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FVSL and VISL Summit


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Congrats boys.

So...anyone have final details? Who of the original All-stars selected were available to participate, who filled in, who scored, etc.

Also, were the Island guys able to send over a competitive squad, and will you guys do anything differently next year?

Hope it is the beginning of a long tradition.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I took in the game with threefyv.

Well, sort of. Between carrying him around while he was passed out for a half an hour… to our required McDonald’s run (during which time the Valley scored twice)… to supervising his Kung Fu Panda impersonations… I managed to watch the Valley team dominate (yes, I said dominate) the Island All Stars 4-1. In fact, the Islands only goal was a roller from 30 yards that made the Valley keeper look foolish (was he a fill-in??). Island keeper made a couple of great stops to keep the game within respectability.

I have been out of the FVSL for a couple years, but I did not recognize many of the Allstars. I was very impressed by #7, though… great player, tough, fast, skilled. Who was he?

Valley defence was stingy all game long… very well done.
Guinness with the “series winner” on a full-stride one-timer from a perfect cross.

Congrats FVSL.

PS Sweet, my ass… Caroline is a bitch.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I would like to add something I thought about this AM. Concerning the comments about what type of team we or they fielded. It is my opinion that if you are selected to play on an Allstar or Select team to play games out of your league it should be an honour for you. Simlar to a pro being asked to play for his National team. If you cannot make it or are injured so be it. You shouldnt say your coming and not show. If you have a league game it is my opinion you should excuse yourself from that game and represent your League where you have been given that honour of being an Allstar.
This Summit was the VISL vs the FVSL period.
To me matters not who played but who felt that being an Allstar was important to them, To represent a League who respects them as a player.
The reason for aggregate games is so both teams have hardships from travel and an equal home field advantage.
This Summit series was well organized and fun to be apart of. I hope in the future the VMSL and mabee Richmond/Burnaby and others get involved. The winning League will always be the League where the players respect their league and play for them when chosen.
Congrates Thomas for haveing the respect from your guys who left their club teams to play for you and the FVSL.
You are the Champions of more than just the Summit Cup. You are the champions of Respect and honor. Something most players in BC dont have.
I will take some heat for sure on this but screw it,,
What you are bringing to soccer is really what we need in BC. Loyalty, Respect,and Honour.
Hats off to those who played and welcome to the new Summit Series.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
I would like to add something I thought about this AM. Concerning the comments about what type of team we or they fielded. It is my opinion that if you are selected to play on an Allstar or Select team to play games out of your league it should be an honour for you. Simlar to a pro being asked to play for his National team. If you cannot make it or are injured so be it. You shouldnt say your coming and not show. If you have a league game it is my opinion you should excuse yourself from that game and represent your League where you have been given that honour of being an Allstar.
This Summit was the VISL vs the FVSL period.
To me matters not who played but who felt that being an Allstar was important to them, To represent a League who respects them as a player.
The reason for aggregate games is so both teams have hardships from travel and an equal home field advantage.
This Summit series was well organized and fun to be apart of. I hope in the future the VMSL and mabee Richmond/Burnaby and others get involved. The winning League will always be the League where the players respect their league and play for them when chosen.
Congrates Thomas for haveing the respect from your guys who left their club teams to play for you and the FVSL.
You are the Champions of more than just the Summit Cup. You are the champions of Respect and honor. Something most players in BC dont have.
I will take some heat for sure on this but screw it,,
What you are bringing to soccer is really what we need in BC. Loyalty, Respect,and Honour.
Hats off to those who played and welcome to the new Summit Series.

jeeeeeeeez........ thats deep bro..

u produced a tear baby.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

OK, I'll bite.

Fcuk you.

Who the fcuk are you to say that most players in BC don't have respect and honour?

This from a guy who fcuking rigged a tournament draw and didn't think anything of it when discouvered.


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
it's strength and honour from GLADIATOR or scotch and soda from SOPRANOS

most players can't return a phone call (REGS), let's NOT get 2 deep, it's just a game, as long as you WIN!:cool:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
There is a lot of what he’s written I agree with, but you lose the plot a bit on the priorities angle.

Yes, I agree that if a player can not or is not willing to commit to this, they should advise the management at the earliest chance. And, without a doubt, there were several guys initially named to the All-Star team that flaked out. Quality, high caliber players that would have made a difference in the VMSL game.

I give the PAU boys named a pass, since they did have PCSL commitments. I also know there were some injuries / work commitments. Also a fair pass.

G-house- you make the national team analogy. One big difference: there is more than pride on the line in these cases, even w/ friendlies. There is a FIFA ranking, plus preparation time for WC or Euro qualifies. The only thing on the line in this case, as you say, is pride, or bragging rights. You just can’t compare the two.

Which is significant…but not significant enough IMHO to warrant players jumping from their PCSL commitments to the Summit match. In this case, club comes first, for sure.

Personally, I can’t get away from the thought that certain lads did not have the respect for the efforts of the league to contact them early enough and advise of their inability / unwillingness to participate. That does bug me, and not just on this level, but on many levels. In all aspects of your lives, you will be drawn into or ask to participate in endeavors where you may not feel up to it. If you don’t, then bow out right away. Do not leave people hanging. That’s just a general life lesson, though. That guys didn’t bother to communicate to the league they either couldn’t or wouldn’t play, from the outside looking in, is weak sauce. There is no good excuse for that. It speaks to a level of disrespect- or apathy- not only for the guys running the show, but for the league you play in. That part- sorry Regs- I don’t get.

And no, I’m not siding w/ the House on this, just an unbiased :D observer.

Anyhow, the final FVSL team was clearly pulled from both the few All-star guys who could make it, and fill-ins. The fill-in guys especially should be happy w/ the final result, and yes- I’d say proud to have contributed. Can we call them The Replacements? Do you like the sounds of that Guinness?



Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Regs I have been to 3 tournaments this year and ALL of them so far as in the past have the advantages go to the home team,,from the draw to the fields to this year where as both my teams were put in the same group of 3 to knock each other out and I never said shite,,why because thats the way its done,,last years OCCWQ tournament I threw had teams put in divisions for the first round so no div.3 team would have to play a Premier team,,so no mucker would take a run at someones legs and put someone in the hospital because they couldnt keep up,,second my rigged division as you call it if you remember we were all but beat out till Mission upset a better team and we went in on goalsfor,,Thirdly the best team still won the tournament,,I didnt do anything because I didnt do anything wrong .So why bring this up,,Ill tell you why,,Because for you the computer geek who thinks he knows soccer and thinks he does something for soccer this is where you the geek and I know cause I met you, Does well as we all know the pen is mighter than the sword,,Your posts stand where many posts against you are pulled ,,why because who control this sight,,Your opiniun is god like and thats only again cause you run the sight,,well good on ya cause I have enjoyed most of the banter on here,,But far to many times I see you get invoved where you should keep you shitty lame opinion to yur self,,Most say this to me everywher i go about you but do nothing cause you very well could pull them off your sight,,Well delete me ,,As I could care less anymore . Some people do well and others bash it,,I can take it from anyone for i know they are jelous or angry but from you it just so you can hear yourself talk as you really have no life outside TTP. I know this post will most likely be deleted because you biased opinion reminds me of the USSR. I have said shame on you before and again today Shame on you,,For saying who the fcuk am I as who the fcuk are you,, GEEK
ps you know where to find me ,,
pps what was that famous line from the Movie Slap Shot "Paul Newman at the Female Owners house reguarding her son"


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny how some computer GEEK was on the field the last time a BC Team went to the REAL Nationals and won.

Funny how he has played at a higher level that anyone you currently or have ever coached, yet he's the GEEK.

Pot meet kettle...


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Regs I have been to 3 tournaments this year and ALL of them so far as in the past have the advantages go to the home team,,from the draw to the fields to this year where as both my teams were put in the same group of 3 to knock each other out and I never said shite,,why because thats the way its done,,last years OCCWQ tournament I threw had teams put in divisions for the first round so no div.3 team would have to play a Premier team,,so no mucker would take a run at someones legs and put someone in the hospital because they couldnt keep up,,second my rigged division as you call it if you remember we were all but beat out till Mission upset a better team and we went in on goalsfor,,Thirdly the best team still won the tournament,,I didnt do anything because I didnt do anything wrong .So why bring this up,,Ill tell you why,,Because for you the computer geek who thinks he knows soccer and thinks he does something for soccer this is where you the geek and I know cause I met you, Does well as we all know the pen is mighter than the sword,,Your posts stand where many posts against you are pulled ,,why because who control this sight,,Your opiniun is god like and thats only again cause you run the sight,,well good on ya cause I have enjoyed most of the banter on here,,But far to many times I see you get invoved where you should keep you shitty lame opinion to yur self,,Most say this to me everywher i go about you but do nothing cause you very well could pull them off your sight,,Well delete me ,,As I could care less anymore . Some people do well and others bash it,,I can take it from anyone for i know they are jelous or angry but from you it just so you can hear yourself talk as you really have no life outside TTP. I know this post will most likely be deleted because you biased opinion reminds me of the USSR. I have said shame on you before and again today Shame on you,,For saying who the fcuk am I as who the fcuk are you,, GEEK
ps you know where to find me ,,
pps what was that famous line from the Movie Slap Shot "Paul Newman at the Female Owners house reguarding her son"

i think i know the quote you are refering too :eek:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny how some computer GEEK was on the field the last time a BC Team went to the REAL Nationals and won.

Funny how he has played at a higher level that anyone you currently or have ever coached, yet he's the GEEK.

Pot meet kettle...
Wasn't that directed at Regs to answer ???:confused:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Many posts "against me have been pulled"?

WTF is that supposed to mean?

Names some names because there is or has been very little censorship EVER on this site... now that I think about it, wasn't it YOU who was the last person here asking to have stuff deleted? And wasn't it YOU who wrote a large nasty PM/Email to me for not deleting it right away when I wasn't even on TTP that day? That's pretty fcuking ironic isn't it?

You brushed a broad stoke by saying "most players in BC" don't have respect and honour. That's bullshite. Just as taking $1000 entry fees from teams and then letting them know afterwards that it would be tougher for them to win than others. Does that sound respectful? Honourable? Seriously, if I've got it wrong, I apologise but that's what I took out of that discussion previously.

If I'm such a computer geek with no life outside of TTP, why the fcuk should that bother you?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Many posts "against me have been pulled"?

WTF is that supposed to mean?

Names some names because there is or has been very little censorship EVER on this site.

Of course my opinions are biased - isn't that what a fcuking opinion is?

You brushed a broad stoke by saying "most players in BC" don't have respect and honour. That's bullshite. Just as taking $1000 entry fees from teams and then letting them know afterwards that it would be tougher for them to win than others. Does that sound respectful? Honourable? Seriously, if I've got it wrong, I apologise but that's what I took out of that discussion previously.

If I'm such a computer geek with no life outside of TTP, why the fcuk should that bother you?

Regs, I have 3 Playboy models knocking at my door......hang on, I'll be right back.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Allright you got me...its just 2 playboy models. But I do have a kid playing on the Caps and 6 guys who have won the Nationals,,I keep forgetting Im a hockey player,,we dont take the piss we just duke it out. My comments were directed first hand to the quitters who said they were coming out and didnt show. I was pissed that I was jumped on here by someone who wasnt involved. Whatever ,,Im still here poke away..or wait till next year..I still stand by my tournament decisions.. and Regs is still a Geek.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Allright you got me...its just 2 playboy models. But I do have a kid playing on the Caps and 6 guys who have won the Nationals,,I keep forgetting Im a hockey player,,we dont take the piss we just duke it out. My comments were directed first hand to the quitters who said they were coming out and didnt show. I was pissed that I was jumped on here by someone who wasnt involved. Whatever ,,Im still here poke away..or wait till next year..I still stand by my tournament decisions.. and Regs is still a Geek.

I hope you're not taking any credit for admir playing for the caps. If anything playing under you has inhibited his progress. I asked him why he was playing div 1 fvsl and his response was "because it is easier." The kid has a load talent and should have been working on becoming a complete player the last few years not making div 1 players look foolish. I guess he got free hair cuts and didn't have to hang out with geeks and players with no honour.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ghouse, I don't want to steal your thunder, but how did Admir end up contacting the Whitecaps? :confused: or did they contact him?

Bulljive, I'm starting to like your style. :) :D

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