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Hijab a Dabba Do


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Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Have a shufty of the following.......

Girl loses Muslim dress fight

15 June 2004

A 15-year-old schoolgirl today lost her High Court battle for the right to wear traditional Muslim dress in the classroom.

Shabina Begum said she was being denied her "right to education and to manifest her religious beliefs".

But lawyers for the head teacher and governors of Denbigh High School, Luton, raised fears that a win for Shabina could cause unwelcome divisions among pupils, as well as health and safety risks.

Some Muslim girls might be regarded as "better Muslims" than others, a judge was told in a test case with important implications for multi-faith schools across the country.

Dismissing Shabina's application for judicial review, Mr Justice Bennett said the school uniform policy had "a legitimate aim", which was the proper running of a multi-cultural, multi-faith secular school".

The limitations placed on what Shabina could wear was "proportionate" to that aim, and her human rights had not been infringed.

The dress policy applied for Muslim girl pupils "was, and continues to be, a reasoned, balanced, proportionate policy", said the judge.

He added: "Having considered the matter carefully, it seems to me unrealistic and artificial to say that the claimant's right to education has been denied in the particular circumstances of this case."

Shabina's solicitor-advocate, Yvonne Spencer, said that there was "no chance" of Shabina going back to Denbigh High after today's decision.

"She is devastated, She is overwhelmed by this level of media attention and she wishes to be left alone."

She said that the case contained a message to Muslim communities in that they should really think carefully about where they placed their children.

"If choosing a secular school with a school uniform policy, they need to examine very carefully whether that is the right school for their child."

She added: "Shabina has very genuine and firm views."

Now, I'm all for everyone co-existing peacefully with one another, even French people (I'm a humanist) but I applaud this decision as, for once, a ridiculous precedent has been avoided. But, for how long? If you want to dress like a fcuking ninja and wander about with only your eyes on display then fair enough but if you want to attend a school in a traditionally Protestant country, let's have a wee bit of common sense and at least a passing nod to assimilation. I wouldn't for a minute consider going into a Baghdad classroom dressed in the North Delta attire I was used to as a schoolboy. For starters, skin-tight Levi 501's with tight rolls were never really fashionable, especially when the 'look' was completed with a Delta Metro wind-breaker, New Order Technique 1989 Tour t-shirt (for religious purposes since Bernard Sumner is God) and knackered Perry Topsiders. Secondly, at 31, I'm too fcuking old to be pissing about at school anymore......and it contravenes my parole innit.

"Shabina has very genuine and firm views."
No she fcuking bloody well hasn't, she's 15 years old for Muhammed's sake. 15 year-old's don't have genuine views. They possess nothing more than the opinions and behaviours of their parents and parrot Mum and Dad in almost all respects. It's my own genuine and firm view that people don't begin to display any real signs of free will, nevermind free thought, until they're in their mid to late twenties. Or, in my case, 32.
Are we really to believe her Mum and Dad are a couple of Mormon God-botherers, neither of whom can truly believe their precautious daughter's conversion to Islam at such a young age? I knew Mormons once and they wouldn't have allowed it, would they Buckfast? Get stuffed, the silly mare's parents pulled her strings all the way to the High Courts on one of their own selfish, political agendas.

Hi, TheRob!!! Aren't you a clever boy for having read so much of this diatribe?

Shabina's solicitor-advocate, Yvonne Spencer, said that there was "no chance" of Shabina going back to Denbigh High after today's decision.

Well, at least that bit's honest. There are few things more cruel than children, the obvious exceptions being having to read an HoS post on TTP or listen to Luc Van Lierde's music, why would this poor pawn want to go and continue to get more stick from the kids in her class?

"She is devastated, She is overwhelmed by this level of media attention and she wishes to be left alone."

How misleading. The poor bitch isn't devastated by the fact she can't wear her Bruce-Lee-Baddie kit, she's devastated her parents would put her through this nonsense. She's 15 years old, is there a more impressionable age?!

She said that the case contained a message to Muslim communities in that they should really think carefully about where they placed their children.
Perhaps placing them in the firing line is what all good Muslims should do for their kids. Since they're unable, in this country at least, to put their bairns in a literal firing line, a metaphorical hail of bullets will have to suffice. Whoever would do this kind of thing to a child, I don't care what religion you are, wants locking up and having their brood placed in care.

Anyone have an opinion on this? Anyone on TTP have an opinion on anything else?

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