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Div 1 [VMSL DIV 1] Predictions, Results and Banter 2015/2016

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@Canucks4Ever as was previously mentioned we'd have to switch to Umbro balls for that to happen, but that would jeopardize our Adidas sponsorship. Maybe if we could negotiate a deal to black out the Umbro logos, and draw 3 stripes on all the balls it could work.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
ND 3
Akal 0

Another game we play a man down for over 35 minutes.
That's 5 games this season we had to play a man down for over 35 minutes. Twice vs Akal now, westside, columbus, rinos. A good 29% of our games we have played a man down for close to a half. It's not fun. I don't suggest it for any team trying to get promotion.

This one was a second yellow for an "illegal substitution". Our player entered the field a few seconds too late and ref gave a yellow card. i don't believe the ref remembered he received a yellow first half. Our entire bench, myself and and Lino never heard the ref said "no you have to wait" or something. Lino was right there, didn't say a word or say "no you can't enter" as they usually manage the sub. Lino was dead silent and allowed the player to pass him with out a word of warning or anything.

Super strange, and at that point it was only 1-0 us.
Stressful twenty min after that but we got two goals in last 15 min and sealed it.

Never ever ever have I seen a yellow card at any level for a sub timing gone wrong or something. We are not the team to send a player on the field if ref said no you have to wait. I and we would wait until you get the ok, like any normal team would.

Moving on,
Exciting final month of league games coming up for ND. Columbus, Guildford twice and Bingers. Look forward to these matches!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Kind of funny moment when looking back.

Coach - "hey, your going back in, promise me you do not get a second yellow, I don't care what they say or do to you, no retaliation nothing. Just take it and play"

(Next whistle)
Coach - "ref sub"

Player runs on to the field I guess a few seconds late...

Yellow card.

Poor guy.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
"A good 29% of our games we have played a man down for close to a half. It's not fun."
This is no coincidence or random luck. If you are having about 1/3 of your games with a player send off, then your teammates should try to take responsability and reflect on the issue. Perhaps they are not getting the subtleties of interacting with referees.

Perhaps they antagonize the referee or do not take hints well?

In any case, I wish you good luck. I saw your team playing by chance, and they were doing very well. It was entertaining to watch.

Perhaps the main problem is that the VMSL is having lack of consistency in the quality of refereeing. Technically the referee is correct in giving you teammate a yellow card for coming into the field before the substituted player leaves the field or without his consent, but unfortunately this rarely occurs, and then players get into this bad habit of jumping into the field right away.

This weekend I had to see several VMSL games from various divisions, and some did an excellent job and others quite poor. I saw punches and violent conduct just receiving a yellow card, and tackles with excessive force just receiving a foul. Some were on top of these issues, but others let them go. Almost all referees did not follow the proper substitution procedure.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2006
Dirty Money
Youu are not allowed to just run in the game while the play is still on. I believe a ref has to waive you in and give you a go ahead. Thus when a player is ready you have to tell lino to let head ref know that you are coming in. It has happened to my team as well. An Italian ref gave a card I believe. Learn and move on. Good job on the win. Akal is a team that can play well or really bad. Depending who shows up I guess.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Did the player come on during a stoppage in play or when you say was 'late', ran on to the field after play had started up again already?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Haha. Robino. We know the rules.
Totally moved on!

Smart coach
I would say 2 of the 5 were just.
One was a straight red and PK vs westside in the final seconds of the first half for a hand ball in the box. Not on purpose as some westside players I talked to saw the same. But that's the rules. And the worst rule in sports. A red card and PK took the life out the game a bit. One or the other is fine and I know FIFA has been discussing this for years.

Another was our player made the slightest of contact vs Columbus goalie, a half second late. and entire team surrounded the 18 year old, as veterans would, somewhat forcing the card. Very smart from the vets. Goalie was fine and up before our player was. He didn't go studs up or anything, but smart players created it to a much bigger deal and knew he was on a yellow. I would have done the same.

And the third was the bad timing of sub. ( our guy came on the field too late, seconds) injured player was already off. We took too long was the explanation.

All good. just nice little stat for TTP land.
No issues with the Reffing at all in the VMSL.
The ref that gave the card this past weekend I would rate my favourite ref around. One of the best we have.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money

Just a miscommunication. It was a sub. Injured player comes off. I'm talking to injured player as he comes off and walk him to bench seeing what's up and how bad it is.
I turn around, and feel like seconds have gone by and send the other subbing player on the pitch. I believe ref just blew it live maybe a second before he went on.

Was told that ref said a few times that it was too late he has to wait. But myself, player nor bench heard a word from the ref. So miscommunication. Lino didn't do anything or say anything as you would think they would "no you have to wait now" type thing.
Or put out a hand to stop the player.

I think a hard warning would do. But in refs eyes he said something but I never heard anything. I understand the rules and would never send a player out against the refs discretion. Chatted with ref after game and it just seemed like we didn't hear him and he went for the card and it was too late. All was good and no hard feelings were had.

It was not 5 seconds in to a live play.

Ref must have turned around after saying too late, whistled and at that very moment our player ran on to the field. Maybe a second difference. But because we didn't hear anything at all and Lino didn't say a peep (15 year old good kid) it seemed to against refs communication.
He did not run in to the field.

Next time if a player is hurt. We will have him stay down to give our sub a minute to get set and take off pants and jacket etc to get on the field. Not come off right away etc with sub not ready %100.

Learning experience for sure.

Ref knew we and I are not that type of team to send guys in against his word. Just a weird one, and I really don't believe he truly remembered he was giving a second yellow for that. He is one of the best! :)

Moving on, just wanted to answer the questions and no whine about it on our end. If we lost you would have seen a novel. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Red card certainly seems harsh given how you described it. I could see a first yellow for the infraction to make a point, but surely no one wants to see a team reduced to 10 men over a mistimed substitution. That being said (and as has been pointed out), by the letter of the law the referee is well within his rights to take such action. You just hope that common sense plays into it and it does sound like the referee, had he given himself another second or two to identify that the player had already been booked, would have shown some restraint.

In other observations from the weekend, a tough loss for Bingers. Surely they must have all 3pts vs. Columbus this weekend to stay in the hunt. Also, three 1-0 wins for the top four (only ND coasting to a victory, red card aside) as everyone does a bit of flirting with disaster.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2014
Dirty Money
0-0 Royals vs Sarajevo. not much to comment about pretty sub standard game with nothing to play for we went for moving some guys around and trying a different formation etc.. regardless it was a battle. Looking forward to the westside game!

big gk

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
Dirty Money
Some awesome relegation battles this weekend. Way more exciting then a promotion battle. Would be nice to one day see promotion an relegation in north American pro sports. The oilers would be in div 5 NHL by now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Some awesome relegation battles this weekend. Way more exciting then a promotion battle. Would be nice to one day see promotion an relegation in north American pro sports. The oilers would be in div 5 NHL by now.

Spoken like a guy who's no longer in a promotion fight.... (Sorry too soon?:))

But I have to agree, it means teams have something to play for right to the end (in most cases). It also has an impact on the top of the table because the lower teams are scrapping for every point and might nick one off someone up the food chain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Sajarevo 3-0 Akal
Shaheen 2-1 Metro

Things just got a little tighter at the bottom. With most teams having only 2-3 games left, anyone from 7th place down could still conceivably be relegated by season's end :jawdrop:
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