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Conspiracy Theories and Left Wing Garbage


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not a moderator but a lot of this stuff keeps coming up in other threads. Here's one devoted to it. I'll even start. Below is a link of a movie that is about 2hrs long. Worth viewing whether you're a conspiracy nut like Dap or Backline, or you're normal!! :D A bit slow to start, but interesting nonetheless!!!


Enjoy :bronco:


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I watched this movie yesterday, it is very interesting.

For those of you that don't know what it's about here's a short summary.

The movie has three parts, The Greatest Story Ever Told, All The World's A Stage and Don't mind the men behind the curtain.

The Greatest Story Ever Told is about the foundations of Christianity and many other religions, which in Zeitgeist explains that they are more or less based on the Zodiac and that it has been a motif used long before Christ. One version of this is the story of the Egyptian god Horus, from the movie the story seems the same as Christs.

All The World's A Stage deals with 9/11 conspiracy theories, much of this I see on a daily basis and it's mainly a collection of news footage, not commentary like in the first part. For me it didn't have the spark that first and third parts had, but I think as a lead up to the third part it works well.

Don't mind the men behind the curtain goes into how a few people (bankers) are manipulating the people of the world through controlling money. Seems simple, inflate, create debt and call it in after enough time. It also goes into how war is used to make them even more money and gain even more control. One thing that I found interesting is that apparently in America there is NO law that says you have to pay your income tax, it's just assumed that there is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Pretty good synopsis. A lot of this stuff especially in the first part is WAY out there and has wholes you could drive a truck through. The second part is as you say a lot of what 9/11 conspiracy theorists have already said. The 3rd part to me was the most interesting and thought provoking!:bronco:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I haven't watched the above...

Have any of you guys seen Loose Change 9/11? If not you should check out that movie...pretty damning stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Saw loose change....but again these are pretty "out there" assertions. I'm nolt saying it's not possible, but for a conspiracy as they describe it in that film to occur, there would literally have to be hundreds of people involved....and no one has said anything in 6 years??? Or have they??? Cue the Twilight Zone music!:bronco:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Do Do Do Doooo- I'm not too big on conspiracies, but I definitely think something fishy was/is up with 9/11. I am not saying it didn't happen...
Here's the thing, We all saw images of holes in the Pentagon and the massive scar in the field in Pennsylvania...But did you see a plane in either sets of images? No. You think if a Jumbo jet full of people slammed into the pentagon you would see maybe a wing? a Tail? Also...are we to suppose that the jet that was hijacked back by the passengers hit the field and then vaporized into the forest?


I don't know what happened, but something happened on top of the two towers getting hit by planes.

and what did cause the WTC7 building to collapse after the towers did?

hmmm... ;)

I'll spread a lil propaganda around : Loose Change Website - Version 2.0


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
For the record. Income Tax is a voluntary Tax in Canada. It was brought in to fund the war effort in late thirtries, early forties and like most government revenue generators (Tolls, fees, GST, etc.) The Canadian government just kept taking it.

How do they get away with it? By making it law (Canadian Tax act) that Employers take income tax off there employees. So if you work for someone, they have to take tax from you. Or simply put, the government will take there share from your employer. (which is what actually happens if your wages are garnisheed (sp)

I have a friend who went to a seminar about Canadian Tax law, apparently there is a form that you can fill out and send to revenue Canada that absolves you from paying any income tax. Again, it only works if you are self employed. My buddy did not pay any taxes for three years and the government has just left him alone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
For the record. Income Tax is a voluntary Tax in Canada. It was brought in to fund the war effort in late thirtries, early forties and like most government revenue generators (Tolls, fees, GST, etc.) The Canadian government just kept taking it.

How do they get away with it? By making it law (Canadian Tax act) that Employers take income tax off there employees. So if you work for someone, they have to take tax from you. Or simply put, the government will take there share from your employer. (which is what actually happens if your wages are garnisheed (sp)

I have a friend who went to a seminar about Canadian Tax law, apparently there is a form that you can fill out and send to revenue Canada that absolves you from paying any income tax. Again, it only works if you are self employed. My buddy did not pay any taxes for three years and the government has just left him alone.

Please find me that form and my brother and dad will be very grateful.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I saw a special on some hippys that were skirting the tax law, and you can get away with it, if you are careful, very careful.

They would rather leave the activists and hippy's alone, because if they tried to persue them too aggressively and took them to trial over it, they could counter sue or bring charges against the government...And Rev Canada wouldn't be too happy if a judge decided the Tax Act was inconstitutional or whatever...


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Seeing as I work in a CA firm, let's discuss some of these tax "myths"

The guy who is self employed is not paying income tax because his business is showing a loss. Thus, no tax installments need to be made when you have no income.

Second, as for Rev canada not going after hippies, I can only laugh at this. When you file an income tax return, there is no box to indicate that you are a hippy. Thus, if you earn any time of emplyment income, and do not report it, Rev Can will come after you and very aggresively.All incoem paid to you is also sent to rev Can when it is employment income.
The only way they won't come after you is if you don't report income, which usually can only occur if you are self-employed and working on a cash basis. This is illegal I might add.

People have already tried to challenge the law that they do not have to pay tax, and the courts have struck down those challenges time and time again. I have read these cases as we get them sent to us at our office. Every time they are thrown at of court.

It is very difficult to get around not paying income tax. the only real way is if you are a business, and show a loss. However, that loss better be legit, as Rev Can does random audits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
From the thing I saw, basically the 'Hippy's' worked as sub contractors to their employers, instead of employees.

They then did some sort of letter up to REv Can stating they are not social insurance number xxx xxx xxx and that they are "Christian Name Here" and that the tax act is unconstitutional, illegal, a fraud, etc...

They had issues when the Private Banks granted access for Rev Can to freeze accounts and whatnot...The people were switching too Credit Unions, non banking...

All I remember, and this was some time ago, was that it looked like a lot more work, stress, and persecution than it was worth.

But then we all know the left winger hippy's are all about redundant work to prove points! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
From the thing I saw, basically the 'Hippy's' worked as sub contractors to their employers, instead of employees.

They then did some sort of letter up to REv Can stating they are not social insurance number xxx xxx xxx and that they are "Christian Name Here" and that the tax act is unconstitutional, illegal, a fraud, etc...

They had issues when the Private Banks granted access for Rev Can to freeze accounts and whatnot...The people were switching too Credit Unions, non banking...

All I remember, and this was some time ago, was that it looked like a lot more work, stress, and persecution than it was worth.

But then we all know the left winger hippy's are all about redundant work to prove points! ;)

Credit union accounts can be frozen too??? I can't see them getting away with that, plus like you said way to much work than it's worth.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
I will try and get the story from that buddy of mine... But I seem to recall the argument was based around the fact that when most people get a SIN, they are below the age of majority, thus the signature on your SIN can be voided. With no SIN and no T1 general that is signed (or what ever that form is the every company stuffs down your throat whenever you get a new job) The government has no way to take tax?

Anyway, just talking out my ass until I can get the story... hopefully soon


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
People have already tried to challenge the law that they do not have to pay tax, and the courts have struck down those challenges time and time again. I have read these cases as we get them sent to us at our office. Every time they are thrown at of court.

Out of curiosity... on what grounds do most of these cases get thown out on? And what court do these types of cases normally get to? No piss take, I am actually interested to know.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
From the thing I saw, basically the 'Hippy's' worked as sub contractors to their employers, instead of employees.

They then did some sort of letter up to REv Can stating they are not social insurance number xxx xxx xxx and that they are "Christian Name Here" and that the tax act is unconstitutional, illegal, a fraud, etc...

They had issues when the Private Banks granted access for Rev Can to freeze accounts and whatnot...The people were switching too Credit Unions, non banking...

All I remember, and this was some time ago, was that it looked like a lot more work, stress, and persecution than it was worth.

But then we all know the left winger hippy's are all about redundant work to prove points! ;)

I have to agree w/ Gurps that this sounds like an old wives tale.

Even as a subcontractor, you are an employee of one. Your employer is either a corporation, or a sole proprietor. Under corporate tax laws, the company pays a much lower tax rate- so typically if one has a very good year, and they can't show a loss, they will keep as much money as possible in the corporate side of the ledger, to avoid the heavy hit on the "payroll", or personal side.

Out of curiosity BL16, where do you fall politically? I thought for sure to the left, but now I'm thinking anarchist, if the case is you support the right to organize so strongly, yet object to paying taxes that support our social system.

Let's hear it...


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Backline, I will have to back and look at the tax cases.

However, from what I recall, you have to pay tax under Canadian legislation. They only way that legislation can be undone(i.e you would not have to pay tax) is if a court ruled that the legislation viloated past case law or the Charter. The court has ruled that legislation forcing you to pay income tax does not violate any of the laws.

People have tried to not pay tax citing past case law. where taxes were deemed to not have to be paid. However, those cases do not cover current legislation that has been put into place.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Out of curiosity BL16, where do you fall politically? I thought for sure to the left, but now I'm thinking anarchist, if the case is you support the right to organize so strongly, yet object to paying taxes that support our social system.
Let's hear it...

I'm not opposed to paying taxes for social programs, but that's not where our tax dollars go. Our tax dollars go to private banks.

I am definately on the left, but I have serious issues with the economic, political system we live in. I would not say I am an anarchist though...

I have a problem paying taxes so that rich people get richer, and do not beleive our government looks after it's citizens with their best intrests in mind. Money and power are tied together in our society, and regular people are expendable. Our government makes decisions based on who makes a profit.

Think of it this way. If ICBC can make millions in profit investing our premiums in real estate and other markets (which they keep for themselves), why can't our government do the same. Why does the debt get greater while our taxes continue to rise. Our social programs and health system continue to degrade, while billions of dollars funnel into the pockets of the ruling few... I'm not suggesting things have changed... this is the way it has always been.

Every regime in our history has started out with good intensions, gets corrupted, runs it's course, and then falls (but not before incredible suffering).

There is a 'correction' coming... that's what I believe. When and how remains to be seen.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A certain amount of good points, a whole lot of conspiracy- as per the thread topic.

People like you are the first to cry foul when the Provincial Government takes specific measure to reduce our debt load. Tell me how you feel about Ralf Klein and the Alberta government?

The private banks: "private" being the key word. They are in business to make money. You're going to have to explain to me how, exactly, our taxes are going directly to the private bank industry. I can see indirectly, or to pay of Government short and long term debt, but other than that...sorry, you're- as they say- in left field.

Now, I hate bankers as much or more than the next guy. They are always there when you don't need the money, but when it comes time for a loan, you're put through the wringer. But, at least when you get that loan, it is typically competitive w/ the next bank (unless, of course, you haven't negotiated, or are in such a bad state of credit your only option is something like Alpine).

Then there is the BDC...Canada's federal development bank. While there to finance the medium-higher risk business venture, or entrepreneur, they take a chunk of hide out of you for the experience. Prime plus 3 on your RBC Business Line of Credit? Well, that's great up to a $100K, but if you need a significantly higher start-up, the Private Banks won't touch you (because- shocker- they are in a commodity game, and only in it to make money, not take risks). This is where your Federal Development Bank swoops in to save the day- at the low low rate of prime plus 8 or 9. What a deal!

Me thinks BL16 that you have been doing a whole lot of reading, and talking, but no real living in the real world.

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