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Devos on the CSA


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
That fiasco happening in Alberta (if you have the time or ability to wrap your head around it) amazes me... how they even were allowed to have anyone present, let alone vote!, at the AGM for the CSA is beyond me.

There is a lot more that is terminally ill and wrong at the CSA than just Governance... It has more to do with money being too slow into Soccer, Sucked out too fast and to the wrong places, and the total lack of leadership at all levels be it Youth, Womens, Mens, Regional, Provincial, or as an entire Country.

Look at our performance in this past Winter games, then look at the prior Olympic games performances by Canada (including Calgary :eek:)

What was the difference?

Political Will, Cash, Leadership, and Pride.

Until it's important to more of the people of Canada than not, nothing will change enough to really spark a difference that will inspire success.

The problems don't just start and stop with the CSA Either.

Look at the City of Vancouver. They are more focused on building bike lanes and refusing to listen to neighborhood watch groups to peddle real estate deals to contractors for social housing than they are to build proper facilities for sport in the city for the kids to play on so they don't end up only being able to afford a bike or to require social housing FFS.

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