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Div 1 [VMSL Div 1] Predictions, Results & Banter 2016/2017

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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
You see how you are? Do you?
oh I do... and I do not have regrets...
"This was a very difficult game for us. I can see why Romania beat Norvan 3 to 1. They do many things very well. This is the first time in the season in which a coach has beaten me tactically, but the talent of the players saved the day.


Sep 27, 2003
Dirty Money
oh I do... and I do not have regrets...
"This was a very difficult game for us. I can see why Romania beat Norvan 3 to 1. They do many things very well. This is the first time in the season in which a coach has beaten me tactically, but the talent of the players saved the day.

And the games you lost? You were tactically better, but your players let you down?

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
And the games you lost? You were tactically better, but your players let you down?
We have discussed it before. We outplayed the opposition as evidenced by the possession and the number of shots on net. The culprits for those losses have already been identified. It is okey. Humans make mistakes or have limitations. The boys played very well on those games and deserved to win those games.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Looking forward to upcoming fixture against the 2nd best team in the league (Norvan) after the Tigers.

(Norvan, a huge club that represents a youth district and even has ties with BCPL teams, versus the small independent club that is the result of the love for the game).

Some of you might not know that Campo Atletico might have never happened because Norvan tried to assimilate its earlier version, but people fought to the end to keep independence and freedom from Norvan. Meetings that ended in shouting matches.

All these factors make these games all the more interesting and highly contested. Always fireworks with these games (fouls, red cards, shoutings, recriminations, tears, all part of the passion in these games).

You know it is very symbolic that these two teams finally meet in equal terms. A season ago Norvan was in Premier and Campo was at the bottom of Division 2 scrambling for survival.

They are the big favourites given their pedigree, but we are ready to fight until the end.
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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
no one cares.
who cares...we do...and so you as well...
so looking forward to this game... the games with Rinos are a mere footnote compare to the games with Norvan.

do you know that last time we had about 60 people watching the game some even made trips from as far as south surrey to watch the game. Not many VMSL games draw a crowd like this.


Oct 28, 2015
Dirty Money
who cares...we do...and so you as well...
so looking forward to this game... the games with Rinos are a mere footnote compare to the games with Norvan.

do you know that last time we had about 60 people watching the game some even made trips from as far as south surrey to watch the game. Not many VMSL games draw a crowd like this.

No, really, like Dezza said... No one cares.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
The Rino's Vancouver vs Rino's Tigers match was by far the most important match last weekend. It was played with ferocious intensity, unseen anywhere else in VMSL. For those who witnessed all 3 Rino's Div1 Derbies so far this season, they should feel very fortunate, because we may never see this type of rivalry in local soccer ever again. The secret to the season actually is that the 3 teams are fighting for the title of best Rino's team. It is very important to all the players, managers, and supporters to prove that they are the most elite of Rino's men. The side effect of course is that it makes all 3 teams play better than they normally would because they constantly feel they have something to prove. Even if they are unable to be promoted they still wish to outdo the other Rino's teams. They will fight with every ounce of strength for every point possible this season. I feel sorry for the other teams that they have to play 6 matches against such motivated competition. It is really impossible for any team to take maximum points, as we have seen even the #1 team in VMSL Division 1 already lost 6 out of 9 points to Rino's teams.

At the halfway point here are the standings in the Rino's Rivalry:


It is a shame that now we must wait almost until Christmas (December 18) before we can see another Rino's VMSL Div1 Derby. I'm sure on that day hundreds of fans will be at Point Grey to take in the action.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
The Rino's Vancouver vs Rino's Tigers match was by far the most important match last weekend. It was played with ferocious intensity, unseen anywhere else in VMSL. For those who witnessed all 3 Rino's Div1 Derbies so far this season, they should feel very fortunate, because we may never see this type of rivalry in local soccer ever again. The secret to the season actually is that the 3 teams are fighting for the title of best Rino's team. It is very important to all the players, managers, and supporters to prove that they are the most elite of Rino's men. The side effect of course is that it makes all 3 teams play better than they normally would because they constantly feel they have something to prove. Even if they are unable to be promoted they still wish to outdo the other Rino's teams. They will fight with every ounce of strength for every point possible this season. I feel sorry for the other teams that they have to play 6 matches against such motivated competition. It is really impossible for any team to take maximum points, as we have seen even the #1 team in VMSL Division 1 already lost 6 out of 9 points to Rino's teams.

At the halfway point here are the standings in the Rino's Rivalry:

View attachment 16901

It is a shame that now we must wait almost until Christmas (December 18) before we can see another Rino's VMSL Div1 Derby. I'm sure on that day hundreds of fans will be at Point Grey to take in the action.
Nice post.... is it me... but it seems that you feel a bit left out that we consider to be Norvan our number one rival and not Rinos?
I did not think that you would the jealous type.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
oh well... i truly did not see it coming that the rivalry with Norvan would bother...kind of cute that you quickly had to prepare that post...
good night fellows... another chapter on the soap opera of division 1


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Looking forward to upcoming fixture against the 2nd best team in the league (Norvan) after the Tigers.
(Norvan, a huge club that represents a youth district and even has ties with BCPL teams, versus the small independent club that is the result of the love for the game).

Some of you might not know that Campo Atletico might have never happened because Norvan tried to assimilate its earlier version, but people fought to the end to keep independence and freedom from Norvan. Meetings that ended in shouting matches.

All these factors make these games all the more interesting and highly contested. Always fireworks with these games (fouls, red cards, shoutings, recriminations, tears, all part of the passion in these games).

You know it is very symbolic that these two teams finally meet in equal terms. A season ago Norvan was in Premier and Campo was at the bottom of Division 2 scrambling for survival.

They are the big favourites given their pedigree, but we are ready to fight until the end.
Sorry to interrupt your weekly pre-game ritual also know as C.A.S.F (CampAtleticoSelfFlagellation)....Couple of things...

-Norvan Campobasso, was indeed part of the Norvan club that had 2 main factions, a "First Team" that over the years was sometimes CAT to a U21 or CAT team, and the independently run teams like Campobasso. One of the main goals of the club was to build membership to attract sponsorship to help find/fund a facility and to rally together to get better access to fields. Campobasso was a part of the club during that era for a short 2 years.

-Your Braveheart Recollection...During the lead-up, resolution and integration meetings for the merger with the boys club(NVFC) was when your forefathers decided to make their escape for freedom. It was not the whip they feared, it was not poor pastries and beer we served at our meetings that spurred them on. It was something very trivial and far from the purist ideals you peddle about the love the game. It all boiled down to(their words not mine or others unless this was a pretense for some other fear) drum roll please....Socks. "What about our socks?", "Can we keep our green/blue hooped socks?" This appeared to be the straw/brick(perspective is everything) that broke the camels back as the move to a new uniform scheme was tabled. I do not recall shouting, although after listening to some the talk and reading the various emails that continued on after I was likely shouting W.T.F in my head as my passion for the game transcends the threads that I wear on my back. At any rate, the world is wide and vast, Campobasso took their bow and the rest is history.

Sorry to interrupt your pregame fluffing. No need to thank me for the fact corrections. Please slide your pen back down your throat...as you were.... #TWD #Negan
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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Sorry to interrupt your weekly pre-game ritual also know as C.A.S.F (CampAtleticoSelfFlagellation)....Couple of things...

-Norvan Campobasso, was indeed part of the Norvan club that had 2 main factions, a "First Team" that over the years was sometimes CAT to a U21 or CAT team, and the independently run teams like Campobasso. One of the main goals of the club was to build membership to attract sponsorship to help find/fund a facility and to rally together to get better access to fields. Campobasso was a part of the club during that era for a short 2 years.

-Your Braveheart Recollection...During the lead-up, resolution and integration meetings for the merger with the boys club(NVFC) was when your forefathers decided to make their escape for freedom. It was not the whip they feared, it was not poor pastries and beer we served at our meetings that spurred them on. It was something very trivial and far from the purist ideals you peddle about the love the game. It all boiled down to(their words not mine or others unless this was a pretense for some other fear) drum roll please....Socks. "What about our socks?", "Can we keep our green/blue hooped socks?" This appeared to be the straw/brick(perspective is everything) that broke the camels back as the move to a new uniform scheme was tabled. I do not recall shouting, although after listening to some the talk and reading the various emails that continued on after I was likely shouting W.T.F in my head as my passion for the game transcends the threads that I wear on my back. At any rate, the world is wide and vast, Campobasso took their bow and the rest is history.

Sorry to interrupt your pregame fluffing. No need to thank me for the fact corrections. Please slide your pen back down your throat...as you were.... #TWD #Negan
and you can not see that the uniform is a symbolic expression of more deeper philosophical conflicts?

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Sorry to interrupt your weekly pre-game ritual also know as C.A.S.F (CampAtleticoSelfFlagellation)....Couple of things...

-Norvan Campobasso, was indeed part of the Norvan club that had 2 main factions, a "First Team" that over the years was sometimes CAT to a U21 or CAT team, and the independently run teams like Campobasso. One of the main goals of the club was to build membership to attract sponsorship to help find/fund a facility and to rally together to get better access to fields. Campobasso was a part of the club during that era for a short 2 years.

-Your Braveheart Recollection...During the lead-up, resolution and integration meetings for the merger with the boys club(NVFC) was when your forefathers decided to make their escape for freedom. It was not the whip they feared, it was not poor pastries and beer we served at our meetings that spurred them on. It was something very trivial and far from the purist ideals you peddle about the love the game. It all boiled down to(their words not mine or others unless this was a pretense for some other fear) drum roll please....Socks. "What about our socks?", "Can we keep our green/blue hooped socks?" This appeared to be the straw/brick(perspective is everything) that broke the camels back as the move to a new uniform scheme was tabled. I do not recall shouting, although after listening to some the talk and reading the various emails that continued on after I was likely shouting W.T.F in my head as my passion for the game transcends the threads that I wear on my back. At any rate, the world is wide and vast, Campobasso took their bow and the rest is history.

Sorry to interrupt your pregame fluffing. No need to thank me for the fact corrections. Please slide your pen back down your throat...as you were.... #TWD #Negan
Nothing wrong with this one either...it is all in your mind if you think so
Stade_Francais_crop_north.jpg Stade_Francais_crop_north.jpg
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