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EWL Canada Debut


New Member
Mar 1, 2013
Dirty Money
Release 3/1/2013

After countless months and consideration we at Elite Women's League Canada EWLC for short have decided to form the first ever professional Canadian women's league. Our motivation behind this is to provide the out most best atmosphere for talent in the soccer would here in Canada. Along with providing a cost effective and entertaining brand of soccer.

We are excited about the growth that this league could bring to Canadian talent and to introduce women's soccer into markets not formerly known for soccer markets.

For potential partners and franchies we will be providing a cost effective way to run your business to maximize your profits.

For players this league will be made of most Canadian talent however will be allowing imports as well.

Official logo and website to come in the weeks and months to come.

For more information please feel free to contact us at:


Thanks and take care,



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
ECW... when's the first barb-wire match?

Horrible name for a league but good luck none the same.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
...think maybe you could put a little more due diligence into ensuring that your first press release is actually coherent in English? I wish you luck if this is a serious professional effort.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Here's a different look on "Player Development".
Why are we developing players and coaches for soccer?
Do you think that they have a comrehensive development program in the UK for Basketball Ice Hockey & Baseball? On the same scale that we do here for soccer.
I very much doubt it.
It would seem obvious to me. They do not have a league in the UK to place the "developed players & coaches" in.
I used to live in the UK and I am aware of kids playing both Baseball & Basketball, I even played the games myself, when at school, but that was it, there were no development programs for these sports, simlar to what we have here for Soccer. It was a "school sport" or "recreational" and the coaches (teachers) were not really qualified to coach these games, they just new the rules.

So why is it any different here in Canada with Soccer?
We have no Professional League.
The next level of soccer down from the MLS, is NASL & USL.
I may be a liitle kind here to suggest that we have upward of half a dozen teams in those leagues combined.
Then, we go down to the level where 98% of players who play on, past "Youth Soccer" play, which is "Senior Men's Soccer" or "Pub League" as it is known in all other Countries.
I am not be-littling these leagues, however, why are we developing players and coaches to the "B" Licence and "A" Licence, to train twice a week and have a couple of beers then play a game on the weekend.
I don't think that there will be too many UK Coaches fully qualified to coach Ice Hockey, when they don't have a chance to coach at the level that they are qualified for.

Until we see the real problem, here in Canada, we will always fail to qualify for any major tounaments in the World.
We will not see many Canadians playing at the highest level, until they have an environment to develop and thrive.
There are more Professional Teams in Birmingham, than we have in Canada. That has to be wrong.

What are your thoughts regarding this problem?
It seems to be a "no brainer" to me. We need some kind of League either across Canada, or 3-4 Leagues going North to South, including some US Teams, to give more player's a chance to really develop and also for "Qualified Coaches" to be able to Coach at a good level and challenge them.

Most player's quit after "Youth Soccer" as they have no place to go.

I have my own thoughts on what should happen and who should be responsible for changing things, here in Canada, but I would like to see what other people have to say and how many people really have a grasp on what is going on in Canadian Soccer.

I value everyones opinion.

There you go.
Now come on, let's get some usefull discussion to fix this.

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