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Pro Stadium? Please read.

Johnnie Monster

New Member
Apr 9, 2006
Dirty Money
I got two responses so far, both wanted me to confirm my address as they only "dealt with matters concerning their own constituents"

Then you go right back at them and tell them your address isn't important ,because this is a matter of economic and environmental importance to the entire region.

Tell them to consider the number of people that will take transit to the Waterfront. That's good for regional air quality, and good for traffic congestion.

Tell them to consider the number of jobs that will be created at the stadium and at neighbouring businesses.

But to quote myself from another thread... tell them this:

"Regardless of where I live, if you and your party are not prepared to resolve this stadium issue, soccer supporters across BC and Canada will be mobilizing in great numbers to support the campaigns of candidates who will."


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock and One Dart will be there at 5:30 I hear. I see sleeping on the couch in my near future.

Chicken shite.

It's like the "cool card" we all carried around in High School. You're either too cool or too concerned w/ what people will think if you pull a finger out and try to lobby for a cause.

That, and apathy. Too many people like to watch from the outside instead of doing a little bit to help.

You can't tell me that you are opposed to either the Sadium, or the possibility of the MLS coming to Vancouver, and you would be lying to me if you thought an MLS franchise here wouldn't help raise not only the profile of the game, but the competitiveness on all levels. Young Dave Hleucka would have provided a left nut for the opportunity to play MLS.
Boy have I ever been firmly scolded. Rah, rah sis boom baaa... Don't turn an ankle stepping off the soap box. You can bet I’ll be the first to hang your banner off the Alex Fraser Bridge now.

Do you count as one of my 10 friends or do I have to round up 10 more?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No, I don't count, cause I sent it to you. It's bad luck to send it back to me.

I have a Chiropractor appointment w/ Dr. :rolleyes: Shawn Patterson at 5:40, so I have to be out of there by 5:35. I wonder if his bendy pens are as good as Steppy's?

What scientific meathod will the doctor use to crack my back? Baited breath...


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I got a quick response from a Langley Councillor, who I will leave un-named simply because I did not seek permission to publish their comments, and respect the fact that they replied.

Dear Chad,

Unfortunately, the Township of Langley has no authority over this matter, as it is a Vancouver City issue.

Speaking personally, however, I'm right with you. It's ridiculous the hurdles the Whitecaps have been put through. The vision of this project is incredible, and I can't believe Vancouver isn't doing everything it can to get Mr. Kerfoot in there.

Township of Langley


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money

Frank (The writer of the article) is related to one of my players and is the editor at the Langley Times, I wasn't under the impression when I met with him last year that he gave the slightest damn about soccer. I guess I am mistaken.

Good on you Frank. Surrey would suit me even better.... I'd pony up for seasons tickets like NOW.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I wouldn't care either way, but I think the Caps want the best bang for their buck, and that's Waterfront. I think from their standpoint it HAS to be Dowtown, and I can see why they feel that way.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Hmm, where would I rather watch a game or outdoor concert. Downtown Vancouver or Surrey.

Tough one. :rolleyes:

For the record, I would prefer Riverside Park over both of those. Just so you know.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
And you know what? DT simply has more of a fan base RIGHT THERE, close to the city. Surrey is big, but not that big, and not attractive enough to draw from Vancouver. Vancouver can draw from Surrey...the Lions have proven that w/ the train loads of trailer park trash that pile off the Skytrain for every game.

On a sunny evening, I would be much more willing to take the train (wearing my wifebeater, of course) straight down to the Waterfront, have a nice dinner, catch the game, etc., than I would be to go anywhere in Surrey.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Check out this link....

Vancouver Park Board - 2008 Board Meetings

As usual in Vancouver, we've just acquired another taxpayer-funded study with no resolution to the problem; just more generic platitudes. Note in the "Vancouver Sports Strategy" (another good oxymoron, BTW) how our lofty goals include generating interest in sport and healthy lifestyles, and increasing our number of sporting icons ("champions") from the current dearth - kind of hard to do with shite facilities like we have here in Funcouver.

Yes, folks, this is from the same city governance that sends you regurgitated form letters from the mayor's office stating that they don't want to get involved "outside their jurisdiction.":rolleyes:

'scuse me, my stomach contents just churned again....



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
"generating interst in sport and healthy lifestyles"

Yes, because in Vancouver, no one is really aware of the sporting activities you can do here :rolleyes:

Fcuk me, are not the Olympics on their way? Let the promotion machine for that generate interest you morons!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I have recieved another reply regarding the Whitecaps waterfront stadium issue from PETER LADNER.

It is copied below:

1.Do you support the Whitecaps Waterfront Stadium Proposal? Why or why not?

Yes. I am a strong Whitecaps supporter. I consider outdoor professional soccer to be the most entertaining and accessible sporting experience in the Lower Mainland and have attended lots of games at Swangard Stadium.

It would be a huge benefit for Vancouver to land a major soccer franchise in a new, multi-purpose stadium downtown. Part of making Vancouver a globally competitive city is having a healthy professional sports industry.
Our global competitiveness would also be enhanced by the stadium’s ability to attract business and visitors to the downtown and add an amenity to the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre.

As someone who has owned and run my own business (Business in Vancouver Media Group) and chaired the city’s budget committee, I have a special appreciation of the unprecedented generosity of a successful entrepreneur funding it at no expense to Vancouver taxpayers.

I see the soccer stadium as contributing to the affordability and physical health of Vancouver, not just because of the owner taking financial responsibility for its construction and operation, but also because it would finance the Whitecaps impressive province-wide network of support teams and training facilities.

It would advance my goal of making Vancouver the greenest city in North America by being located at the centre of so many public transportation networks, a sustainable transportation feature not available in other locations.

I have supported it from the beginning, while recognizing the problems of accommodating that use on a difficult site. As a councillor, I have to ensure the stadium doesn’t overpower Gastown and downtown eastside neighbours, that it can be adequately accessed, and that it doesn’t impede vital transportation infrastructure like the SeaBus and the port rail yards.

I have met with Greg Kerfoot, Bob Lenarduzzi, the Whitecaps development team, Port of Vancouver representatives, Downtown Eastside residents, city planning staff and other councilors to advance this project. I have frequently spoken out on the unique opportunity of having this stadium in the heart of our city.

2. What plan of action do you have to make it a reality?
As a councillor, I have tried to ensure the city is not delaying the process and is doing whatever it can to accommodate the Whitecaps’ offer. I will continue to publicly endorse the proposal and fight to make sure the Whitecaps’ and the city’s concerns are dealt with as expeditiously as possible.

I believe it is the mayor’s responsibility to stay abreast of the difficult negotiations underway between the Port, the Whitecaps and CP Rail. The mayor should be encouraging the parties to agree to an independent appraisal for the value of the rail yards, the key sticking point right now.

I would not back up the process and start looking for other locations unless the Whitecaps determine the waterfront site will never work and want to pursue another approach.

The bottom line for Vancouver is that this site has to find a home in the city as soon as possible.

3.What makes you uniquely qualified to succeed on this issue?
I know all the players. I understand business. I really want it to succeed. I am trusted by both sides.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
For the record, I have not heard back from ONE of the officials / politicians I sent letters to. Not one.

I did hear back from a hadful of parents who said they'd write letters, and loby their friends.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
For the record, I have not heard back from ONE of the officials / politicians I sent letters to. Not one.

I did hear back from a hadful of parents who said they'd write letters, and loby their friends.

Weird, you'd think that people would have heard of the big lebowski.....

But no surprise, your just one guy to the politicians, my emails sounded like I was backed by all 200 LUFCA players and associates (gotta like having a LUFCA email address). Its total bs and I cannot imagine what people in our society who are dealing with even more important issues have to go through to get heard.

I gained some respect for a couple of politicians, lost a bunch for a couple others.. I Guess thats how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Maybe is I'd used my superhero name and not my alias, they would have responded.

Yes. This would have been a good idea. I hear they are afraid of the infamous "Guy with great hair" who leaps out of His Honda SUT in full Lizard costume errr..A Gary Kilby hand-made Jersey and some hard to find Lotto cleats.

On a serious note, I liked your letter and it deserved a response.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Further to this discussion, I recieved a another reply.

I recieved a response from Mark Warawa, MP. It was sent in PDF format so the formatting is all screwed but the content is below.

See below:

Mark Warawa, M.P., Langley
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment
Ottawa Office:
Room 365, West Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-992-1157
Fax: 613-943-1823
OTTAWA, May 21, 2008
Chad Spurgeon
Dear Mr. Spurgeon:
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the proposed Waterfront Stadium Project in the Vancouver Gastown area. No doubt such a complex would promote the game of soccer and improve accessibility for sports fans. I know how popular soccer is among both adults and children in Langley, and I agree that our community would definitely benefit from this project.
I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to the Honourable Helen Guergis, Secretary of State (Sport), for her review and have asked that she reply directly to you.
Thank you for taking the time to write me.
Mark Warawa, M.P.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Got the identical reply today.

My response:

Mr. Warawa,

Thank you for your response.

With all due respect, you don’t really address my concerns as a taxpayer. This is more in line with “passing the buck”, by responding with a form letter.


• Are you in favor, as our MP, in seeing this project advance under the private financing proposal put forward?
• If so, what are you SPECIFICALLY doing, as our Federal MP, to help Champion this project?

I am asking if you have raised your voice about this. If you have, to what extent? If not, why not?

My frustration as a taxpayer is that it does not seem that any of our Federal politicians are getting behind this project- at least publicly- to push for a fast resolution. If I am not mistaken the VPA- as a Crown Corp- falls under the directive of your Government. That being said, your Government locally has not spoken out about the absurdity of the red tape this private venture has been forced to cut through. And, that is what this has come down to: absurdity.

You have only scratched the surface of the public benefits of having this facility. They are far reaching, and dare I say, in line w/ one of your Government’s agendas: increasing the overall health and physical fitness of our youth.

As a taxpayer, I expect my representative to be my voice. I am EXTREMELY disappointed that we do not hear loud and frequent objections and condemnations from our Federal MPs about the endless delays this project has faced, most recently at the hands of a publicly owned Crown Corporation.

I don’t have many other options other than writing to you to beg and plead that you stand up and be counted on this issue. I suppose my only other options are to ask our local newspapers to publish both my original letter, and your weak response to it, and to next time vote for a candidate that will actually take an issue like this and Champion the cause.

This cause does need a political champion, Mr. Warawa. It just makes too much sense.



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Got the identical reply today.

My response:

Great response DUDE... hold him to task, he is one guy that we have some power to push around. It took him 2 weeks to prepare a form letter, passing the buck to someone else and probably had his
assistant (manceptionist?) fire it off.

He has an office in Langley, CC your reply and to the Times and Advance. They take political sides however and might not publish.

sports@langleytimes.com is a good contact. (Gary A.)

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