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Sporting At The Nationals, Day 1/2


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Was this a fine quality, $750.00 call girl, or the $10 ho off the corner? Wouldn't want you to spend all your dough on blow, you know.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
sensei_hanson said:
Jesus H Christ, it's like hanging out with a bunch of High School girls. You all done carving shite about Sporting into the bathroom stalls yet?

In case you all haven't noticed, I tend to write with a slightly sacrastic overtone. I figured lines like "the jet lag kills" and "nasty time zone change" would indicate as much, but apparently Wevers didn't get the memo. The "pizza, beer and wings" line was pretty hyperbolic. A couple of guys wanted to watch hockey on a big screen in the hotel. That's about it. How that got manifested into "I heard they were out until 6am doing blow off hooker's asses" is beyond me. I had no idea my little post was about to turn into the National Soccer Bible, or that it could be spun the way it has.

Hleucka, you need to get a goddamn hobby. Seriously.

The opening ceremony was a gong show as they cokced up our hotel reservations and nobody from the organizing committee knew where we were. That's about the extent of that conspiracy. We didn't hear any negative feedback afterwards so it was pretty much water under the bridge. I thought what I wrote would be a funny anecdote, so that I didn't have to come out and say "the lines of communication sucked, and the organization was non-existant", but I guess that's what I get for poking fun.

And ya, I had a beer. Alexander Keiths. I'm pretty sure it was the deciding factor in our game yesterday, especially since I didn't play. Fcuk me. A few of you really make me sick.

I'm not the team spokesperson, nor did I ever claim to be. I thought making a few snide and amusing observations about the tourney and this city would be a laugh and people would enjoy the read, but I guess not. I could have written the real, factual stuff like "light training in the morning, cool down and stretch, chalk talk, whirlpool, in my hotel bed by 10pm" - as engaging as that sounds, it's actually really fcuking dull. And I know because that's basically what Wednesday consisted of. If I wanted to write boring posts about our minute-by-minute schedule, I would have. But I'm not about to apologize for writing what I did. The last time I checked, this website was called Take The Piss, not Keep The Annoying Sapperton Manager Informed.

Anyways, you're all a bunch of bloody vultures circling for another carcass. Draw more conclusions as the weekend unfolds, but you won't be getting much more from me. TTP retirements suck but I can see why they occur.

You can all kiss my ass. Hope you liked the diary. Cheers for watching.

:D Well said, Sensei. Tiocfaidh Ar La. BTW, Sensei, would you mind shagging a few birds for me now? I miss being in Calgary between the ages of 18 and 23. :D Enjoy the rest of the trip, as it is supposed to be an enjoyable experience.


New Member
Mar 14, 2003
Dirty Money
Too bad about the mix up. Now I see where that missing U18 girls team from BC ended up.

Thanks for participating.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Christ, Reedie if you want to put your kid to sleep just read him one of Sensei's match reports, he'll cry himself to sleep.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Sensei and Steve Millar are one and the same... Did wee Jordan have a sex-change op? Such an early age, Reedy!



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
First of all why out of all that am I the one to get picked out? Fcuk, Halford, everyone was thinking it I was just the first to say it.

Second of all you probably posted more times this month than I have. In conclusion, this is my goddamn hobby and has been ever since my wife took away my Star Wars action figures. The Millennium(sp) Falcon is only so much fun with out Han and Chewy.

As for your quip Captain, what I posted had nothing to do with how many national titles Surrey United or I have or have not won. (its none if in case you're keeping score at home which you clearly are) I was simply surprised at what I thought, when I read it, was a poor pre-game preparation before a massive game. I wasn't the only geezer (my new over used word)to misconstrue your pizza and pint line either as you can plainly see. My post does read a lot harsher (just made that one up) at 6pm than at 1:30am. Sorry guy. But honestly I can see with the amount of hockey homers on your team that one of the top priorities before even getting off plane for a few of them was where were they going to watch the Canucks home opener in bum lick Alberta and of course if they had enough change for hookers.

you're right though a complete itinerary doesn't make for good reading, it has to better than a 4-0 post. Now that said I certainly don't think "pizza and beer" was the reason you lost the game, but how would I know that? Seriously, what happened? A 4- nil loss at any level is a weak outing and even Captain counter point can't argue that. Were Edmonton G&G that much better than the best team from BC? I'm sorry but you know how I like to read deep into your posts and jump to my own conclusions but I could only take so much from "hmmmm, yeah."

Believe it or not I was and am rooting for you Mikey. And JB. Not to mention the Gomesy's, Dormers and the rest of Sporting for that matter. I sincerely hope you guys can salvage something from it. Is a bronze still possible? I have one of those. Maybe I can offer some advice.

I didn't mean for my post to start the Sporting inquisition, honesty.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
No one expects for their post to start the Sporting inquisition.

I've changed my mind, one paragraph of knvb's hobby equals unconscious infant.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Careful now Jinky, you only have one more picture of me to pull out of the funny jar. Then you'll have to find a new hobby yourself.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I appreciate all those who PMed me. Some pretty good people out there. And just for the record, KNVB and I are going to try and see other people for a while.

I suppose many are curious as to what exactly happened in the Edmonton game, so here goes. I mean, you guys knew I wasn't just going to up and leave without saying anything else, right?

Okay, the game. First off, we were awful. Nothing was clicking, period. It was inexplicable as everybody was keyed up prior to the match and the first 10 minutes were completely uneventful. We got down one at the 35 minute mark. Edmonton do have a pretty good squad and they're organized as hell. When defending, their striker runs/shadows the ball and his nine teammates are all behind. It allowed two of their midfielders to anticipate and get into passing lanes without leaving the rest of the team exposed, if that makes any sense. If a guy gambled and missed, it didn't make much difference because the space that was supposed to open up wasn't there.

Anyways, it was brutal to watch given the fact we like to string together a lot of short passes. All the 1-2 stuff in the middle of the park was picked off like they'd read our book a thousand times. We didn't help matters by having a complete shitter - got thrown off track and couldn't get back on.

Down 1-buzz we hit the crossbar on Rosie's shot/cross. With the tournament format the way it is, you're basically in a one-and-done if you lose, and we knew it. Starting pushing more and more for the equalizer and G&G played some nice counter-attack to get the second goal with about 25 minutes to go. At that point it was all hands on deck and we threw it all foward. Ryan Dormer (I think it was Ryan...hard to remember with all the heroin and Jagerbombs we were doing before the game) hit the crossbar and Gomesy's long-range blast was well-saved by their keeper. They popped in two late ones as we were all foward, I think one may have even been a 2-on-Brum as we left the back completely exposed looking to get a goal.

And that was it. Pretty weird feeling to be out of a tournament one game into the group stage, but it is what it is. We play St. Laurentian from Newfoundland tomorrow in the quest for 5th place.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Heroin before the game? Fcuk, not even Peg did that before our first trip to the show :rolleyes:


Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
We played a great game today and the score should had been much more. We watched the newfies play yesterday versus Alberta and Alberta struggled with them more then we did. The Newfies have some good players, but we for some reason decided to show up today and played a cracker. We are now on to play Sask Aresnal at 11am.

I am interested as to what the game was like from the Newfies broadcast, does anyone want to take that question if the listen to it?

On to hopefully put us in the 5/6 game battle.



New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Troy, you out there? What have you heard - were the Picketts champions of the Burin Peninsula again this year again, or did St Lawrence kick Marystown butt?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Ya, the score was 4-buzz, which would have been a good thing for JB to mention in his post above. He may still be distracted from the most awkward keeper in Canada making a tremendous flying, one-handed save on his goalbound drive. To be fair to the Maritimes, the Newfs were a pretty good team. They battled with Edmonton G&G the day before, holding the Alberta champions scoreless for 75 minutes before losing 2-0.

We didn't get exact confirmation on the stats but we registered 26 shots and forced their keeper into 13 saves. It was a fairly dominant performance against a game St. Laurentian squad, who had about 400 fans in attendance. Pretty lively atmosphere for a group game at 7pm in the freezing Calgary night.


New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
For those uninitiated, we don't have any darbys in the West like Marystown vs St Lawrence - as you can see by 400 fans making the trip West (although, I am sure there were a few "locals" there in support.) I am sure that Peg was up against the same fan support last year playing Marystown back east.

Marystown and St Lawrence, two small towns battling it out for supremacy with civic pride very much at stake. It would be like Hundred Mile House and Williams Lake winning the BC's year after year. Amazing, and some day when they win the Cdn's there will be a movie...


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Didn't they win the championship a few years back?

Surprisingly, they didn't have that large of a contingent last year on the Island.

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