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"Scare the Bad Driver" game

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In lieu of no soccer, due to too much snow, I found a great game to play against bad drivers. We will call it "Scare the Bad Driver" game.

On Thursday evening, I was driving in Burnaby BC with the wife, taking her to some of her favourite malls. I was heading east on Kingsway, about to change lanes to make a right turn into The Bay Metrotown parking lot, when this idiot middle-aged Chinese driver changed lanes seconds before me, cutting me off. If I hadn't checked my blind-spot a second time, he would have side-swiped me.

We both screached our breaks, narrowly avoiding an accident. I honked my horn, the wife gave him the finger, and we both cursed at him.

After a tiring afternoon of driving, I decided I wasn't ready to end the anger. It was time for a little revenge...

So, I chased the bastard through the parking lot around The Bay. By the time he exiting the Bay parking lot onto the back street (Central Blvd) he must have been going 100kms/hr. I've never seen anyone so scared of me. What a rush! I guess that seeing a young white guy wearing a leather jacket, driving a fancy car, following him, was too scary for the poor bugger.

Perhaps, others could post their Road-Rage stories as part of this thread?



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
It goes with-out saying you're a fcuking moron, right?

What may I ask were you going to do if you caught this middle age Chinese fellow? Good thing you didn't put any thought into your actions it's easier to get through life that way. It's a good job being an out of control idiot doing 100 in a car park isn't illegal or anything. Too bad that you didn't kill someone. That would have been cool, huh? Then you and your wife could have fingered and cursed what's left of the person you splattered all over your car. That would have been worth the trip into BBY alone. Unlucky no one shops at the Bay. Next time.

I only wish I could express better how much I think of you. The forum you choice to post this in couldn't have been more appropriate btw. Dazza will be proud.

...on the plus side of all this, you sound like you have a charming wife.



knvb: Yeh, I didn't think what I'd do if the guy stopped and parked. Besides the fact that I might park next to him and watch him leave his car.

Clarification: I wasn't chasing the guy at 100kms/hr. The parking lot chase was at 5kms/hr - I just kept on his bumper to scare him. I succeeded. The other driver freaked and started driving fast when he exited the parking lot, screeching his tires at perhaps 50kms/hr. I didn't follow him out of the parking lot - just turned around a parked my car.

Perhaps this escapade was a little stupid. Hopefully, this guy will think twice before speeding past someone and nearly causing an accident? And, no I am not condoning road rage as being a good thing.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: memories.......

Great post, iandmcintyre!

It reminds me of when I got back from serving in the Gulf in the early 1990's. I found work as curate at Our Lady of the Amaranthine Roundabout in South-North London. Some nights, after choral evensong, I'd fire up the Fiat Punto and would take my favoured chorister, a blue-eyed, fair-haired boy of nine, to drive to a few of his favourite adult bookshops on the Tottenham Court Road.

To get there we'd drive through the Elephant and Castle, one of North-South London's most asperous areas. One of our most cherished pasttimes was a game we christened, 'Wind up the Wog'. the object of WutW was to find any car that had the appearance of an unlicenced mini-cab, generally speaking a late 1980's four-door Toyota Corolla or Nissan Sunny. There was a not inconsiderable risk to playing WutW as the great majority of those we targetted were uninsured illegal immigrants and, as everyone knows, coloured folk ar better at fighting than we are.

I would carve up our target and young Guillaume would start flailing and gesticulating wildly while screaming a torrent of filth, the likes of which only nine year-old boys are capable of, at the bemused driver. This would invariably result in the chased becoming the chaser and we'd go screaming up into the West End, the super-charged Fiat Punto going hell-for-leather, my cassock trailing out of the open sunroof and our asylum seeker in hot pursuit.

Oh how we laughed.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I, like KNVB, have NEVER had road rage. I had treadmill rage once, but never road rage.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Didn't Beaker get hit by a stroller the last time he had road rage?

Enquiring minds want to know.....:D



ps - Mrs. Iand is very charming. And well-dressed.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
stew said:
Didn't Beaker get hit by a stroller the last time he had road rage?

You are right stew, but beaker fell off his BIKE , and then was hit by the stroller. Still LOL from that one, I mean it cracks me up.



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
They're just bitter, Manager. For that little condescension I am going to follow you around TTP at 5 Km/hr on my fancy computer with my wife by my side you idiot caucasian computer operator. shite, I'm not married. Just wait, I have to go get loaded and marry Britney Spears but I'll be back and you'll be sorry. By the time I'm done you'll be typing at 100 km/hr. Well 50 Km/hr. Safely though. You deserve it, you cut me off and posted before I did.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
A buddy of mine was cut-off and fingered by 4 punks in thier parents car one night, well little did they know, my buddy is a nutter, he rams them from behind and begins to chase them around Poco. They eventually end up on a island in the middle of the road with two flats and crying, he gets pulled over by a cop 10 minutes later, but nothing came of it. Funny story, those kids didn't do that again.


the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Dapotayto said:
They're just bitter, Manager. For that little condescension I am going to follow you around TTP at 5 Km/hr on my fancy computer with my wife by my side you idiot caucasian computer operator. shite, I'm not married. Just wait, I have to go get loaded and marry Britney Spears but I'll be back and you'll be sorry. By the time I'm done you'll be typing at 100 km/hr. Well 50 Km/hr. Safely though. You deserve it, you cut me off and posted before I did.

a scary thought to know there is a flowing blonde haired potato head chasing me online with a britney blow up doll by his side....i can see it now

dap: Quick Britney, hold the mouse while I take off my potpto head euphoric smile and slap on my envious scowl....manager is online and I'm in hot persuit....I need to post before he does!

Britney blow up doll: which mouse?

dap: the big one britney...

Britney blow up doll: oh...the computer mouse.....OK

dap: shucks...manager posted and I could't catch him....I really need to upgrade from this comadore 64....i feel so inadequate. at least I have you britney

Britney blow up doll: ;)

dap: I wish I owned a fast car....maybe i could be like iand...and chase him down on the street


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
That is absolutely preposterous, Manager. Like I would say shucks!

Fastshow, leave my mom out of this.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Right of Way

I don't get it Ian, the guy guy changed lanes before you did and I believe that gives him the right of way. He might have been more courteous but I think he was in the right. Did you have your indicator on letting him know where you were going? Were you going slow in the left lane perhaps frustrating him to pull into the right to pass you? Would you have done the same thing to an occidental?



The way I saw it, the Twit deliberately cut me off.

I was driving the speed limit in the middle lane and signalling with ample time as I usually do. He increased his speed well above 50kms to change lanes before me and beat me into the parking lot. If I had not looked over my shoulder a 2nd time before changing lanes and saw him out of the corner of my eye, we would have had a collision.

I think the guy was just being a jerk because I had a nicer car than him.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Pure entertainment.

Of course, how could we have missed it? It's car envy. I bet you he just came from McDonalds too?

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