 bottom teams as of right now will be going down for sure, who the next 3 will be is still to be decided, however the loser of us vs acbc this weekend will also be going down. its gonna be a huge game sunday at burnaby lake. 26 (pts) looks like the magic number right now, so really 7th to 13th is still open, obviously rangers should be safe needing only 1 win out of 5 remaining games to be safe. the next few weeks will be very interesting for the teams in question because other than the rangers we all only have 1 or 2 games left and after that its up to the other results. looking back at earlier games this year where stupid points were lost, those games are now coming back to haunt a lot of teams... first place has yet to be decided as well, will be quite an interesting finish to div 1 in the valley this year...


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
few weeks remaining, relegation battle is quite tight right now, 3 bottom teams as of right now will be going down for sure, who the next 3 will be is still to be decided, however the loser of us vs acbc this weekend will also be going down. its gonna be a huge game sunday at burnaby lake. 26 (pts) looks like the magic number right now, so really 7th to 13th is still open, obviously rangers should be safe needing only 1 win out of 5 remaining games to be safe. the next few weeks will be very interesting for the teams in question because other than the rangers we all only have 1 or 2 games left and after that its up to the other results. looking back at earlier games this year where stupid points were lost, those games are now coming back to haunt a lot of teams... first place has yet to be decided as well, will be quite an interesting finish to div 1 in the valley this year...

3 teams relegated? Isn't next year gonna be 10 teams in div 2, 4 being promoted from this years div 2 making it 10 teams, no?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Looking at that bubble... it's tough...

TWU will beat the Dynamo... Putting them up top with 42 points, which means even if FVRD win out they'll fall 1 point short.
I see the Rangers finishing as high as 4th, but certainly safe...they have too many games in hand...

I'll predict the following 6 teams coming down: LUFC Dynamo, ACBC B, Coyotes, Stolo, WRU, Marga.

I'll go out on a limb and say that Peace Arch B and Razorbacks are the bubble at 9th and 10th... Dynamo only falling as I can't see them beating TWU and SFC Rangers, sorry Arty ;)

So next year:
Prem: PAU, Pomo, Poco, LUFC, GEU, ACBC, Abby, ND, Chilli/Mission, TWU
D1: Aldergrove A, FVRD, PoCo Revs, PoMo, SFC Guildford, Sentinel, ND SC, Rangers, Razorback, PAU B
D2: LUFC Dynamo, ACBC B, Coyotes, Stolo, WRU, PAU Nomads, GEU Inter, Abby SC, GEU Knights, LUFC Young Guns (note: I have Marga relegated to D3 or folding...)
D3 & 4, meh.. even I don't have time to list that...
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