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Div 2 [FVSL] Div 2 2016/2017 Results & Banter

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Royals 1-1 Mission

Good contest that in the end could have gone either way. 0-0 at half, they scored around the 60th minute, we then tied it up around 5/10 mins later. Last 10 minutes both teams had good chances to win it, our keeper made an absolute huge save on theirs. I botched yet another breakaway, @R-Tee youre wrong, I'm actually pretty shite.

Good clean game, enjoyed playing the royals this season, and I hope at some point we get a crack at them in cup before they move on up.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
Dirty Money
Thank god there was a 6 point game played to finally get the banter back on this site!

Everyone needs to stop their whining, even @4thplacetrophy, who clearly is an arrogant pr!ck, isn't complaing and his team lost! All it took was one good night's sleep on his bed of 'individual trophies' and he cheered right up!

Nobody would make a peep if they tied the game and, on top of that, nobody from the Knights is b!tching about having to play two games in under 24hrs. My mark on Saturday was telling me how heavy his legs were from the night before, which I took as an invitation to take him to the track meet, and still we couldn't get the goal we needed.

Both teams took the risk and it paid off for the Knights. Personally I wouldn't do it, I pay the league so I can play soccer games, I'd rather play 2 x 3 pt games.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Surrey united 1
Fvrd. 1

Good game by both sides could have been more goals scored on both ends, feel like we are petty evenly matched and the game was back and forth the whole time, our keep came up with a couple of huge saves, but fumbled a corner kick and it went it, was a little hard to take a tie off a goal like that, but he saved our asses a couple times. Fvrd played clean for the most part and there wasn't much chirping from either team. Big change from vmsl where every game it seemed like a fight almost broke out, really liking the change to fvsl. Hopefully we can get some points on Tuesday against dynamo, Will be a tough game
It certainly won't be 6 points that's for sure, they'll have none of that nonsense.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2016
Dirty Money
Surrey united 3
Langley dynamo 2

Langley came out strong in the first 20 and we came out flat, they must have had 80% possession and it didn't look too good for us, our keeper made a couple good saves to keep us in the game which seemed to give us some life. We ended up getting better possession, at around 25 mins in, still Langley with about 60% but we were catching them on fast breaks and creating great scoring chances, we rung one off the bar, about 5 min later we caught them again on a fast break and they took out guy down around 11 yards out in the box and we got a pk we put it away and it was 1-0. For the last 10 I left we carried the play creating multiple chances and nearly put two more in the net, one a header from 10 yards out and a gimmie from 8 yards out was put over the net by our player. Second half we came out strong and created a couple chances in the first 10 mins or so there goalie came up big off a shot from roughly 13 yards out, Langley was coming back strong on the counter attacks and caught us off guard and basically had a 2 on 1 defender they ended up getting a shot off goalie made the initial save but they headed away the rebound 1-1. This gave Langley life and 5 mins they slotted another goal away off a nice couple passes which got there guy at the top of the 18 and he put it away in the bottom left corner out goalie got a touch but not enough to keep it out. Game restarted with 25 mins to go. Game was back and forth chances on both ends then we caught them down the right side on the fast break and out midfielder hit put forward in the middle of the box with a pass and he made no mistake top corner now the game was 2-2.couple minutes later we got a free kick from 20+ yards out from the right top of the box and we sent our d-man whose got a rocket for a shot out to take it, he put away a bullet to the top left corner of the net all the goalie could do was watch was a beautiful shot. Last 10 mins of the game we were on tired legs and just dumped the ball out at any chance and just defended hoping to secure the win, Langley had a couple good chances but either missed the net by a little or our goalie saved it, full time we took the win and we are happy with the result. Langley I think was the better team for a higher percentage of the game, they have a really good forward who caused us a ton of trouble and they moved the ball well up the feild, when we gave them space or time to make passes they did very well we had to pressure very hard and try to force mistakes they are defiantly one of the top teams and was great playing against them, not must chirping clean game for the most part I found some bad tackles on both ends but it's soccer it happens.well off to play poco if it doesn't get snowed out this weekend,

peg leg

Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Dirty Money
Surrey united 3
Langley dynamo 2

Langley came out strong in the first 20 and we came out flat, they must have had 80% possession and it didn't look too good for us, our keeper made a couple good saves to keep us in the game which seemed to give us some life. We ended up getting better possession, at around 25 mins in, still Langley with about 60% but we were catching them on fast breaks and creating great scoring chances, we rung one off the bar, about 5 min later we caught them again on a fast break and they took out guy down around 11 yards out in the box and we got a pk we put it away and it was 1-0. For the last 10 I left we carried the play creating multiple chances and nearly put two more in the net, one a header from 10 yards out and a gimmie from 8 yards out was put over the net by our player. Second half we came out strong and created a couple chances in the first 10 mins or so there goalie came up big off a shot from roughly 13 yards out, Langley was coming back strong on the counter attacks and caught us off guard and basically had a 2 on 1 defender they ended up getting a shot off goalie made the initial save but they headed away the rebound 1-1. This gave Langley life and 5 mins they slotted another goal away off a nice couple passes which got there guy at the top of the 18 and he put it away in the bottom left corner out goalie got a touch but not enough to keep it out. Game restarted with 25 mins to go. Game was back and forth chances on both ends then we caught them down the right side on the fast break and out midfielder hit put forward in the middle of the box with a pass and he made no mistake top corner now the game was 2-2.couple minutes later we got a free kick from 20+ yards out from the right top of the box and we sent our d-man whose got a rocket for a shot out to take it, he put away a bullet to the top left corner of the net all the goalie could do was watch was a beautiful shot. Last 10 mins of the game we were on tired legs and just dumped the ball out at any chance and just defended hoping to secure the win, Langley had a couple good chances but either missed the net by a little or our goalie saved it, full time we took the win and we are happy with the result. Langley I think was the better team for a higher percentage of the game, they have a really good forward who caused us a ton of trouble and they moved the ball well up the feild, when we gave them space or time to make passes they did very well we had to pressure very hard and try to force mistakes they are defiantly one of the top teams and was great playing against them, not must chirping clean game for the most part I found some bad tackles on both ends but it's soccer it happens.well off to play poco if it doesn't get snowed out this weekend,
THUD. Ouch.

Tough one to swallow, especially up 2-1 and had two or three glorious chances to make it a bigger lead. Got caught up going for that 3rd goal and got beat on a counter attack. Pretty accurate description of the game above, except the free kick was at the 30 yard line and was a howitzer, once in a season, check that lifetime hit. Impressive. Couple of unfortunate ticky tacky tackles (ticky tacky tackles--say that 5 times) lead to the PK and the free kick and we have to clean that stuff up.

Got to give a little credit to Surrey United they work real hard and probably should be better off in the standings.

Dust off and get ready for POMO.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2008
Dirty Money
Yep, gotta give Surrey credit. Not to take anything away from the free kick it was a beaut, but I feel like the wind aided the the shot somewhat to put it out of reach.


Aug 7, 2014
Dirty Money
I don't think you have to worry about the two Westcoast teams below you @krisztiant. It'I'll be unfortunate if they both go down. Celtic have been a div 2 fixture for a long time. I played against them in div 2, 10 years ago. #Legendary #carlocorazzin


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I have confidence. @cascadesoccer were you around when it was Dewdney Celtic? McKinnon brothers I believe?
I was around but not with them yet. I went to the Celtic in 2008 I believe. About a year after the old guard went to masters. There's only a few left on the team now from when I joined, as work and families and injuries etc have hindered playing.
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