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Premier [VMSL Premier] The Saudi Connection Boils Over


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh believe me it is making them go crazy , they are calling around to stop this when they could just do the right thing and return the stolen property

for the Freedmans, to go to the soccer field to collect the 350-400 dollars from the poor lower divisions guys who don’t know ( till know) they are mistreated compared to 14 year old privileged rich kids in premier

for them to collect the wages every few months is crucial , banning them will destroy them forever

and if you think having info about poaching and offering official contracts for players is not a ( big ) thing , then you don’t know the amateur soccer rules in the province

anyway let others judge , I know many silent followers are taking notes and want to keep reading and know

Listen, what I'm telling you is that you are exposing the worst kept secret in BC Soccer. It's nothing new. Thus, actually not as big thing. Don't get me wrong, I like the drama, but you come across as a bitch. That's all. Hey, if this means somehow the paper bag system comes to an end, great. My money (pun intended) is on it carrying on because it can't be governed.
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Listen, what I'm telling you is that you are exposing the worst kept secret in BC Soccer. It's nothing new. Thus, actually not as big thing. Don't get me wrong, I like the drama, but you come across as a bitch. That's all. Hey, if this means somehow the paper bag system comes to an end, great. My money (pun intended) is on it carrying on because it can't be governed.
For years , things were rumored , this is the first time , it’s with evidence . The best part it’s against 2 guys players actually hated, compared for example to the guy in Fraser valley and the other one in Surrey who is the same but players love
Ie ( exposing the corrupt evil compared to exposing the stupid who spends where it’s not worth it )
I guess exposing the stupid is not fun beyond a post or 2, exposing the evil however is more fun
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money

Nothing new

You cannot find anything to justify your crimes and your father crimes and your theft except putting a recording of a legal thing to do !!!

We said already that in order to get rid of the black era you and your father were part of and still get the best club structure that atttacts good players and be the base of the next semi pro club , we invested in a real professional coaches , media broadcast . Real pro coaches not like the ones you have now who thinks he is the best in the world and look at you as cockroaches but only work with you to get more money from his rich academy kids . No we hired World Cup players and whitecaps ex coaches who come to train adults on how to win. Those guys don’t work for cheap

we started this in the year WE won the league in early 2019 , the league your father keeps bragging he won when He did nothing.

yes we hired the best coaches in the past 2 years and spent a lot on media , fields and pro look ( what did you do? Behind sitting at home behind the computer screen and then you claim the credit ??

another recording that proves you are thieves , again

How about you post your EA sports incentives to poach players , you used your job trust in you to take video for talented players to poach players to your club , or do you want we to post . It’s still in the pile we have for later
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
@dezza and @smart coach
This is not going to end , you will just get hurt the longer you keep lying and denying

you stole something that’s not yours
You stole a spot that you did not own , you did not earn ( and you would probably never earn ) , you did not manage except for the dirty parts and Never managed for the clean years , never supported with fields , never paid for coaches , never paid for expenses or media ( in fact your father resisted those changes and he said not to invest on those things during the transformational year )

everyome makes mistakes , fix it before you sink deep in the mud

your club has 5 teams , you did not need to do this and steal the Tigers only spot . You could have worked on your Div 1 team to earn the promotion on your own

this is an open invitation in front of the whole city before you get called to BC soccer to do the right thing , you refused to do the right thing when we contacted you privately many times . Do it now before you sink deeper and lose everything

may be someone can talk sense out of you other than the snakes giving you and your father advise for their own academy gains , they will leave you alone soon to drown


New Member
Apr 2, 2009
Dirty Money
Long time TTP lurker, first time posting here........ I couldn't resist.

This whole thread is hilarious tbh, my biggest question out of all of it is how @whistle-blower and company had all this money ($100k+) to fund his "semi-pro" team when it's obvious from the amount of posting & collecting of evidence that he doesn't have a job. I think the GIF above of the money in a washing machine may be a very accurate guess......

Broadcasting of VMSL games..........lol
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Long time TTP lurker, first time posting here........ I couldn't resist.

This whole thread is hilarious tbh, my biggest question out of all of it is how @whistle-blower and company had all this money ($100k+) to fund his "semi-pro" team when it's obvious from the amount of posting & collecting of evidence that he doesn't have a job. I think the GIF above of the money in a washing machine may be a very accurate guess......

Broadcasting of VMSL games..........lol
Our beloved president is an emergency medicine physician in Vancouver , he earns respectful amount of money so he is not without a job

he spent all of this because of his passion . We don’t claim that was the right thing to do , but that was his vision, a guy like him should have been working with whitecaps or pacific FC not with thugs like those guys but that was his call and his mistake

only people close to him know how passionate he was , when Robert and Derrick were sleeping in their cozy house in the winter , he is with the players in the field wearing his scrubs as he comes right from a long day at work to the field

when Robert drives to the games in his luxury Jaguar, he is driving the team in the 15 passenger commercial van ( team bus ), he bought for the club. A professor of medicine driving the team as a bus driver , if you have a doubt why players loved him and dumbed Rinos after the steal , I hope it’s clear why

the funny thing that the Freedmans thought after winning the league in 2019 that they don’t need him and it’s time to claim the credit alone after stealing the spot .we don’t know what they were drinking when they made that decision , of course the players left and of course the standards dropped and the humiliating COVID cup results for them proves they were delusional

broadcast games in Vmsl , yes why not , the league should have done that but they never really thought to improve . This was very important for players making their portfolios to get university scholarship or international tryouts . Those were all major transformational steps in the process of creating a semipro like environment to prepare for the next move to the next semi pro / or pro opportunities coming soon to BC ( League 1 BC/ CPL division 2)

Real steps to create a semi pro club not just collecting players and paying them 300 per game without a plan or a goal like what a club is still doing somewhere in surrey
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
@dezza and @SmartCoach

This is the last invitation to do whats right :

First: Apologize to all prem teams for the period of concern for all the wrong doings you did
Second: Award the Imperial cup to Croatia as it was in the dark times of your club and they would have won it without poaching and players incentives.
Third: Give back the Tigers their premier spot back, the spot:
1) They owned and earned
2) They contributed to the merger
3) They hired the top coaches for
4) They provided the fields for
5) They paid all VMSL fees for
6) They Managed all preseason and practices while you only showed up on game days
7) They provide the high standards media tools in the last 2 years that helped recruit the right players who eventually won the league in a legit and unquestionable way

Being the ones who went to the AGM without doing anything from the points mentioned above, not the original owners of the spot and the party who did not really care or contribute to the prem team except to the bad parts of the operations in the area mentioned that we all regret, being those guys does not give you any right to steal the spot. you can keep bragging about being the club that won the league in 2019, that is ok with us. but we break this merger means we want our spot back.

If you want to continue in this self destruction mode, we are going to continue as well and no one will win, we havent gone to Twitter yet, and we havent revealed everything we have against you. so its you call, this is not the first time we contacted you about this, you do not need to destroy your club because of arrogance and stubbornness. apologize to other teams, confess your mistakes and give back others what you stole from them

Every one here is a witness that we gave you the chance to correct this mess
Enough said


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2019
Dirty Money
100K on amateur footy in BC... I can’t actually breathe I’m laughing so hard... Do yourselves a favour and look in the mirror. If you think BC soccer will save you, they are having a hard enough time saving face with the Bob Birarda scandal, not to mention they are about as self serving as a governing organization can be (fair play tho) and as useless as tits on a nun.

Until a proper regional set up and divisional structure comes into BC it’s always gonna be fvsl, visl and vmsl swingin dicks for “top spot”, way it’s always been, way it always be until a major change occurs, with which the fvsl may undergo in the near future due to a certain person of a major influential league position being in considerable doubt.. we will see...

Point being, until clubs within the leagues and leagues within the province themselves start going after a common goal and setting a higher “standard” to be held accountable by these “merger scandals” are always going to occur and are honestly pretty boring to read about by now...

Play to win trophies and pay players in beer or gas money, pretty simple. It’s not like there’s huge sponsorships or tv money to be had in bc amateur soccer anyways .

Get it back to what it was supposed to be a game for and by the boys won on the field and in the change room and bring the good times back. Stop making simple shite complex, don’t take yourselves too
and take the vibrator out of your snowflake asses.

Yo Adrian out. Rant over.

rocky GIF
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
The day Derrick Freedman used his job to create incentives to recruit

keep silent and like others posts and more will come , is this one fake


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