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Premier [VMSL Premier] The Saudi Connection Boils Over


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Listen to separation agreement.m4a by fctigers on #SoundCloud


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Sad George Costanza GIF


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Somewhere Big Bag is (trying but failing to be) doing backflips. His prayers for a squirrel to distract the TTP faithful have been answered.
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Listen to separation agreement.m4a by fctigers on #SoundCloud
Great to post this , it proves everything was right and authentic and it proves what kind of people you and your father are

you took Dr Mohammed message that he was seeking logic from you and your father , as a nice guy he thought you will get your arrogant father to stop his behaviors and respect the people he works with , unfortunately, you were both the same , a Mafia that abused the Tigers when they were doing your dirty work but when they corrected their path and stopped competing with people like you in premier and started to work towards the best of the soccer in the province , you felt greedy and jealous and stole their spot that they earned, exactly what the Mafia bosses do when one of their people decide to quit and make things right , they get rid of him

but your problem , you thought because Dr Mohammed was always polite with you that he is just a weak guy , we all know now , he won’t stop till you and your corrupt father get banned by BC soccer
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
You don’t deserve the spot
You took the credit when it was done through the illegal ways that you supervised
When a new and organized management came and worked in a professional and clean way , you could not keep saying to them stay in the dark , you just stole the credit of winning the league in the year that the team really deserved it . Thieves
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Greed will cost you everything , no player will ever pay you your sky high season fees that you used to enjoy with your father after they see what you did behind their back , stealing a spot and a credit you don’t deserve will cause you to lose your whole club.
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
By the way , the more you go into defiance and more lies , the more persistent we are to take you down
If you took responsibility, apologized to the other teams for what you did , apologized for the Tigers ( at least for the group that didn’t deserve your theft and disrespect), this could have ended without escalation , but you kept refusing all the chances to do so , even before we go public .


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Just listening to the soundcloud from Dezza. Who spends $100,00.00 on a prem team?
Something is facked up and greassy.
Also, is there not a formal form to fill out and submit to confirm a merger took place?
You would have to submit it to VMSL prior to season starting?
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Just listening to the soundcloud from Dezza. Who spends $100,00.00 on a prem team?
Something is facked up and greassy.
Also, is there not a formal form to fill out and submit to confirm a merger took place?
You would have to submit it to VMSL prior to season starting?
there was a formal form sent in 2015
The conditions were Tigers have the prem team and spot , Rinos have lower divisions
the other condition was Tigers prem team keep its logos, name , it’s coaches , it’s jerseys, etc

first they violated the conditions , put their names only , changed name , changed logo ,

when the conflict happened, they were supposed to return the spot , they stole it and told the other group they don’t owe them anything

the money , yes , if you managed a prem team , you will know for teams reaching provincials they season cost around 7000 ( fields / Vmsl fees / referees ), the Tigers prem never collected registrations from prem players so all costs paid by them

so that’s 35000 just for Vmsl for 2015-2019
2 huge deals with new balance in 2017 then with Joma in 2019 costed at least 15000 for kits and jerseys
again all paid by the Tigers
practice fields , never really paid by Rinos for the whole year cost 10000 per year
Summer cost 10000
media ( every game live broadcast costed 250 , another 10000

can your see how things add up
Those thieves paid nothing and the original spot was not theirs and yet they stole it

nothing is tacked , we haven’t came up front even with things we did wrong in the past to give fake info , those guys deserve to be banned , we and them did wrong things we admit but we did change and we did serve the youth and athletes in the province , they didn’t ,
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
It's starting to sound like you guys did this to yourselves....
Yes part of this was trusting the wrong people , our president always trusted people , he was taken advantage by many players and mafias like the Freedmans

He woke up and discovered the right way in 2019 after that provincial finals incident and started to work in a true professional way and produced the best product the province ever had in years ( both for summer and winter that year ) without twisted ways , without throwing money on people but rather on services and infrastructure and the sport itself , the problem was , he was working with a Mafia that never really cared for what’s good for everyone , they were only thinking only about themselves

it’s too bad that this old arrogant guy dragged his son into this , his son was a decent guy with a good job who didn’t really need to steal or lie . Too bad he went along to support his father reckless behaviors


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Dirty Money
there was a formal form sent in 2015
The conditions were Tigers have the prem team and spot , Rinos have lower divisions
the other condition was Tigers prem team keep its logos, name , it’s coaches , it’s jerseys, etc

first they violated the conditions , put their names only , changed name , changed logo ,

when the conflict happened, they were supposed to return the spot , they stole it and told the other group they don’t owe them anything

the money , yes , if you managed a prem team , you will know for teams reaching provincials they season cost around 7000 ( fields / Vmsl fees / referees ), the Tigers prem never collected registrations from prem players so all costs paid by them

so that’s 35000 just for Vmsl for 2015-2019
2 huge deals with new balance in 2017 then with Joma in 2019 costed at least 15000 for kits and jerseys
again all paid by the Tigers
practice fields , never really paid by Rinos for the whole year cost 10000 per year
Summer cost 10000
media ( every game live broadcast costed 250 , another 10000

can your see how things add up
Those thieves paid nothing and the original spot was not theirs and yet they stole it

nothing is tacked , we haven’t came up front even with things we did wrong in the past to give fake info , those guys deserve to be banned , we and them did wrong things we admit but we did change and we did serve the youth and athletes in the province , they didn’t ,
Sorry about the summer team. You lads just ran into a strong group from T-town. I think I spent about $5K for pints over that 4 year run before I was too bloated to play 18 year olds bussed in for matches in Ladner . @club_i_champ "I'm too old for this Sh%t." -Sgt. Murdoch

big gk

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
Dirty Money
Sorry about the summer team. You lads just ran into a strong group from T-town. I think I spent about $5K for pints over that 4 year run before I was too bloated to play 18 year olds bussed in for matches in Ladner . @club_i_champ "I'm too old for this Sh%t." -Sgt. Murdoch
Did the blaze beat the tigers in a summer super bowl ever? I can’t Imagine two more different teams.

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