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Div 3 Dfc Rovers Cup Bound

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guru said:
By the way .... I find there is FAR too much pissing on other people on this web site... tone it down a bit guys
lol, what a nerd.

Hurricane Power

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Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Why would they not have agreed to change the game to a Tues night if they weren't gonna have enough players on Sat. We had no problem changing it as we would have played our league game on Sat instead. We will likely not use some of our regulars against DFC as we have a league game a few days later on Tues night. We cannot afford to have a slip up and lose the division. Could not handle another season of Div 2 as it got way toooo watered down when every Tom, Dick, and Harry team from Div 3 was moved up to Div 2 without earning spots...

George Best said:
I know a few guys on the team and they said they will only have 8, maybe 9 for next weeks cup game. Could be a blowout.
glass. Now they won't have a goalie for next week either. Tough luck.

Georgies on.


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
guru said:
By the way .... I find there is FAR too much pissing on other people on this web site... tone it down a bit guys
lol, what a nerd.
Hey, that was good use of taking a quote out of context.... maybe next time you can totally switch the words around so you're just paraphrasing what I said...

My comment was complete sarcasm ... it was based on Franchise saying there was "too much talk about DFC" on the thread entitled: "Dfc Rovers Cup"

Call me a nerd will ya..... Putz...... :D


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
way toooo watered down when every Tom, Dick, and Harry team from Div 3 was moved up to Div 2 without earning spots...

HEY.... thats what I said at the very start of the year.... I was VERY surprised to see us only lose 4 games this year... We moved up without earning it, and I really wasn't happy about it. The team took a vote and wanted to go though, so I was outvoted. Now the league is stuck with all these teams up here... it would be a major problem to reverse that decission now though.

I thought the problem was that the Canes would only play on turf, which put another wrinkle into scheduling it... I also heard you guys didn't want to play on Sat., because you wouldn't be able to use your youth players... Any truth to that? Not an accusation, just what I heard...


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Actually there is no truth to that, we were willing to play them on saturday or tuesday, it didnt matter to us at all especially the turf thing cause a lot of guys on the team prefer to play on grass. I dont know why theres a whole thread involving this team anyways, with or without the youth we're going to beat the crap out of this team. I am looking foward to our semis against ndfc because that will finally be a game in which there are two good teams playing a clean hard fought game. Im sick and tired of playing teams like the tigers and from what i hear the dfc rovers arent much different.
guru said:
HEY.... thats what I said at the very start of the year.... I was VERY surprised to see us only lose 4 games this year... We moved up without earning it, and I really wasn't happy about it. The team took a vote and wanted to go though, so I was outvoted. Now the league is stuck with all these teams up here... it would be a major problem to reverse that decission now though.

I thought the problem was that the Canes would only play on turf, which put another wrinkle into scheduling it... I also heard you guys didn't want to play on Sat., because you wouldn't be able to use your youth players... Any truth to that? Not an accusation, just what I heard...


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
08star said:
I am looking foward to our semis against ndfc because that will finally be a game in which there are two good teams playing a clean hard fought game. Im sick and tired of playing teams like the tigers and from what i hear the dfc rovers arent much different.

i actually forgot what a clean hard faught game feels like...but it will be fun to play against you guys again if we can win one more cup game...the two teams of div 2 clash in semi finals...that would be something....out

GURU......your a total loser man..i wish youd get the boot just for being such a f*g...you always write dumb shite..i dont think ive read one of your posts in the last last few months...the only reason franchise wrote about to much div 3 talk was casue why are we wasting our time writing about some team in div3 whos not even that good....DFC who never herd of them till this little site opened now that i know who they are, they aren't even worth writing about...WAY TO COME IN SECOND BOYS>>> but guru..dont even bother responding to my post cause the last thing that came out of your mouth that was smart was your boyfriends load cause you know swallowing that aint good...out


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
dopeashell said:
but guru..dont even bother responding to my post cause the last thing that came out of your mouth that was smart was your boyfriends load cause you know swallowing that aint good...out
Oh.... please let me respond..... :rolleyes:
Only losers say... "out"
dopeashell said:
GURU......your a total loser man..i wish youd get the boot just for being such a f*g...you always write dumb shite..i dont think ive read one of your posts in the last last few months...
Hmmmm I always: "write dump shite" and "i dont think ive read one of your posts in the last last few months..." How do you know I write dumb shite? Never mind....
No comment... I couldn't do any better of a job of pissin' on you than you do to yourself :rolleyes:
dopeashell said:
the only reason franchise wrote about to much div 3 talk was casue why are we wasting our time writing about some team in div3 whos not even that good....
You are wasting your own time moron, no one forced either of you to join this thread, so if you feel it's a waste, steer clear... read a different one.... Who let the remedial kids on this site?? .... MEDIC!!!
dopeashell said:
DFC who never herd of them till this little site opened now that i know who they are, they aren't even worth writing about...WAY TO COME IN SECOND BOYS>>>
:rolleyes: Sheesh... :rolleyes:
FYI: Our club started last year, so we've only been around for two years now... In that time, our first Div team is being promoted to Premier, our second Div team has only 4 losses this year.... only 3 teams in 2nd div (28 teams) have done better. Poco United, SFC Hurricanes, and NDFC, and they'll all play two games less. We also haven't lost since November !! Our 3rd div team is currently in seccond, and still in the cup round all in their first year in the FVSL. Next year we'll also have a CAT team to go along with that.

My prediction for next year would be that the 2nd div team WILL be promoted to 1st, the 3rd div WILL be promoted to 2nd (if they're not asked to go this year)
So..... now that you know who we are.... oops, sorry, you don't read my posts.... guess you'll never know :rolleyes:


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
08star said:
Actually there is no truth to that, we were willing to play them on saturday or tuesday, it didnt matter to us at all especially the turf thing cause a lot of guys on the team prefer to play on grass. I

Like I said, not an accusation... just what I heard.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
We tried our best to accomodate the Rovers. We were willing to switch the game to Tues if Sat didn't work for them. The only day we couldn't do was Sunday as several of our players work cleanup during the day on Sundays at a mill, and they have already booked off Sun, March 20th in the event that we make it to the semis against North Delta. They wouldn't have been able to get both Sundays off...Our youth are available any day as we call them up unless they have a critical game at the youth level at the same time...

guru said:
Like I said, not an accusation... just what I heard.


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
We were willing to switch the game to Tues if Sat didn't work for them. The only day we couldn't do was Sunday as several of our players work
I think maybe that's where the problem was... Rovers play Sundays, and the rumor was most likely that you would only be able to field "youth" players on Sunday.... always a mix up in the rumor dept..... the other thing was that the Canes wouldn't play on anything but turf... Doubt that it matters to either team much... but it does favour the faster smaller team on turf.

Either way, it has to be a better game than against the Tigers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Wow only 4 losses but 7 ties? learn how to win a close game, otherwise celtic are going to be in div 2. I am pissed off with 2 ties, because i know we could have won both of those games. Most likely i missed itleast one that could have won the game. Thats just how I see it. I don't think Celtic will ever be promoted unless they join with the rovers


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
Wow only 4 losses but 7 ties? learn how to win a close game, otherwise celtic are going to be in div 2....I don't think Celtic will ever be promoted unless they join with the rovers

You weren't supposed to look at our record!!! yer right, we need to learn how to win, but at least we've learned how "not to lose"... one step at a time. Defence first.

Why would the Celtic hooking up with the Rovers help us? We're in Div, 2, they're in Div 3.

Next year is a different story for the Celtic... there'll new bodies, so I'll stick with my prediction :)


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Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
NUTTER#13 said:
Look Out! All Those In Div 2 Or 3 Still Left In The Knights Cup. The Rovers Are On A Roll.

way to finish of the year gentlemen. tying a team in second to last. well done!! and you can honestly say that you've been approached by the league to go into div 2 next year..... somebodies nose is growing :rolleyes:.

whats the story with your cup game??? you post a thread like this one and then can't show up for the game??? :confused: :confused:


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
How the mighty have fallen... It is almost too easy now.


Maybe next year you can get a Div 4 CAT team going to keep bodies on your team as the year wears on. injuries, suspensions and the odd greyhound seniors bus trip to Reno have really taken their toll. I would also like to announce a bottle drive this April to buy matching shorts and socks for this ragged ass team.

On that note all you FVSL teams who show up to Sunday's game with different socks and shorts... Piss On All Of You!! Nothing irritates me more. Okay DFC irritates me more. But anyway, I say next year the league should step up it's inforcement of the rules regarding proper uniform strip for poor Valley teams in the farming district, under arm of BC.


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Backline16 said:
I would also like to announce a bottle drive this April to buy matching shorts and socks for this ragged ass team. .... Nothing irritates me more. But anyway, I say next year the league should step up it's inforcement of the rules regarding proper uniform strip for poor Valley teams in the farming district, under arm of BC.

I'd like to add that the fields in VMSL are the best... valley fields suck :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Slagging the strip, when Vancouver fields are the worst ankle breaking, pot hole pitches in Canada... I'd rather play with holes in my socks, than risk breaking an ankle.


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Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
We agree on something Guru!!! Valley fields do suck, but running through gopher holed fields is a FVSL tradition. It builds ankle strength!!


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Backline16 said:
We agree on something Guru!!! Valley fields do suck, but running through gopher holed fields is a FVSL tradition. It builds ankle strength!!

Ahhhhhhh..... maybe I should explain the meaning of "Rolleyeye's".... :rolleyes:

The pitch in Pitt Meadows is one the best in the lower mainland...


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Pitts field is nice for now, give it time... it will degrade. We did like celebriating in the rink Pub after winning there last Nov. Will think twice about that next time though. No wonder one beer made us all feel so good!!


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Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Backline16 said:
Pitts field is nice for now, give it time... it will degrade.

You played on field 7. Field 1 is beside the rink. it drains faster than any field I've ever seen, and is always in great shape. You can play in a monsoon and it still doesn't puddle or mud up. The #1 field has been there for 10 years now, and never a problem. The others should be the same in time. They really did it right when they filled in that area for fields.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
I will say that moving through divisions will allow us to play on better pitches in every district. Bradners home park still a peach?? Do the DFC Celtic play on field one? Maybe I'll experience the best field in the land next year...

I hope our home pitch changes... I know wrong thread.
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