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Div 1 [VMSL Div 1] Predictions, Results & Banter 2016/2017

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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Campo Atletico 3 - Guru Nanak 2
or the importance of unbiased refereeing
or the insights of Gandhi still apply
or height does not matter in soccer

The Campo - GN fixture turned out be a very intense and highly contested match. Perhaps the most intense battle of this season.

We have faced GN several times over the years in Division and Cup competitions. This is by far the most polished and skilled GN side that we have faced. They have an outstanding goal keeper, structured defence, coherent midfield, and very tall forwards (aka Bingers Army).

Given previous matches, we expected an angry and perhaps combative GN side, but this was not the case. Perhaps because of the new players and coach, the previous history did not matter; the match turned out to be pleasant but still competitive.

GN went ahead on the score by two goals early in the match.

A free kick was given to them at the corner of the penalty box. They made a very intelligent execution that confused our keeper and defender. The ball bounced and went into the top corner of the net.

Another free kick was given to them near the penalty box. They made a cross that their giant striker won. He served the ball to an incoming player who nicely placed it a the bottom left corner. A nice goal on them.

The result was disappointing. Two goals down after dominating possession and dictating the game. But we have been there before, and our players do not give up and have faith on themselves and the way we play. A long and labourious build up from the keeper finally allows our midfielder to be without pressure in front of the penalty box. A superb shot ends up in the top right corner. Their keeper dives and almost touches the ball but can not deflect it.

They are getting tired and essentially are forced to play counterattack. The pressure is mounting on their keeper. He makes two unbeliable saves. One shot is from close range and he fantastically extends his arm to just push the ball above the crossbar. We thought that the ball was in the net.

The attacks were getting close and the inevitable occurred. Our midfielders open their defense. We are 3 v 3 inside their box. A ground pass finds our forward and their defender with agony slides, but hits our forward. Penalty. This time we converts well.

The pressure continues and inexperience in their back line shows. A young defender pushes our forward with both arms. Of course, it is a foul and a penalty. The penalty is just another repeat of the same penalty. The keeper dives on the same side and the forward put the ball in the exact same place. A weird experience to see. A penalty is a repeat of another penalty.

to be continued

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
The gift that keeps on giving...

I see a pattern...

A Campo loss = poor and biased (against Campo) officiating.
A Campo win = good and unbiased officiating.

Well done! This exactly the point and objective. We do have very good referees in the VMSL, and we also have a few who need to improve their standards. On purpose, I do not name their names, as well as I am on purpose not naming the others, who might need improvement.

I feel that the last three games have been very similar to each other. Perhaps GN is the one that we had more difficulty, but the style of the teams are so close. Their formations very similar, their game strategy, and their selection of players. A huge striker to whom they make long crosses, which sometimes is almost impossible to defend.

I guess they are following the model of the Crouch goals.

In the next few weeks, we will training to defend aerial balls as it is clear that these is how the other teams are trying to hit us.
The referee abilities and experience do make a huge impact of the game. By just seeing who is coming to the game I already know whether I will have injured players or not.

To a large extent, it is up to us to protect our players. I do think that the league listens to our feedback. If you have a good referee, let the league know, if you do not also let the league now.
We owe it our players to be more proactive on this matters.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
I have emailed and called the league numerous times to give the following refs more games.

Father John (His random offside call generator can work for you and against you) (He also rides his bike to the field and drinks your beer thus making use of the bike lanes and helps keep the city green)
Circle Ed (The name says it all).
I think the league is conspiring against the teams that want these guys reffing at a higher level...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I have emailed and called the league numerous times to give the following refs more games.

Father John (His random offside call generator can work for you and against you) (He also rides his bike to the field and drinks your beer thus making use of the bike lanes and helps keep the city green)
Circle Ed (The name says it all).
I think the league is conspiring against the teams that want these guys reffing at a higher level...

God I miss Hollywood...


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
My favourite is father John
He was fluent in many languages
We had to protect him from a game he refed
we were waiting to play the next game on the field . a team of Albanians wanted to kill him
After they had finished punching there own player who received a red
Also when we played Polska
There was a strike by parks board the grass was very long
A polish player was cutting it with his home lawn mower only got half the field cut before kick off
Father John turn up late as usual
And says field ok to play on
Game starts we score
Polish coach jumping up and down
Yelling at his player in polish and at ref
Father John came to side line
And said I understand every word you said you are swearing at your players then sent him away from the field


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Early predictions this week as Bingers have moved their game to tonight to clear up their long weekend. Hey maybe I'll get one right this round...

Bingers v CCB
MOTW and it is extra intriguing because these midweek matchups can sometimes throw a wrench in player availability. Both teams drew a Rino's squad 1-1 last weekend, but with a cacophony of listless performance at the top end of the table last time out CCB are still joint leaders. You would think they should be favourites in this one, but nobody in this damned division can perform consistently. I'm out on a limb here saying that on a Wednesday Bingers will be more ready to go than CCB and take all three points at home.

GN v Rino's Fury
The Fury make a trek out to Surrey for a battle of .500 teams, separated by just a lone point in the standings. Again the form book is all over the board with these two teams, so, tough to predict. I was all set to pick GN at home until I saw that their home form is actually a less than inspiring 2-3. Fury meanwhile have picked up 10 of their 11 points on the road. So now a quandary: I think GN is going to win, but the stats say Rino's might have an edge. Fcuk it, tie.

Romania v Campo
Oh good, a predictable one... So these teams cannot make up their minds as they go from beating contenders and climbing the table one week, to slumping the next. The propaganda that churns out of the Campo camp makes it utterly difficult to get a read on them, while Romania actually seems to be putting it all together with just that one loss to GN in their last six matches. However, this might work against them as Campo seem to play better against better teams. Atletico are on the up after a hard fought win last week, so obviously this game comes down to one thing: refereeing. In fact, I'm pretty sure I heard that the refs have already decided who is going to win this game (and every other game this week)... All kidding aside, I think Campo matches up well against Romania and bags the points.

Rino's Vancouver SC v Rino's Tigers
It's Rino's derby round three and don't look now, but guess who's back at the top of the table: Tigers. A perfect time for some collusion then! In the real world however, this should be a battle of a top team vs. a bottom team and Tigers should come away with the points. No doubt the Rino's Van boys will be looking to prove a point, but it should be routine for Tigers.

Norvan v Metropolitan
A shock defeat for the then league leaders at the hands of Romania last time out. What better time then for the visit of bottom of the table Metropolitan? Students had been chipping away and had taken points in three straight games before losing to Tigers at home last week. At the end of the day, Norvan can't be dropping these points if they are serious about promotion. I'll take them to prove the table correct and claim the W.


Mar 31, 2009
Dirty Money
Well done! This exactly the point and objective. We do have very good referees in the VMSL, and we also have a few who need to improve their standards. On purpose, I do not name their names, as well as I am on purpose not naming the others, who might need improvement.

I feel that the last three games have been very similar to each other. Perhaps GN is the one that we had more difficulty, but the style of the teams are so close. Their formations very similar, their game strategy, and their selection of players. A huge striker to whom they make long crosses, which sometimes is almost impossible to defend.

I guess they are following the model of the Crouch goals.

In the next few weeks, we will training to defend aerial balls as it is clear that these is how the other teams are trying to hit us.
The referee abilities and experience do make a huge impact of the game. By just seeing who is coming to the game I already know whether I will have injured players or not.

To a large extent, it is up to us to protect our players. I do think that the league listens to our feedback. If you have a good referee, let the league know, if you do not also let the league now.
We owe it our players to be more proactive on this matters.

I really need to stay on top of this thread, pure entertainment.

P.S. This has got to be Mr.base under a new alias....


Apr 25, 2013
Dirty Money
Soccer Coach, you wouldn't have to leak names of these officials anyways; they all know who the chump on the sideline is screaming at every whistle.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I really need to stay on top of this thread, pure entertainment.

P.S. This has got to be Mr.base under a new alias....
Yes, it is. Too bad sometimes people take it too seriously.
Rino's Vancouver SC v Rino's Tigers
It's Rino's derby round three and don't look now, but guess who's back at the top of the table: Tigers. A perfect time for some collusion then! In the real world however, this should be a battle of a top team vs. a bottom team and Tigers should come away with the points. No doubt the Rino's Van boys will be looking to prove a point, but it should be routine for Tigers.
We all know what is going to happen tomorrow. At best, the bottom team gets one goal and goes ahead like in the previous game, but at the end their preferred team will get the three points (perhaps again strange substitutions). So far, all the games among the Rino's teams is following the optimal strategy of collusion.

If Rino's Vancouver beats tomorrow the Tigers, then I personally apologize to the Rinos management and drop the theory of collusion. However, if the Tiger's win, then we will have a 100% outcome when it comes to the prediction of games under a collusive model. The results speak for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Fury 2-0 GN

This one was looking like it was going to give @Canucks4Ever a solid 2/2 start to the weekend, as neither team was connecting well in the final 3rd. This may have been down to the slick turf that the ball seemed to be skidding off of, but also GN seeming content to just throw the ball into the box in hopes that their big man up top could make something of it (spoiler: he couldn't). Our defensive wall held strong and repelled these attacks and provided opportunities for us on the counter attack.

Eventually with barely 10 minutes remaining, on one such counter down the left hand side, the ball was chipped across the box and our right midfielder rose magisterially to meet it. His headed effort floated sumptuously over the keeper's outstretched arms and perfectly into the top left corner of the net. The crowd seemed to erupt into rapturous applause, but it turned out to actually just be a brawl in the FVSL Div4 match on the adjacent field.

Another lethal counter attack with 5 minutes remaining put the game to bed as our striker made a perfect decoy offside run, and then stood frozen as the ball was played through for our left midfielder to run on to. He took a touch to control and then fired a rapier like shot towards the bottom corner of the net, which the goalkeeper managed to deflect, but not fully save.

Happy with the 3pts, and to sit back and see what surprises the remaining games bring this weekend!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Note to myself never put a team in the Fraser valley league
Crazy stuff on field behind us
Very large combatants many Red cards
Canucks use use a few of them
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