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Div 2 FVSL D2 - Winter 2017/18

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
4-1 for mission? Any particular reason for this quess or are you just going with your huge gut?

just so you know, you can't predict the score of your own game or your a douche. :D

He might have insider information.

Maybe the 7 guys who haven't played soccer before may have just not played soccer for Mission before, who knows?!?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
We started the game very poorly, Dynamo the opposite. They took the lead maybe around the 20 minute mark off a beautiful diving header. However they probably feel as though by that point it should have been more, and were for sure unfortunate that we managed to scramble home an equalizer 5 mins later. That goal woke us up, and we was able to start putting them under pressure until half. Right before half our centre mid hit a cracker that their keeper managed to tip over the bar. 1-1 half time.

Second half started pretty even with chances at both ends, but 5 mins in we turned the ball over in what I wouldn't say was too bad of an area but they punished us with a perfect strike from 25-30 yards out into the top corner. The game then continued to see both teams having chances, and then I feel we started to become the better side 15 mins or so into the half as maybe they tired. We had them on the back foot, and was able to score a very well worked team goal that got us level mid way through the half. We then had a couple more chances that maybe we should have done better with but just wasn't able too. They were still a threat throughout on the counter though and, they did at one point in the half draw a great, maybe even world class save from our keeper off a header that I thought was a for sure goal.

Very good game in all, Dynamo are not easy to break down, very organized, work very hard, and have some good fast forwards who make good runs into the channels. I'm surprised that the Red Devils were able to have a 3-0 lead over them last week tbh. All in all a draw was a fair result, and one I would have been ecstatic with after the first 20 minutes.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2016
Dirty Money
Surrey united 1
Langley Sparta 1

Good even game I believe they had best opportunities in the first half and we got the better of the second half, there goal game off a free kick which 1 of there guys flicked on and they had a nice finish making it 1-0 at half then we came on strong in the second missing plenty of chances but ended up tieing the game with 25 to go both teams had lots of miss chances good clean game not many stoppages feel like either team could have got the win, too many beers deep to write more seen the Spartans enjoying a few themselves unfotunatly the lights went out before we could finish all our beers. Good enjoyable game look forward to playing them again

Mr Sheppard Kisses

Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Dirty Money
PMO 1 - Red devils 1

Was a good clean tough battle. Both teams having good scoring opportunities. They went up 1-0 second half from a sharp angle shot. Shortly after we tied it up from a well placed cross and a nice header. With 5 to go we had a nice shot and before it hit the crossbar the lights went out on the field and that was the end of the game, kinda weird. Thought it was a close game, we had a few more chances but in the end the draw was a fair result.
As for last weeks game vs Sparta, baller999 called it perfectly, nothing much else to be said


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
Dirty Money
Mission 2-2 Dynamo

Enjoyed this game thoroughly, both teams exchanged waves back and forth with plenty of chances and great saves from each side. I missed week 1 so this was my first game back and damn did it feel good to be out on the pitch again!

Mission's tall guy with dreads in the center is a handful. It's not often in D2 you get a guy who is both tall and good in the air like he is and as @4thplacetrophy mentioned, on their second goal, he was the only guy who was going to get on the end of a very well placed cross.

Good group to play against, strong tackles and zero whining. At one point our CM came back hard and made a desperation tackle to block a shot. He won the ball but followed through and caught a good chunk of the man, no foul was called but we played the ball out to give him time to recoup. As he was grimacing on the ground from a solid charlie horse all he could say was, 'great tackle'

Looking forward to the rematch.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
I managed two correct last week. Small improvements :)

Week 3 predictions
Gunners vs Coyotes- still don't know much about the coyotes but the Gunners are a solid squad. 3-0 Pomo.

Dynamo vs RedBulls- Tough one to call, both good sides. going with 1-1.

Abby B vs FVBD- Blue Devils seem to be on a bit of a roll, although I hear both weeks they've played depleted squads. Fiery Abbotsford rivalry. 1-2 Blue Devils.

Knights vs Sparta- I think a full Knights squad is as good as anyone in this division especially with their four new pick ups from last years prem side. 3-1 Knights.

Surrey SC vs ASARD- Both teams doing well but I give the edge to the Red Devils. 0-2.

Titans vs Mission


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
Dirty Money
Dynamo 2-redballs 1
Man I'm glad we snuck pass these cunts. From their goof bag linesman calling offsides and fouls in the first half to their guy's whining and throwing cheap shots. We controlled play first half and scored first. They bag one late in the first half. They controlled more of the second and had a few chances. We bag one in the last minute off a free kick after their guy goes studs up tackle, waist high on a tall guy.
0-3 for them now right? Good team, good skill on the wings, good midfield, and a quick guy up front. They got a "hodor" on the back line too. Goalie loves to handle the ball. But watch out for late tackles, elbows, etc.
what a contrast from last week versus mission


Active Member
Jan 31, 2017
Dirty Money
Typical game last night against a team that plays on the border of rough and honourable to dirty and discraceful. A game with their sidelines yelling at the referee and the other team all first half. One half of their side is a great bunch of guys. Other half is looking for a problem on the field. Yes 0-3 is a terrible start for our side, although FVRD went 0-6? Made provincials!

All games have been very close, each team has had their positives forsure. Hopefully our side gets some players back here soon from injuries and travels. Otherwise we could be 0-6. Playing without subs after half time is no fun.

Ps. Dynamo if you controlled your #23 who has purposely gone after many of our players to the point of attempting to ruin their soccer careers and outside life by injury in 3 out of the last 3 matches between us I'm sure our boys wouldn't be retaliating..


Active Member
Jan 21, 2016
Dirty Money
Surrey united - 3
Red Devils - 2

Red Devils came out strong and controlled most of the play with us only getting opportunities off fast breaks, was an ok first half one of our young guys had a couple late tackles which deserved the calls he got and yellow, Red Devils missed a few in close shots of our goalie made good save, with 1 minute left we caught them off a fast break and out striker hit a perfect shot from about 25 yards out top left corner not much the keeper could do,don't think it was there starting keeper,maybe a striker playing in net but he did well all things considered. Half ended 1-0 for us. Second half started with some bad passes by us and them ending up with a penalty shot that our goalie made another great save on to keep it 1-0, couple minutes later Red Devils got 2 goals within 10 minutes giving them the lead, they were good at playing the long ball down the side to there winger, we didn't have our best defence out there on the wings and made us pay on numerous occasions but only finished 1 with a well placed shot into the left side of the net from a tight angle. After they got the lead either we started trying harder or they wanted to sit back and defend because i felt we took over for the last 20 minutes. We had a few nice plays in the last 20 and got another goal or a quick passing play on the fast break and our just potted it off the bottom right post and in. Then after 8 more minutes we got the go ahead goal after our guy took a ball down to the goal line on the side of 18 and chipped a ball into the middle where our midfielder got his head on it and it just squeeked past the keeper he made a good effort to keep it out but it just went over the line. After that there was about 12 minutes to go and the game got pretty heated and had a scuffle with some punches thrown, nothing landing on anyone and lots of shoving. 1 guy from each team getting tossed out of it all. Again low class from there player getting tossed towards our guy getting tossed ripping on his disability. Should never go that low at this age in my opinion. Red Devils came on strong in the last few to try and tie it up but we held them at bay, referee wasn't the greatest questionable offside calls on the Red Devils on a couple of plays that could have gotten them the game tying goal. Overall Red Devils are the best team we have played so far got some good guys in the mid field and they work well together with there forwards and do some good give and go plays which opens up the midfield for them. Other then the scuffle it was a decently clean game with just a few bad challenges from both teams in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Pomo Titans 0-1 Mission

As for the game, it was a weird one. Super tight game, with both teams keeping the ball well up until the final third for the first 35 mins of the game. I don't think their was a registered shot in that time, they then got a good breakaway chance that was saved well by our keeper, and then in quick concession they managed another breakaway that a different player fluffed wide. Half ended on us having a tame header saved, as we were having troubles breaking them down. 0-0 halftime.

Second half starter with them controlling the majority of the play, leading to a couple of good chances they will regret not taking. Finally we managed to put things right and stopped them from creating anything else, while we were still struggling to break them down. It took until maybe the 85th for us to really produce a chance which our striker took brilliantly. No doubt about it our keeper was the motm, and even for as many good chances as they had we still managed to control the play for the most part, just couldn't break down their well organized defence.

7 points from games against Gunners, Dynamo, and Titans is definitely something to be happy with.
Onto Surrey next week.
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