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Pakenham Cup Pakenham Cup 2009 - Week 1

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Tough loss is right. A lot of high drama tonight, including a saved PK by Poco at ~ minute 80 to preserve a 1-0 lead by Langley, a scramble goal by Poco w/ 6 mnutes to go, 10 rounds of PKs, a save by Langley keeper that would have given the match to Langley called back for a re-take (came forward off the line)...

I'd love to write more, but emotionally & physically I'm spent. Last Pak of my "career". It's been a blast. Good luck cloughie moving on.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Cascade,,Our goalie took the PK in the 93min to shoot wide so not to disrespect your goalie..Tyler Baldock is not a dick,,where as if one of the other guys on our team would have taken it ,,who knows..AS for the behavior,,they just haveing fun as we just lost to Langley 4-0 and Chilliwack 3-0,Our Capitan was Cut down last game and is gone,,well most likely forever with MCL and ACL on an aleady had surgury knee. There was no pointing fingers and laughing at you, no name calling,no bad tackles,,It was just a game wher the guys had fun after so much bullshti..
Now we Play Langley and its the rematch we really wanted..Langley are good and have our number,,what a perfect time to change that.
As for you,,Sorry your feelings got hurt no disrespect was intended,You have a fine young team and they all are a good bunch of guys.
Good luck the rest of the way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Cascade,,Our goalie took the PK in the 93min to shoot wide so not to disrespect your goalie..Tyler Baldock is not a dick,,where as if one of the other guys on our team would have taken it ,,who knows..AS for the behavior,,they just haveing fun as we just lost to Langley 4-0 and Chilliwack 3-0,Our Capitan was Cut down last game and is gone,,well most likely forever with MCL and ACL on an aleady had surgury knee. There was no pointing fingers and laughing at you, no name calling,no bad tackles,,It was just a game wher the guys had fun after so much bullshti..
Now we Play Langley and its the rematch we really wanted..Langley are good and have our number,,what a perfect time to change that.
As for you,,Sorry your feelings got hurt no disrespect was intended,You have a fine young team and they all are a good bunch of guys.
Good luck the rest of the way.

In all honesty if your goalie missed on purpose thats even worse than having him shoot in the first place. And like I said before it was nothing as in name calling or anything personal towards any of the geu players directly, I even had a laugh or two during the game with your defencemen. I guess after taking the loss and seeing the oppossing team having a laugh its tougher to swallow and you take it more personally. And it was taking nothing away from your squad, in my 6 years of premier and my few years of college/university, acbc is probably one of the best skilled teams I have ever played against. When it comes to knee injuries im not shy on that subject as well:( I suppose emotion was the starter of my rant after a dismal few weeks of footy, oh well back to the drawing board for the sx cup sunday vs lions. :knvb:


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Tough loss is right. A lot of high drama tonight, including a saved PK by Poco at ~ minute 80 to preserve a 1-0 lead by Langley, a scramble goal by Poco w/ 6 mnutes to go, 10 rounds of PKs, a save by Langley keeper that would have given the match to Langley called back for a re-take (came forward off the line)...

I'd love to write more, but emotionally & physically I'm spent. Last Pak of my "career". It's been a blast. Good luck cloughie moving on.

I actually felt bad for a langley team tonight:cool:

We didn't deserve anything from this game early on, how your player hit this inside of the post from 6 and then your other missed the rebound....we rode that luck all the way to the last 10 and 1 nil down our gk gives us life with a pk save.

I had a feeling it would be a veteran that would miss in the pk's and #18 skied 1 to give us the edge, have to say I enjoyed that, very annoying wee bassa!

Dude, best of luck to ya, when I saw you takin that 1st pk I thought we were in but you finished it well, must be why your exhausted.:p

I honestly felt like we were destined to win the pk's, everything kept going our way, very, very lucky:eek:

How it goes I guess, classy bunch tonight, I expected a ruffer game but kudos for the good spirit in a fast paced game. Very well reffed tho by Nigel, he is 1 of the best around. Cheers Boys, I'll take the win and run for my life!:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Port Moody 2-0 NDFC

Really good game tonight actually. We gave them a really hard battle and it was a fun game to be in. Most fun I have had all year upfront is against Moody and Rangers because it feels like a premier caliber defence. I should have finished a few golden chances but moody deserved the win.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
since huggon left geu are 0-3 - 14 goals against and ZERO for...... can one guy make that much of a difference ?

no because the three games prior to him leaving we were 3-0 with 12 goals against.
but to try and put it in perspective we've played acbc x2 abbey x2 p/arch and langley what results should a mid table team expect
our performance gets worse as the depression gets deeper
we now play ndfc , dmu, aldy and poco lets see how that goes for us.;)


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
GEU 0 - 6 ACBC
PAU, Langley or other top teams never act like acbc did tonight and hats off to them. Nothing away from their skill cause its top notch but heres to hoping langley smash acbc in the next round.

They have a history of doing this, making woop sounds, laughing when they beat a guy, etc........add a little contact and then the crying/diving starts. Hippocrites.
As for skill, noone doubts the skill. From our history with them, they are not a classy bunch on the field...good battles though..Off, all good like everyone else so short of the woop and wierd noises they make...

On, topic
ACBC may be catching fire for cup run?!?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
GEU 0 - 6 ACBC

For the love of god... Didn't Ace get a new pair of hands like I ordered for his B-day?:rolleyes:

Bluebird...I'd run them all week thru the streets of Maple Ridge along with getting all your team to eat healthy with fresh foods from your local Save On foods of course.;)


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
Dirty Money
ACBC have no class. Their skill is second to none but they have to realize the rest of us have families and jobs not to mention we don't get paid to play. Some of their players don't even shake your hand at the end of a game. With that kind of attitude they will never earn respect from the other clubs. Maybe they don't want respect. Winning is not everything sometimes it is how you win.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Some of their players don't even shake your hand at the end of a game. .
Did KNVB sign for them?:D Seriously Ghouse get some balls and demand respect from your players even if you're humping teams 6-0 this should not be tolerated.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Hall3,,what the hell does that have to do with anything,,we all have families too,,we have jobs, go to school and none of my guys get paid to play soccer,well from ACBC anyways,,some might pick up a check from a pro club in our off season but good for them..Guess how much they get paid,,not enough to not work cause they all still do.
As for attitude,,what can I say..they train hard,play hard and sometimes get into card trouble,,but if you look on the FVSL website under discipline you will see alot of guys from everywhere and we have no more than anyone else...Cherping on the field goes on everywhere. Infact if you havent heard we just had an official who told one of our injured and hospitalized guys to quit rolling around and get up,,,so dont tell everyone we are the only team who shows no class cause its everywhere and to tell you the truth I notice tons of guys talking crap to us everygame,,its part of soccer..its part of everysport..


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
can you atleast work on having all your guys shake hands after the game? Or is this something accepted now in the premier league?


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Eveyone shook hands last night exsept a guy on the bench with Ice tied to his leg from takeing a knock,,So WTF are you all talking about...
Guys we hammered a team 6-0 and had fun,,no one was a dick about it and there was no cards no altercations no bull shti,,
So fukc off and let us enjoy our beers today.

When Langley hammered us the other night they cheered louder on their 4th goal than on their first,,and it sucked but we didnt blast them,,they beat us and we said good for them and we had warm beer..we didnt come on hear and complain about how loud they cheered cause they get to cheer any way they want cause they beat us,,and we took it.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
If you really want to shake hands then lets change things and shake before the game like the rest of the world and at the end of the game head to a bar together..then the looseing team can buy the beers..and pops for the guys who work in the am.
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