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Grapes Fired


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Curious on your interpretation:

1) Who is Cherry referring to when he says "YOU PEOPLE" who come from wherever it is.

2) Who is Cherry referring to when he says "you love OUR way of life and OUR milk and honey

The issue is not about wearing poppies. If he said EVERYONE in Canada should wear poppies - there would be no backlash.

Yup. Sorry, this is where I fall in. 1/2 my family falls into the "You People" side of the ledger, and they don't deserve to be identified as non-Canadians just because of their color or the way they dress in public. My wife literally is a 1st Gen Canadian, and yeah, she wears a poppy, as does her whole family. There are plenty of asshole Canadians that are 3rd, 4th, or longer generation families that take the freedom for granted and by Cherry's comments got a pass. Why not identify those pricks with divisive comments? Why not call out the asshole rednecks who don't give two shits and bleed our society of services? And bang on @STD , you go to these ceremonies and it seems that the vast majority are identifiable imigrants participating. All "You People".

@LION, how would you feel if Cherry said that to your parents directly? How would you feel if he lumped them in because they are immigrant Italians? (Note: I actually don't know this, just assuming, for the sake of argument, your parents are 1st Gen or came over). You'd be upset. It's not cool. My in-laws are people you and anyone would definitely identify as "You People". They pay their taxes and contribute to Canada as much as anyone, and pay their respects, but if they were in that studio, Cherry would be pointing his finger at them. Not at the white guys standing beside them, but the lady in a Sari and the man in his Friday robes.

I love Cherry, and I don't know that he should have been fired for this. I'd have liked that he'd been given a chance to explain himself. But fcuk me, yeah I found it offensive, and if you think about it, all it did was create division on the internet, and maybe even worse. It was stupid.
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The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Totally valid, but I think we have seen the landscape change, certainly when it comes to public comments.

Cherry told the Toronto Sun that "it's not Coaches Corner if I have to watch what I say," so clearly he was given the option to walk back his comments and play by some new corporate rules week to week and he's opted not to.

Again, if he goes off on everybody who doesn't wear a poppy I think he is fine. Why did he have to bring "immigrants" into it? What the fcuk does that have anything to do with the point he is trying to make other than to stoke the political fires already burning on that issue?

I just heard Bob Mackenzie's comments on TSN re Cherry and though he put it well and that is coming from another figure who shares the same spotlight as Cherry but it would seem understands the subtle nuance of what it takes to be on TV in this day and age...



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
When DC rants about removing fighting from the game and does his "You people" in it, who is he referring to?

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I didn’t wear a Poppy, I don’t march against inequality, I take for granted everything this country allows me. I am Canadian, I was born here, my parents were born here. I respect our freedom. I respect our military and everything they have done. I am “those people” what Cherry said wasn’t racist. It was patriotic. I should wear a Poppy,I should appreciate my freedom more then I do. But I’m allowed to do what ever I want because of the sacrifices these hero’s made years ago. Lest we forget and lest we not judge because you don’t agree.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I didn’t wear a Poppy, I don’t march against inequality, I take for granted everything this country allows me. I am Canadian, I was born here, my parents were born here. I respect our freedom. I respect our military and everything they have done. I am “those people” what Cherry said wasn’t racist. It was patriotic. I should wear a Poppy,I should appreciate my freedom more then I do. But I’m allowed to do what ever I want because of the sacrifices these hero’s made years ago. Lest we forget and lest we not judge because you don’t agree.

His comment wasn't aimed at you, sorry man. His comment was clearly aimed at immigrant visible minorities. Maybe he should have said "all you asshole Canadians who don't wear a poppy on Remembrance Day can eat a dick!" He'd be accurate, maybe fired, but fired for profanity, and getting it right.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Why are we assuming “you people” meant people of colour?
He didn’t use the word immigrants. Or did I miss that?

I am first generation Canadian, correct.
My wife and half her family is Ugandan Asian. (Ismaili) My kids are a quarter Indian!
We are a family made of immigrants. But aren’t we all in this country?

I showed my wife the video and no offence was taken. It’s an old hockey guy trying to pump up wearing poppies and supporting our fallen hero’s. “You people” can be white skinned Europeans that have moved to Toronto no?
Why does everyone take such offence to “you people”.

If DC said that directly to my parents as you say, I would have a laugh. He is 85 and showing some poppy wearing pride.
Not ripping in to “immigrants”.
I took it as “you people” as all new people to the country, as well as anyone not wearing a poppy and supporting our fallen soldiers. Not just coloured folk or immigrants. Young, old, whatever colour,....
You people should show respect and support the Poppy!

How did we get people of colour and immigrants? What about a first generation white guy that lives in Toronto? Isn’t he the you people as well? Im sure enjoying the milk and honey the country has to offer. He was talking to me just as much as the next guy no?

Again, it’s Cherry. We know how he talks.
Also, doesn’t he use “you people” tons?
Whenever he is talking to the masses?

But now it’s racist?
“You people need to show respect” is kind of the message I got. My mind didn’t go to racial stuff. It’s Cherry doing this thing. Whatever.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Why are we assuming “you people” meant people of colour?
He didn’t use the word immigrants. Or did I miss that?

I am first generation Canadian, correct.
My wife and half her family is Ugandan Asian. (Ismaili) My kids are a quarter Indian!
We are a family made of immigrants. But aren’t we all in this country?

I showed my wife the video and no offence was taken. It’s an old hockey guy trying to pump up wearing poppies and supporting our fallen hero’s. “You people” can be white skinned Europeans that have moved to Toronto no?
Why does everyone take such offence to “you people”.

If DC said that directly to my parents as you say, I would have a laugh. He is 85 and showing some poppy wearing pride.
Not ripping in to “immigrants”.
I took it as “you people” as all new people to the country, as well as anyone not wearing a poppy and supporting our fallen soldiers. Not just coloured folk or immigrants. Young, old, whatever colour,....
You people should show respect and support the Poppy!

How did we get people of colour and immigrants? What about a first generation white guy that lives in Toronto? Isn’t he the you people as well? Im sure enjoying the milk and honey the country has to offer. He was talking to me just as much as the next guy no?

Again, it’s Cherry. We know how he talks.
Also, doesn’t he use “you people” tons?
Whenever he is talking to the masses?

But now it’s racist?
“You people need to show respect” is kind of the message I got. My mind didn’t go to racial stuff. It’s Cherry doing this thing. Whatever.

Firstly, I'm not "up in arms" about this. DC is DC. He's 85, and has some tendencies that a lot of old white guys have, including my father. I know 100% my inlaw situation has completely changed my dad, so far as his outlook on Canadian visible immigrants. 90 degree turn. But, even my dad still shows some bigoted tendencies. I see it as more out of habit than actual practice. I also saw him tip a Muslim immigrant shoe shiner big in our recent trip to Dublin, then shook his hand and say thanks. I know my dad has changed and I’m sure DC is not a racist, just an old guy saying dumb things.

That being said, I did see this as him pointing squarely at the immigrant population, and can only suspect (but likely correct) he's not including the Irish, English, or Aussies in that "You People" comment. That's just the way I took it, I didn't like it, and yeah, maybe a bit more sensitive to this than I would be 20 years ago.

Also, I'd love to meet the man in person, would have no issue introducing my wife and mother in law to him, and I am 100% sure his heart is in the right place. He is well loved for a reason, and frankly, I love him for his overall position when it comes to our veterans. Like you said, @LION, he's 85, and you have to factor that in.

Looking forward to this follow-up interview w/ (I think?) TSN to come.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This was good...

Personally I wish he wasn't fired but allowed to come on and clarify. I don't see him as racist, just old.

@Regs, I heard this Saturday, didn't think much. Just more Cherry. Really the same reaction as @LION. But as I heard it again Sunday then yesterday as the shite hit the fan, I listened to it from a different perspective, and I do get it.

Again, went back now and listened for the umpteenth time to try and see it from all the points of view that think there is nothing wrong, and really, there is something quite wrong w/ this: "And you know; you people love, you know the people who come here from wherever it is, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy or something like that."

No, I don't think he's racist, and I love that he speaks from his heart. The DT Toronto area has a lot of visible minorities, and visible minority immigrants. I believe his point was lost in that, and his point is ALL Canadians should be thankful, and the least we could do is buy a poppy. He could have easily said something like, "I walk through Toronto and see very few people wearing poppies, and I want YOU PEOPLE to think about how your freedom was paid for, and at least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy or something like that."

Same intent of message, different words. How you send a message matters. He alienated immigrants, and that's not right. Guarantee you there are as many or more 2nd or longer generation Canadians who didn't wear. He did not single out those people.

I hope he goes to work for TSN.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Hmmm... just reading now that the segment was taped and Sportsnet played it 3 different times (3 different games).

Ummmm, Sportsnet?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Hmmm... just reading now that the segment was taped and Sportsnet played it 3 different times (3 different games).

Ummmm, Sportsnet?
If that is the case then they have some answers to give on this one. If it was live on the first game broadcast and then played moments later on the other broadcasts maybe, but if they taped it during the first period of the games and then aired it anyway I am not sure how they can just be putting this on Cherry. Who has the editorial responsibility for that?

Further, now that Cherry has sat down with CTV and spoken about it some things are a bit clearer. Despite him insisting he was "fired" he was clearly given the chance to continue with some stricter parameters and has chosen not to. He said he would issue and apology if they wanted and admits he would have liked to have used a different word choice. However, he maintains that what the company wanted him to agree to was a deal breaker for him, so it's over.

The hockey and media world have all broadly condemned his comments. I haven't seen anyone rushing to his aid with a "that's just Don being Don" line. While Cherry claims that there is a large "silent majority" that supports him and his point of view, it is still not clear exactly what that means. He himself seems to admit that he understands how his comments could have been misconstrued, so what then is this majority "supporting"? His right to say things that can be taken as divisive and offensive but then be able to walk them back later as simply a misstep because he "tells it like it is" except when he doesn't quite say what he means...?

Regardless, I think that in listening to radio personalities and reading the other commentary that has come out in the aftermath of this the fact is that no one is really celebrating this. If there are hardcore anti-Cherry folks ecstatic that he is now off the air they are doing it pretty quietly. Most of the response seems to be pretty melancholy. Lots of "the guy was a legendary figure and things won't be the same without him, but he finally crossed a line" sentiments.

Melancholy is certainly the way I feel about it. I have never known a world without Don Cherry and the Coaches Corner, it will be very strange without him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The hockey and media world have all broadly condemned his comments. I haven't seen anyone rushing to his aid with a "that's just Don being Don" line.

This has been very telling. I feel he was a figure for the fans but inside hockey maybe not so much?

Also, if DC was his own boss, like a Joe Rogan for example, he can say whatever he wants. It’s his show. Free speech etc. But in this case he had a boss and that boss decided that what he said was not in line with their brand. People get fired for this all the time. This time the person being fired was high profile. I believe Howard Cosell was fired in similar circumstances? And he was a much larger icon than DC.

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