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2017 BC Mens Provincial A Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

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Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Thxs 29....and for this Conner kid the next coming of God apparently from what I read on this thread. Why don't we just change the name of this thread to "all about Connor". I didn't even know he was playing??? What has he done in his soccer career? Fsvl player of year?? Congrats on that great achievement He found out quick what it's like to play a good team. I don't even want to talk about the tackle no room for that in the game Move

Nationals here we come

Well if the President of Alex Marello fan club had time to post more then once every 3 years.............................

Inter peaked at the Right time. Not sure that carries through to Nationals but hope they can put in a respectable performance. Nice to have it hosted in your back yard. But just in case you don't know where Langley is...



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
1st world problems.

Gotta Love it.

This one is just getting extra attention because of the pedestal the kid was put on prior and it being a provincial final.

The haters are out in full force.

Time to move on........

Its Evident @HighLife is missing @Soccer Coach

Pretty sure @HighLife is just trying to get around SoccerCoach's "ignored list"... LOL

Kid was put on a pedestal absolutely. Like I said before, boring doesn't sell newspapers, compelling storylines with heroes and villains do.

Inter as the Evil Empire against the FVSL shining hope is a better storyline than "eclectic collection of star individual players on loosely Italian affiliated Vancouver club play random nobodies from the Valley with some surprisingly good players..." Add some characters, add some colour, add a hook. Get the people talking, get the buzz growing. Interest. That's how I think we build this game. There were some great players in that final, the people deserve to know who they are, not to just turn up at the park and leave saying hey that number 15 for the white team was really good wonder who he is...

As I said, Hildebrant was invisible for the portion of the match that I saw. Then a rush of blood to the head in frustration at the end. No place for tackles like that in the game, but I don't think anybody is suggesting the kid should be put up against the wall and shot. Should have been suspended, should have to miss Aldergrove's first one or two Provincial Cup games should they qualify next season. That would be a tough lesson to learn. When you are billed as the hero, there is so much farther to fall. There were plenty of family, friends and young kids in attendance and I'm sure that's not the example Connor would want to set nor the reputation he would want to establish for himself. He's young, I am sure this will motivate him to work harder and be even better. Hey, everybody loves a redemption story...

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Dude gotta say I may have to question your logic there Margie. The difference is the punters on this thread have never thrown a nasty two foot tackle like that in the 98th minute of a highly hyped Provincial Cup final after missing a PK...Plus, this is in an environment where the expectations of all rural folks weighed heavily on this boy and one could argue that the missed peno was the proverbial TSN turning point. I mean even infamous media outlets such as AFTN.ca and even TTP had categorized this game as one where "History awaits FVSL Champions" and where "Connor Hildebrand not going to get caught up in the moment" (or something like that). Actually, if you think about it, both predictions didnt happen...

or did they...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
SirM- quite right on the very unique circumstances.

Again, there remains a hell of a lot of hypocrisy perched upon soap boxes from said pundits.

Angels, all of them I'm sure.

Moving on.....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
This was a game that seemed could have gone either way. Some fun side stories stemming from the rural hicks from Aldergrove. Here's a couple more. Aldergrove has a law student playing for them. He's quite talented, but a law student playing in Aldergrove? In the FVSL? Clearly he must be a sub-par law student and very much an anomaly? What about that Japanese exchange student that plays for them? Really? Aldergrove? Out of all the communities? He must have been duped. He didn't know the world that exists beyond Aldergrove and the FVSL and settled to hangout with the farmers? Listen to this, Aldergrove even has a black guy who warms up with sunglasses on. I think he actually looked cool doing it, although I would question it somewhat. But I do know he would look way cooler doing that in the VMSL on a Vancouver team. And Connor, the prodigy that made a tackle that should have been a red. But this was an Aldergrove tackle. They are different than a VMSL and urban tackle. Aldergrove tackles incite some because they carry a different context than contemporary urban VMSL tackles. How dare he?

How about the fact that some people just play the game on a team because they love it and don't give a shite which league or city it's situated in? Congrats to Inter. Congrats to Aldergrove. Both teams could have represented our province. It will be Inter. And maybe Aldergrove will as well. It's fun to build a story up, but to try and belittle one team and league and bolster another has nothing to do with what actually will occur on the pitch with players competing. 11 humans competing against 11 humans.

But how did that Japanese guy end up in Aldergrove?

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Ballbaby this reminds me of years ago when a guy I know had to go up country and testify before one of the last remaining "lay-judges" in Vanderhoof or something like that. He went on to testify something to the effect of, "your Honour, I based on the constellation of circumstances I had before me, at this time established what I believed were reasonable and probable grounds to..." At which point the judge stopped him and stated, "sonny, dont you be coming into my court room with none of your high falootin' lawyer talk..."

Grove Strong

New Member
May 16, 2017
Dirty Money
Strange nobody has commented on Inter's tendency to run keepers, first the Gunners then Aldy, well played gentlemen...seems like a bit of an M.O. developing here. As far as the comment regarding the hard tackle in front of all those women and children present on Sunday maybe somebody should have a look in the mirror or did they tune out that Douche Bag Milad running down the sidelines after the second goal yelling f-bombs every second word,in front of a lot of Woman and Children, however I don't doubt that maybe the extent of his vocabulary. Really classy bunch of city boys are going to be representing BC. I hope BC Soccer has a chat with this team prior to the Nationals regarding how they present themselves. It clearly starts at the top. The language displayed by there coach the entire game towards the opposing players was disgusting. Even the AR mentioned to the referee that that coach has to go in the second half, because of conduct but his input was ignored. Hoping for a Nationals rematch!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Probably went and had a bite to eat at Tomo Sushi and said Fcuk it. I feel right at home and Aint going back

Sushi next to a gas station isn't supposed to be this good. Try it!

I have and it is good! Japanese sushi chef sure looked rough though.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Probably went and had a bite to eat at Tomo Sushi and said Fcuk it. I feel right at home and Aint going back

Sushi next to a gas station isn't supposed to be this good. Try it!

How about that schnitzel restaurant on 272 St and Fraser Hwy? Dude eats there sometimes. He likes the way he looks when he says 'schnitzel". His jawline protrudes and cheekbones rise giving him a more seemingly masculine look. I think he even has a selfie video of him ordering one. Post it Dude.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
P.S- when all you city boys are bellying up to the dinner table, you all still slagging Farmers?? Didn't think so.......

My mom was a farmer. My dad was a city boy. My dad used to tease my mom about that when I was a kid. But my mom was the one who built our fence and poured the concrete pad in our backyard. Her garden was incredible. Even as a young kid, I knew that my mom was extra special. She still is. Being called a farmer is not a slag. Wear with pride. Especially today.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money

Grove Strong!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Going into DT Aldy is like a dip in the Hot Tub Tine Machine.

Then there is the Schnitzel shop next to the strip joint. Go in, Christmass lights everywhere, old papers, phone books, a 45 year old Pakistani man behind the counter, mystery cook in the back, otherwise empty. Bad mismatched utensils, and the best damn schnitzel I've eaten this side of Hanover.

Kid you not. What. The Actual. Fcuk.
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