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Friends of Soccer: Quebec Turban Ban Cannot Stand.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
As a side note, baptized Sikhs must wear the turban etc. Note baptized sikhs do not have too.

And the wars were with muslims more so than hindus, but close enough.:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
In the context it was given I didn't think it was funny, fair enough?...

Your context was an attack on religion mixing in sport, not making a joke about it. It's also funny that you essentially infer all or most major conflicts or wars are caused because of religion, which is just untrue. You tioe up your post with saying you're tired of shite like this, you really are...tired of what shite? Religion? Conflict? War? Patkas? Quebec's Federation and their insanity?

I also said ti was weaksauce, I wasn't commenting on your post per se, just saying...

Always something isn't it JBN. All wars were not started because of religion? Thanks. You are right I don't think religion should be tied in with sport or much in general. I think it should be left at home, just my opinion like you have yours. My religious beliefs aren't "right" just like everyone elses. And no I don't mean his Patka should be left at home and never meant that, if it's not a safety risk who cares, I don't want people getting excluded over a ridiculous ruling just like everyone else. Just like I don't like Indo summer leagues or Christian Church leagues or any ethnic leagues, they're exclusive in nature. people don't seem to have to much of a problem excluding people in those though do they? But I guess its easier to sit back and make safe politically correct statements all the time but I bet this thread would have lasted 6 posts. And I appreciate everyone who senses I am rattled and are there for me but luckily I have my band of evangelical Atheist who I exclusively befriend.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
bulljive- Yes it is always something, I like debating and creating interesting discussions, others do also, otherwise this "Community" wouldn't be a community other than just a link dump and a place where people post scorelines from local matches.

As for your exclusivity comment, I have had friends play in the Indo Summer Leagues who were white guys, in fact three of my Dutch Buddies (White as they come) played with two of their Fijian mates on a team in one of those leagues... also I used to (ages ago) sit on the Committee of the Christian League with a friend of mine... those teams were put together by and for local churches and they were allowed "imports" to include non-church goers in the league both to be inclusive and to reach out to those non-church goers that played soccer to show that people can go to church and also play footy and they aren't all weirdo's ;)

As for religion and/or cultural institutions being left at home- If you're not a spiritual person that's fine you don't understand that for some it cannot simply "be left at home" and that people of all stripes and religions can and cannot "leave things at home" - for some it's a choice, like a Catholic or Christian choosing whether or not to be chatting people up about their faith or praying with beads or wearing a crucifix or cross or whatever- or things that cannot be chosen, like a Baptized Sikh wearing a head/hair covering, or a Muslim to pray x times a day etc.

Ideally all people would learn the basic tenets and fundamentals about world religion and about who we are as a global species and race. All official and commonly practiced religions and faiths around the world believe in, and largely practice one common thing- Love Peace and Harmony with fellow mankind. Yes some religions have a manifest destiny written out in scripture- but as a Christian guy I can tell you that never once has anyone or any official in any church said that I'm to hate anyone because they're different or that I'm not supposed to fraternize with people of different religions.

I know in the past wars were fought under the auspices of "religion" like the Crusades etc, but really they were Wars of Colonization and Plundering of riches and wealth from far away lands for Kings and Queens.

I think we're saying the same thing as a community here in that the QSF has it all wrong and are being ridiculous by saying that baptized Sikhs essentially cannot play under their federation with hair coverings, what's being debated is some people's sense of humour and or devil's advocating tactics might be questionable. I'm not sure one person here has said the QSF has it right.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Falls under the catagory of protective gear, tell the ref if I take it off my father will beat me.

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Was just sent the following via email...

Not much to say, other than this is how the CSA stands on the topic and want all referees in the CSA which all Provinces at Territories fall under to follow. Well except the Q ;)


  • Headscarves and Turbans.pdf
    742.4 KB · Views: 97


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't thank me, thank the TTPer who sent it because he couldn't figure out how to attach it... fcuking refs :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
example... and man does it look scary and dangerous.:faint:

That's what the controversy is about? Laughable that is if the controversy weren't actually true and occurring in Canada. I have seen many youth players with that on and never gave it a second's thought.

Now if a GK hit heads with a someone with this with headgear I suspect the GK would win that round.

To be clear I am not suggesting that this be banned.
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