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Numb from the Covid


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

So don't drink outta the toilet without your mask on?

Tell Me More Jeff Goldblum GIF by National Geographic Channel


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money

When I first heard about the announcement of extending the second shot to FOUR!! months, I thought WTF is going on here? It was bad enough when she/they pushed it out longer than 28 days the first go around but now this? Where's the science?
Cheers for dr. Henry. She wants to end the covid restrictions therefore b.c. is going to innoculate more people sooner. If we could get more moderna and pfizer vaccine then we would not need to extend those second doses up to 120 days. Other provinces are gping to follow us.

The astra zeneca coming to canada this week has an expiration date of the first week of april. Astra zeneca second doses will not be administered up to 120 days. Perhaps we are getting surplus astra zeneca that other countries don't want.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Cheers for dr. Henry. She wants to end the covid restrictions therefore b.c. is going to innoculate more people sooner. If we could get more moderna and pfizer vaccine then we would not need to extend those second doses up to 120 days. Other provinces are gping to follow us.

The astra zeneca coming to canada this week has an expiration date of the first week of april. Astra zeneca second doses will not be administered up to 120 days. Perhaps we are getting surplus astra zeneca that other countries don't want.
Any potential long term repercussions?

I mean, what if it turns out the 4 month wait is too long and next Fall "cases" explode again? Do you think restrictions will fly then?

Do you think the government initially said "everyone in BC will be vaccinated by the end of September" painted them into a corner (cause shite happens in supply chains) and rather than push that date back, they instead decided to take this risk? It's a risk right? Does the science say otherwise?

What if a variant arises that fcuks the 4 month wait up?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Any potential long term repercussions?

I mean, what if it turns out the 4 month wait is too long and next Fall "cases" explode again? Do you think restrictions will fly then?

Do you think the government initially said "everyone in BC will be vaccinated by the end of September" painted them into a corner (cause shite happens in supply chains) and rather than push that date back, they instead decided to take this risk? It's a risk right? Does the science say otherwise?

What if a variant arises that fcuks the 4 month wait up?

I am not a medical expert, but this guy is...

Marty Makary MD, MPH, is editor-in-chief of MedPage Today as well as professor of surgery and health policy at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

I think based on the data, the medical professionals are seeing that the effectiveness of a single dose of these vaccines are turning out to be more effective than first thought (approx 90% effective?). Ergo, getting a single dose into more people is going to lead to a quicker end to the pandemic, than double dosing some people while others are completely unprotected.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I am not a medical expert, but this guy is...

I think based on the data, the medical professionals are seeing that the effectiveness of a single dose of these vaccines are turning out to be more effective than first thought (approx 90% effective?). Ergo, getting a single dose into more people is going to lead to a quicker end to the pandemic, than double dosing some people while others are completely unprotected.
First of all, thanks for the link to read!

A couple of things...

(1) he opines in the context of America with daily deaths of 3000
(2) he talks of 9-12 weeks or 2-3 months delay not 4 months
(3) he suffers from the same as what we get here, i.e., I have seen data... from where? share the science behind it!
(4) the comments there are interesting. Some thank him, others question what he is saying.

What if the delay allows the virus to somehow mutate further in between shots and adapts somehow to "ignore" the antibody buildup?

Fcuk me, I know I'm starting to sound like a wacko anti masker or whatever but these things were already fast-tracked through the trial/approval process and now they want to do things further on the fly?

All it really takes is to present these things with the actual data and explanation with it. I can understand that then and get 100% onboard. But when you sugar coat the decision with "miraculous" words that comes out of nowhere, well, yeah.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
First of all, thanks for the link to read!

A couple of things...

(1) he opines in the context of America with daily deaths of 3000
(2) he talks of 9-12 weeks or 2-3 months delay not 4 months
(3) he suffers from the same as what we get here, i.e., I have seen data... from where? share the science behind it!
(4) the comments there are interesting. Some thank him, others question what he is saying.

What if the delay allows the virus to somehow mutate further in between shots and adapts somehow to "ignore" the antibody buildup?

Fcuk me, I know I'm starting to sound like a wacko anti masker or whatever but these things were already fast-tracked through the trial/approval process and now they want to do things further on the fly?

All it really takes is to present these things with the actual data and explanation with it. I can understand that then and get 100% onboard. But when you sugar coat the decision with "miraculous" words that comes out of nowhere, well, yeah.

I 100% agree the risk of vaccine-resistant mutations is real. I guess it's a case of weighing risk vs reward. Is it more likely to mutate to such a state by infecting some partially vaccinated people or by infecting a larger number of people more rapidly among the unvaccinated population?

I'm not sure where the jump from 12 weeks (3 months) which is now official guidance in the UK to 4 months from Dr Bonnie comes from...

The only reason I can think why data is not being shared publicly is because it's not officially published yet. Regardless, I agree with you that it is frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@Regs here's your pariah... Danuta Skowronski

The one thing that's doing my head in is this:

"Skowronski says it's unclear why Pfizer went with a three-week interval for their clinical trials, but it may be because they didn't expect to have such good protection with the first dose."

Does that mean that the people making this decision didn't even bother to clarify with Pfizer?
Or could it be that Skowronski and friends contacted Pfizer and couldn't get a straight answer from them?

That answer is totally unclear from the article, and makes me question the quality of the journalism! So now I don't trust the public health officials or the journos. No wonder people get sucked into the alternative media outlets filled with conspiracy theories.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, exactly!

Real-world data... so you extrapolate results over 2 months to say no problem if we wait 4?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
It’s an experimental vaccine in the first place. So many unknowns about it. Long term affects. Will we need it annually?
you still have to wear a mask, and physically distance if you have it.
do we know how it affects women who are pregnant? Or want kids?
If you have a 99.9% chance your fine then why take it? With so many questions around it and no real evidence folks think it’s going to be the end of this casedemic.
does it not open the door for future ailments to have forced medicine on the masses? What about the next flu that comes around? Forced vaccines for all? Where’s the line?

how can a government push this on to healthy people? And threaten no travelling if you don’t have it. Does anybody question big pharma’s hand in all this? massive cash grab to force medicine on to healthy people.

would you not want to see if you have the antibodies first? Perhaps many of us have had it. But had zero symptoms. Or minimal symptoms for a few days. Like we have all had a hundred times in our life.
Or just line us up like cows and say if you want your freedom back we need to make billions in “selling sickness” to the masses.

This shite has gone on for a year and it’s a joke how they have run it. We all know the cure has been worse. We all see it.
How many frontline workers have died?
police, nurses, grocery store clerks.
how many? That deal with thousands of people a day. Thousands. Touching and being in close proximity. How many nursing home nurses has passed? With no vaccine. Nothing. How many? It’s a normal flu for the majority. Yes it does affect some differently. But we know who it affects. I know it would affect my parents different. So assess the risks and react to what you need to do.

mainstream media is not truth. The news does more harm to people’s minds and lives then it does good. Turn off the tv and go play at a park. Your life will be 10 times healthier. Mentally and physically.

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