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CFL Update's and Banter

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Gotta make the special kids feel, um, special somehow.

Was that you walking down Hastings Street with your Lions helmet on?


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money

Well, since this is Canada and we usually give everything away.......Yes you may have a point For missing:)
CFL sucks, FVSL Rules
CFL sucks, FVSL Rules:knvb:

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
yes, Stepchild's on drugs....


CFL football:
1) better rules for the game than the NFL variety. Bigger field + fewer downs = more incentive to move the ball + more mobile players. This means a better game if:
2) more talented players were able to be lured into playing it. Hard to keep the good ones around if you're only paying them 50K CDN per year....also plays havoc with the player recognition factor.
3) good career extender for a mobile quarterback. How much longer do you think Damon Allen's career would have lasted down south with the limited space he'd have to work with?
4) agreed the single has to go. It's like being given a point for showing up in summer league play.:rolleyes:
5) No "fair catch" rule. Hit the sucker!!!!!
6) Does the trouble make it harder to watch games? No; it just detracts from the viewing pleasure when the colour-commentating yoyo goes off on a tangent about the Argos' budget issues when you're watching the Als and Bombers....:rolleyes:
7) John Wells sucks. But so did Ernie Afaghanis, and he did the job nearly forever. Ron Lancaster sucks too, though. Stepchild sucks. You all suck.:D :D :D
8) Yes, I want to see another Grey Cup.
9) Go Lions!!!



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
CFL Footbal:

1) We've already discussed the nice try here's your point rule:rolleyes:

2) 1/4 of the teams being run by the league:eek:

3) Regurgitation of players from team to team

4) See above for coaches

5) Gay orange KNVB like flags for penalties;)

6) And my all time favourite, until recently 2 Roughriders in an 8 team league:confused:

Well dne CFL, well done:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
The Rouge

The one point for a missed field goal or having the kick return team not able to get a punt out of the end sign are exciting plays in the CFL. Nothing could be more boring in the NFL than the kicking game with no rouge and short end zones not to mention the narrower field.

What I find interesting is that a lot of people knock the CFL yet when you go to the games at BC Place, even when the crowds were as low as the 18,000s last season, the games can be exciting. Canadian football crowds and BC fans are knowledgeable and with their noise, have an impact on the snap count for opposing offences when the game is tight late in the 4thQ.

I guess we wouldn't be Canadians if we weren't knocking our sports and talking up how great the NFL is.


Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Props to Duncan O'Maney...

Kicker for the Calgary Stamps getting some exposure and may get a shot next year in the NFL as his contract is up with the CFL. Good for him. Used to play soccer with the kid. Good lad that could throw back an unbelievable amount of Irish nector.

gong show

New Member
Nov 5, 2001
Dirty Money

I quess you could say that i'm a typical Vancouver sports fan....The lion's have a winning team so i think i'll take in the next home game......What does a beer go for a BC Place????


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
It seemed to be friggin expensive last time i was there. I ran out of money by halftime. I think it is similar to GM place.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
....to add to Bronco's admittedly impressive list:

7) College players having to follow the draft via the internet (by constantly clicking the "refresh" button) to see if they've been selected. Made a goddamn phone call.

8) Lawrence Phillips.

9) Toronto is the largest market in the CFL, and it seems as though they don't care whether or not the Argos die and go away forever.

10) The league employs the likes of Greg Mohns, Adam Rita and Frank Fateri, a trio who's IQ is equal to that of a kleenex box.

11) The league also keeps Marty York and his inane "York Reports" from dealing with his standard hot buttons of curling and the Canadian Baseball League. I had no idea insider knowledge consisted of reading all the major provincial newspapers and regurgitating said info on national television.

12) Doesn't Mike Lysko look a little more legitimate now for slamming the business practices of the now-sputtering Toronto Argonauts during his brief stint as commish?

13) Pinball Clemons masquerading as a head coach, when we all know this is merely a twist in the road for his quest to become a professional male cheerleader. Every time I see a clip of the little man's rant-and-rave before the T.O playoff game last year, I start cracking up. Who takes this guy seriously?

That's all.


New Member
Oct 26, 2002
Dirty Money
I went to a Lions game recently vs. Calgary and I had a good time. One rule I hate, no yards. I agree the returner should have some room to move but once the ball hits the ground it should be wipped out. There is nothing more shocking than watching a ball bounce around for 2 miutes only to have areturn man ounce on it and a flag goes in the air. I love the NFL like most people. But you can't tell me that watching defence followed by a fair catch followed by defence followed by a fair catch is more exciting than the CFL. I like the 3 downs because it causes more throwing. I like the big feild because it allows more big plays. Of course you NFLers hate the pig play right? The biggest diference is the NFL has more high priced talent and that makes people watch more. The NFL could use some of the CFL rules to liven things up once and awhile. The Rams and Bills average over 30 points and it was a big deal. Well almost everyone in the CFL averages that. Lastly in terms of Toronto and Vancouver not supporting their teams this is sadly true. I believe it is for 3 reasons.

1. They both play in huge indoor stadiums rather than allowing people to be outside to enjoy a Friday night in the sun. I mean how nice would this summer have been for some games. Also 25,000 fans would fill- up a smaller outdoor stadium creating a better atmosphere. Just ask Montreal.

2. Both cities are very multicultural and have ahuge immigrant population. If you think of it the Lions were the game in town before Expo 86. When someone new comes to the country they have heard of the NFL, because the US influences the entire world, so that is who they support.

3. Also Toronto and Vancouver are so sadly americanized we can easily, without and feelings of betrayal, slam our league and love the americans. Do you think the countries in Europe with lesser leagues slam their home teams and go to other countries to support like we do. Not likely. You don't find this in Quebec or the prairies either.

All you anti-CFLers probably shop at Wal-Mart and Home Depot instead of a Revy to save a $1.50 without any clue.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Little Joke for Grey Cup

Should be a great game on Sunday.

As for the joke:

A little old couple prepares to go to bed. They no sooner hit the pillows

>when the old man farts and says, "Seven Points."


>His wife rolls over and says, "What in the world was that?" The old man

>replied, "It's fart football."


>A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says, "Touchdown, tie score."


>After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says, "Aha. I'm

>ahead 14 to 7."


>Not to be outdone, the wife rips out another one and says, "Touchdown, tie



>Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says, "Field goal,

>I lead 17 to 14."


>Now the pressure is on the old man. He refuses to get beat by a woman, so he

>strains real hard, but to no avail. Realizing a defeat is totally

>unacceptable, he gives it everything he's got and accidentally craps in the



>The wife says, "What the hell was that?"


>The old man says, "Half time, switch sides."

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
the Gimp's back

cfl is a joke lol. CRAP FOOTBALL lEAGUE. I HOPE VANCOUVER get nfl team because cfl is a joke.

Hey looky, everybody! The Bar Gimp's back!!! I guess his Mom let him back onto her computer after he got grounded for surfing porn after his bedtime last month....:rolleyes: Glad to see that the pride of the Abbotsford educational system has learned a bit more about the English language, and the proper usage of capitalization, grammar, and netiquette.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Apparently not. <yawn> He's still trolling...

Bad Gimp. Play nicely, or we'll have to tell your Mom to ground you from her computer for another month, and you won't be able to be an embarrassment to TTP with your shocking use of MSN grammar and lame ebonics again. Besides, your little brother wants to use it to do his homework.....:D

To reply to this non-thinker: Vancouver will never get an NFL team; nor would the majority of residents here want one. Get over it. The NFL will not locate franchises in Canada until a) the CFL dies off completely and b) our labour laws change completely to allow a professional team to be comprised almost if not entirely of American players. Trust me, that would not be a good precedent.

Still Canadian,

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