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Canada / USA / Mexico joint WC Bid


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Hey thats what I ran $250 on Average. Easily sell out 60,000 seats times 3 games. So you get $45 million in ticket sales.

From this you subtract:

1. New Grass pitch
2. Security
3. Any stadium changes

Then add in all the additional food revenue and merchandising.

I just don't see how the numbers would not work.....unless there is a kick up to FIFA? Even still the ticket sales alone would cover off many of the additonal costs.

Even if it ended up losing some money the experience for locals combined with the world wide exposure of the province would be well worth it...you can't put a dollar value on that. Plus the increase in tourist spending money downtown etc...


I didn't go as far with the deductions but I think have minimal impact on the revenues.

Its extra bitter when they are so vague on reasoning.

Go Morocco!


Sep 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I could accept this if the issue was FIFA corruption and treatment of workers in Quatar, but to take us out of the equation based on this argument. I'm at a loss.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Just FYI I am fairly certain that ALL of the revenue goes to FIFA (similar to the IOC situation from the Olympics).

Especially ticket sales and merchandise. So technically your calculations are largely irrelevant.

That being said our costs are actually MINIMAL because we already have the venue. We just have to pay for security and stadium upgrades (ie grass and any "reconfiguration" required) plus run a FIFA FanZone in the city for the duration of the tournament. Presumably there would be a lease agreement with FIFA for a flat rate to use the venue, but likely it might not be enough to cover all the costs etc.

What we stand to gain though, is the ridiculous tourism and exposure boost to our economy that comes from hosting the largest sporting event in the world. The benefits far outweigh any minor, short term, one time financial losses for the use of BC Place. The fact that EVERY OTHER CITY IN NORTH AMERICA as well as Vancouver City Council understand this, but our Provincial government cannot grasp it, is embarrassing.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Just FYI I am fairly certain that ALL of the revenue goes to FIFA (similar to the IOC situation from the Olympics).

I have found a link for ticket sales:


Looks like they took in 527 million form ticket sales, I assume this is from all ticket sales from all the Brazil games which would mean that in fact the hosts don't get any ticket revenue but I can't tell from the numbers if a portion goes to the hosts.

On the expense side there is a ticket expense which is probably marketing.

There is also payments to the host committee as well as some preparation expense reimbursements.

So can't really tell form that statement how much money Vancouver would get back from FIFA revenue for hosting some games.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
This ^

Chicago also said no for the exact reasons as Vancouver. The cost for security is incredible high with so many events and activities that FIFA likes to put on in the cities that host. The teams, the facilities, hotels and events all need Olympic style security that is massively expensive. And if anything else goes wrong, it’s on the province to foot the bill. Any real revenue goes to the CSA/USSF/FMF, not the province. They demand a real cut in cost to use BC Place and demand improvements to an already massively expensive facility.



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
This ^

Chicago also said no for the exact reasons as Vancouver. The cost for security is incredible high with so many events and activities that FIFA likes to put on in the cities that host. The teams, the facilities, hotels and events all need Olympic style security that is massively expensive. And if anything else goes wrong, it’s on the province to foot the bill. Any real revenue goes to the CSA/USSF/FMF, not the province. They demand a real cut in cost to use BC Place and demand improvements to an already massively expensive facility.


Ya Chicago and Minny passed as well, which the NDP are now using as an "I told you we knew what we were doing" play...

Good article by Ed Willes in The Province about how things like this are not about the money. It's about the cultural impact and the fact that, if you want to be one of the marquee cities in the world, you need to pony up and make it work.

Sure security cost could run high and FIFA takes none of the risk of any ballooning costs, but this bid has been going forward for well over a year and was in the works well before that as well. This was a one time shot to be part of the biggest sporting event in the world and now we've said no on a whim and are likely to never get the chance again. MAYBE if Morocco wins the bid the North Americans will look at 2030, but European countries will be eligible again and there are already very quiet rumors of England being interested, having not hosted since '66. The fact that it is now widely accepted that the government did not evaluate the situation at all from the time they were elected up until 10 days before the bid deadline is an enormous neglect of responsibility. If there were truly concerned about the taxpayer's and their feelings, there was plenty of time for public consultation. The reaction has shown that anyone who supports this decision by the government is very much in the minority.

Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you are on, governments in a democracy are elected to represent the people. In this case the people have clearly shown that they wanted to be a part of this event. The government it seems has been neglect in their due diligence and is now trying to justify it by fear mongering an unknown potential bill that would hang as an albatross around the Province's neck for decades. It's a joke. It reminds me of all those who were against the Olympics for the same reasons. That was, in my opinion, two of the greatest weeks this city has ever enjoyed and, by the time it was over, the naysayers were such a small group that they have been forgotten in the annals of history. None of those doomsday predictions came to pass. We are not still digging out from some incalculable debt incurred as a result of welcoming the world.

This was the wrong decision for the wrong reasons.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry, as much as I would love for that to be the case in most circumstances, I don’t think the voices of soccer/sports fans on social media represent “the people”. There are just as many who also don’t want it or could careless either. Besides, many have voiced their opinion without knowing the facts. It does suck that it’s not coming here but I’ve lost my love for FIFA and all its crap after reading and watching documentary after documentary about how this thing is run.

All that money and all that risk for 3 group games likely made up of teams no one really wants to see? There is no chance the big teams end up here. No chance. The big European teams will be on the east coast and the big South American teams will end up in Mexico or southern US. If I really want to go, Seattle is a 3hrs drive away. Edmonton is 12-13 hr drive away. Great road trip for the boys. And yes, Canada might have played here and that would be special to be apart of but to run up a bill like that that could be better spent on healthcare, I’ll pass.

On another note, as someone smarter than me pointed out, why would any of those FIFA federation heads vote for the US bid when it’s the US that is taking FIFA to court. Vic might be a smooth talker but he ain’t that good. This argument might all be for not.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Yeah I was listening to CKNW. and they had about 80% of people saying the NDP did the right thing team 1040 was the opposit. Disappointed I won’t get a chance to miss out on getting tickets but I’ll try get tickets for Seattle or Edmonton if it happens


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
All that money and all that risk for 3 group games likely made up of teams no one really wants to see? There is no chance the big teams end up here. No chance. The big European teams will be on the east coast and the big South American teams will end up in Mexico or southern US.

Speaking about voicing opinions without knowing facts...

The games are scheduled before the draw (A1vA2 in city X; B1vB2in city Y; A1vA3 in city Z; etc...). Teams are then drawn into those spots based on which pot they end up in which is based on qualification and world ranking. So ya, actually, we could have wound up with Germany v Columbia or something of that ilk just as easy as Tunisia v New Zealand, there would have been no way to know.

And, sorry, explain to me again how Germany's still digging out from hosting in 2006? Sure there are now nearly abandoned stadiums and cost over runs for infrastructure projects in places like South Africa, Brazil and, soon to be, Qatar but that's apples to oranges. Those countries had to build massive stadiums for, essentially, one time use. This is different, the infrastructure is existing. Yes security costs, yes grass and maybe some minor stadium upgrades, but my god is that really going to bankrupt us?? We have hosted the world at the Olympics and it did not ruin us, in fact, far from it; many say it put Vancouver on the map globally as a destination in a way never before imagined. It was not dissimilar to when Expo introduced the world to this city in '86. We hosted the Women's World cup with similar security requirements; my god we had US Vice President Joe Biden in the city along with all of FIFA's elite dignitaries for the FINAL; surely that would provide at least a template for the security cost for a few group stage games. We hosted the U20 World Cup in 2008 and survived all of FIFA's "evils".

No, sorry. You don't to open a book 10 days before a monumental decision, make a snap call and then pretend like you were somehow justified. Complete garbage. If you had these concerns voice them, give yourself time to vet them thoroughly, take the pulse of the people you represent and do your f*cking jobs properly. If this was the result of a well thought out process with plenty of public consultation and a reasonable explanation I could stomach it. I consider myself practical and pragmatic; if it was proven that this route leads to certain disaster I could be shown the rationale and brought around to that idea. That's not what happened here.

And on the subject of what the "people" think; might I suggest avoiding call in shows where the audience caters to programming and visa-versa. Twitter was fairly skewed to one side in it's condemnation of this decision and that is a fairly wide ranging sample size...


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
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