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Track and Field

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Do you think the Americans get special treatment in the world of Track and Field? Fcuking arrogant bastards.....

U.S. men's 400 relay team reinstated after DQ
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AP Track Writer
August 11, 2001

EDMONTON, Alberta (AP) -- The United States men's 400-meter relay team, notorious for being disqualified, was reinstated after first being DQd in the quarterfinals of the World Championships Saturday.

Meanwhile, an overlooked Anjanette Kirkland spoiled Gail Devers' bid for a fourth world title in the women's 100 hurdles; Marion Jones anchored the U.S. women's 400 relay team to victory; and Russia's Olga Yegorova decisively beat Romania's Gabriela Szabo in their grudge match in the women's 5,000.

The American men originally were declared winners of their heat in 38.83 seconds, but after long deliberations by the officials, the result was reversed because leadoff runner Jon Drummond apparently ran out of his lane.

However, Drummond was not called for a violation by the judge at that spot, and that was part of the U.S. protest after the disqualification. The DQ was judged on the basis of a video seen by the officials.

In his protest, USA Track & Field executive director Craig Masback pointed out that the judge in front of the alleged point of violation neither saw nor called a violation, and the video was not clear because of obstruction by the shadows of the track.

Besides, Masback contended that no unfair advantage was gained if there was a violation, which the Americans did not think happened.

After reviewing a replay of the race, the jury of appeals rescinded the disqualification and reinstated the Americans.

Drummond had a legitimate excuse for running near the line. He had a cramp in his right quadriceps with about 40 meters remaining, but kept going before handing off to Mickey Grimes.

``I just did what I had to do for my team,'' a teary-eyed, limping Drummond said. ``I was feeling great, nothing was wrong. Then 50-60 meters in, I felt a twinge.

``Two steps more and I felt a hard crunch. At one point, my mind said stop, but I knew I had made a commitment to Mickey Grimes

BTW, how the fcuk do you cramp during a hundred meter run?
I can see it after a marathon or in the middle of overtime in a soccer game but a fcuking 100 meter sprint when that is all you train for. Bollocks......

Yours in Track and Field,



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Do you think the Americans get special treatment in the world of Track and Field?


Do you think the Canadian Track Team is in shambles? Not a single fcuking medal? But they tried real hard and it was a good learning experience... tell me about it... we learned how much the team sucks.

yours in editorials,



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

There has been much writen in the British press about just how crap Edmonton is as a venue. Nevermind as a venue for athletics but as a venue for sustaining human life and it's really done nothing to redress the misconception over here that Canadians are just boring, though polite, versions of the much hated Amurricans. The fact that the stands have remained largely empty from what I've seen on the box and the fact that, as Regs so brilliantly points out, Canada's abject failure in yet another sporting endeavour is impressive in its' scale and woeful ineptitude, leave so many questions needing answered.

For instance, why did anyone choose to put the World Athletics Championships in Edmonton? Why has Edmonton never realised that having a big shopping centre does not constitute an impressive tourist destination or qualify as a cultural icon? Why did I sit and watch the triple jump finals at 3:00am, gripped by the drama that is the admittedly impressive born-again Jonathan Edwards?

Burnsie, the yanks get special treatment everywhere, nevermind in athletics. I read recently that the state of California is being sued by BC Hydro for an unpaid and quite mammoth (though undervalued as a result of the wonderful free trade agreement) hydro bill. Then that cnut Bush comes on and says that Canada has the resources the septic tanks need and that he will get them no matter what it takes. As soon as Chretien decides to invade the states I'll come back and join up.

Strangely mixing politics and my own deep-seeded prejudice of all things American with Athletics and Edmonton, Fastshow.


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
What a SUPRISE!!!

Captain and Fasty,

I'm shocked that you two, well educated TTP'ers, are just learning that the Yanks get special treatment on the World Stage.
Who would think such thoughts?

Is it a real suprise that the US 4 x 1 team gets reinstated??? Who would watch sports if a highly gifted, trained Americian was not involved in the final at some level. There is no HUMAN interest if the USA is not involved.

Come on now! Who holds all the power here in North America?

These so called World Track and Field Championships are an absolute joke. I would be very suprised to see them in N.A. again in our life time. In Europe and Asia, Track and Field is HUGE! The Championships will be in France in 2003.

As for the Canadians, well as soon as the Feds and local Gov't start spending good old money on amateur sports in this country, don't expect much. That goes for every sport. Let's not blame the Athletes, but the Idiots running the Country.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
5 big ones

Yes........the track and field championships will be back in NA. The 2004 World's will be held in Palo Alto (Stanford).


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money

I could be wrong but I thought, Stanford was in the bid for this World Championships of Track and Field.

I also heard the next one is in France 2003. Two years from now.

It must be the bad air quality in the lower mainland these days..:D

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