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2024 Whitecaps


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Likely just a regulat season Match. Should have made it for the Wrexham match. That would of felt like something atleast
Except they don't own or control that event and are literally guests in their own building.

Can't make this stuff up really...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Axel gave an interview in the Province where he said "we always knew it was a risk with the schedule"... funny that didn't make it into the marketing... all of us here know the risks, but the less sophisticated fan I think can reasonably rely on the Whitecaps marketing - which was HARD in the paint about Messi, not just Miami, if memory serves...

I'd still sue Miami as well - make them cough up all documentation relating to that youth tournament and just when Miami said "no problem Messi and Suarez will be there" - because they knew or ought to have known Vancouver was selling tickets hard on the basis of their attendance and didn't give notice until the last possible second (that's Messi in South Beach, and their plane just took off... hmm...) arguably it makes them a party to the (ongoing) material misreprentation on the part of the Caps and, perhaps vicariously, the league.

But the real target is the league. This is a communal entity; as I understand it the league has their fingers in everything and the clubs are glorified franchisees. Ok, lets have all the documentation related to the scheduling, the marketing, the ticketing, the jacking up of prices, all of that. What concerns did anyone raise and at what point? What efforts were made to contact Miami, if any, and when?

I could have a field day demanding disclosure of a litany of documents that no one in the league or either franchise would ever want to see the light of day.

At minimum, the people who paid jacked up prices should get a partial refund back down to the normal face value. That's the absolute minimum.

Last thing I'll say for now is this... the league is based in California... if people really wanted to get inventive, there's a way to try to pursue the class action in that state. $$$$$$$$$$$


Active Member
Jan 25, 2019
Dirty Money
sign me up on the class action.

I just want fair prices for my tickets. When would a 'normal' match for Whitecaps ever require upper bowl to be opened up? - even then, what would those prices be? 4x-5x less at a minimum.

Nevermind the line ups that last more than a half, and insufficient food inventories at concession stands.

I wish they still had paper tickets, at least I could wipe my a$$ with that future game ticket..


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I'm poking around the civil bar to see if anything's up... if there is I'll post it here... with no-fault kicking a lot of firms in the ass, I'd be surprised if someone isn't already all over this...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
sign me up on the class action.

I just want fair prices for my tickets. When would a 'normal' match for Whitecaps ever require upper bowl to be opened up? - even then, what would those prices be? 4x-5x less at a minimum.

Nevermind the line ups that last more than a half, and insufficient food inventories at concession stands.

I wish they still had paper tickets, at least I could wipe my a$$ with that future game ticket..
DMing you


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I've talked to a firm that does a lot of class action work; this has legs. if there's anyone here who bought single game tickets at inflated prices, four game packs, or seasons on the basis that it was more economical... and ideally travelled and stayed out of town for the privilege... please reach out to me via DM, and I'll provide my cell number.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
I feel for the fans who believed in good faith they bought their season tickets or game paks that Inter Miami would have Messi play here in Vancouver despite the reality that these big stars don't always come north or play in every league game.

While the Hong Kong debacle Feb 4 happened this year AFTER Whitecaps started selling tickets, Messi claimed injury that day yet played 3 days later in Japan that should have given those who bought later pause to think will he come and play? He was at that game in HK but didn't give fans much to cheer at.

Maybe the fans need to pressure the Caps big time versus failing to certify a class action which is hard in BC courts.

A partial fan victory if you bought game day tickets in Hong Kong. Messi like other top pros outside of North America is not one to consider his job to placate fans but knowing friends who were pissed in Hong Kong, if he had just spoke to the crowd that day they'd have felt less angry and betrayed.

Tatler Asia apologizes over Messi’s no show in Hong Kong and offers 50pc refund​

Local | 9 Feb 2024 2:54 pm

Tatler Asia also pointed out that Miami had committed under contract that marquee players – Messi, Luis Suarez, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets – would be required to play for 45 minutes unless injured.
"Tatler Asia acknowledged that injuries are a part of the game but “the seeming lack of respect shown to the crowd” was what upset them.

The organizer added they had pleaded with Inter Miami’s ownership and management to urge Messi to engage with spectators and explain why he couldn’t play but in vain.

“The fact that Messi and Suarez played in Japan on February 7 feels like another slap in the face,” Tatler said.

“An event that we had hoped to be the pride of the city, and which we have worked very hard on for months, has become the source of great heartbreak. Once again, we are deeply sorry.”"

Not a lawyer but I find it hard to foresee a class action being certified in a BC court for Messi failing to turn up for many reasons the first of which is likely printed on every ticket stub ever sold.

Some of the tests I can't see passing include:
What is "the alleged basis of liability, including the applicable laws" here?
This is a major impediment in my view.
How would this not lead to an irreconcilable judgment?
Another test in determining certification.

Not sure if this too would apply:
"whether other means of resolving the claims are less practical or less efficient;"

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