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2011 BC Mens Provincial A Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Congrats Reedie & Company.

And kudos to Adam Costley.
A class act and watching him play as a kid at Surrey FC/SYSA when I was there to where he is today is fantastic.
Well done sonno.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Got to be super sweet for Costly going through the ups and downs of relegation and promotion, sticking it out when so many others jumped ship. Class kid. Congrats to the rest of the crew and management too.

I like to think that PAU will get it's thank you soon, Reedie? After all it was a 6-2 exhibition game drubbing of us that started the run off wunnit? You're welcome... :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
BC Soccer provided a brand new trophy - it needs to be disinfected immediately. Celebrations have carried over today to the Earls at Guildford. OMNI TV has recorderd said celebrations at Earls. it should be on the news tonight. Interviews of drunk players...cant wait. :)

The trophy really is going to Vegas...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Sorry Berg,

By the time, I got home after the Masters Final, showered, got some lunch, watched the playoff in the Players Championship, I could only manage to watch the 2nd half. Besides, I had my little girl with me, and she was more interested in the the tire swing.

Team Lidder kept me posted via texts throughout the night.

Really happy for the club (whatever you would like to call it) and Indian soccer in general.


I don't know why but I find comments like this unfortunate. For some reason I thought we were for the most part all Canadians, whether white, brown or yella. Call me crazy but I thought Indian soccer was played in India. How a local team winning BC's is about Indian soccer is a small window into some of the major issues that are present in Canada. Taboo I know and not the place but it still rubs me the wrong way.


Sep 24, 2001
Dirty Money
ICSTPEG......BC Champs

Congratulations to our whole club. From the old boys down to the new boys hats off.

A club that trains together, eats together, drinks together and gets arrested together....wins together!!!!!

The Big Boot

New Member
Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
Berg, the rumour is correct - the cup has arrived at T-Barz! The establshiment staff have renamed the cup name to Porscheaahhhh!! :)

BC soccer may need to commission a new trophy for next year - I don't think they are going to want it back after ICST Peg and the various establishments they visit get through with it! :)

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to Indo/Temple/Peg.

All are class individuals starting with the temple boys. Simm, Lavi, Paul, Carlos, etc...you guys worked together and stuck together with your club and it paid off.

To Reedie, I have had the opportunity to play with you and also be coached by you. You are totally class and deserve this.

To the Indo camp of Darcy, Pritt, Sandy, etc. At some point or another, Indo provided the atmosphere for a number of players of Indian background to play high level soccer. It was the pillar of Indian soccer for a long time and while some of the Indo players have come and gone, the management's commitment to the club cannot be questioned. They made some decisions which were unfavourable to some people, had strategic mergers and alliance with certain clubs but at the end of the day the Indo club helped so many Indian soccer players become not only better players but also allowed for some to go on to university scholarships etc. From Danny Sankhar to Didar Sidhu to so many others with came through the club, the work of Pritt, Sandy and Darcy, although at some points ruthless in certain decisions, volunteered so much time for the betterment of the club and in the end the hard work finally paid off.

Good luck in Nationals next year and enjoy the celebrations. You guys deserve it.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Happy for "young" Adam Costly and his family. Well done, kid. I wouldn't worry too much about Pete ending up in jail in Quebec...after two or three in, Les Quebequois & English speaking Canadian alike will not be able to understand a thing he says anyhow.

As for an Indian team finally winning, now none of us can say Indian teams don't have what it takes to win. Good luck in Quebec- big time them over there, would you Reedie?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Finally a few minutes to post something. Time is precious when you are busy filming a reality series for Omni TV about the curious life and travels of a metal trophy. Make sure to tune in to "Keeping up with the Porscha the Provincial Cup", only on Omni television.

First off, thanks for all the well wishes online and offline. Much appreciated. Btw, WTF where was all the love and support in November when we were face down on the cold and wet cement, cuffed, and mired in the bottom third of the table? Just saying.


But more than anything the players on this team stuck together. And this team is ICST Pegasus, essentially a combination of 3 different soccer clubs that were all rich in their own tradition and history. A 3 way merger with very important contributions from all parties but with one common goal: to get Cloughie fired. Having accomplished that, we moved on to the next goal: Provincial Cup Champions. Mission accomplished again.

As for the final game, thinking back now (and reading that article) the entire thing seems surreal. We did have at least 4 clear cut, high quality chances to score in the first half but it was 0-0 after 45. One couldn't help but think missing those chances might come back to haunt us and they almost did. To their credit, Columbus pushed back in the first part of the 2nd half and had a couple of chances themselves. Amar made a brilliant save (and smother) on one occasion to keep it at nil-nil. It was sure nice at that point to be able to ask Adam Costley to warm up ASAP because he was going to be subbed into the game. Seeing as how he was suspended the first 3 Prov Cup games and we were on a roll, he did not start the final but not many teams in this competition can bring in a sub like that. Sorry, no teams can. We managed to finally get that elusive goal with about 20 minutes to go and then we defended extremely well to the end. We missed 2 absolute sitters to close off the game and then they had a very late direct free kick just outside our box that was also saved nicely by Amar. All in all, I do think we were the better team on this day and definitely deserved the win but I do certainly congratulate coach Carmine D'Onofrio, veteran Tony Gaita and the rest of the Columbus team on a fine performance. They are a classy bunch. They beat Surrey United, West Van and UBC without conceding a goal, which was an outstanding run but Sunday just happened to be our day.

I will say that I never had a feeling like the one when that final whistle finally went. As I told the players, this one is the sweetest championship ever for me because of the path we took to get there. If anyone had been a fly on our dressing room wall at Ambleside back in October, you would never have believed that was a scene from a future prov championship team. It's funny or maybe ironic that when I bolted out of the room that night the one guy that came out to try and talk to me was Lavy Mangat. Knowing the Ambleside trails as I do, he was unable to catch me but, as it turns out, the lasting image I will have from this past weekend is when our skipper Paul Bahia went to receive the cup and he did not lift it into the air. In fact, he passed it off to our longest serving veteran that was set to retire after this season. Up went Lavy onto the shoulders of all the players and then up went the cup into sky in the arms of Lav Mangat, a first time provincial champion at the age of 37. Hardly a dry eye on the field at that point.

And that's it for my sappy stories and the "ICST Pegasus love in". All the other great moments from this past weekend will stay where they belong...in particular on the field, in the dressing room, and at the clubhouse with the very deserving players, staff and supporters....until of course the whole thing hits YouTube.

I should also say hats off to Kevin Uppal and the rest of the FVSL for all the hard work they put into hosting. The field set up, pre game festivities, and post game ceremony were all first class. They could do nothing about the brutal weather but I have to say the field was shocking, albeit for both teams. But I guess the moment you commit to doing something like this, you open yourself up to at least some criticism. It's a lot like coaching that way. We shall see what the VMSL comes up with next year as the host. Kevin and the Aldergrove group has set the bar quite high.

Should also mention the referee was a non factor. Rubin may have handed out one or two marginal yellows but for the most part I did not notice him. Maybe they did get this one right. Perhaps it is time for Captain Shamrock to shave his mullet and get himself an Eastern European accent.

Some closing thoughts gleaned from this past weekend:

-Bergamascho apparently spent his entire youth taking hip hop dance lessons
-Paul Segovia is using the same jokes he was using in 1987. They are still very funny.
-Diaz Kambere can get you into Mirage wearing a track suit
-Omni TV is probably an undercover cult organization linked to a carpet cleaning Ponzi scheme/Nigerian email fraud
-Paul Bahia knows how to celebrate a win
-I did see Gilly at one of our games...it was before the final and he was heading toward his car
-Fred Powell should not do a belly slide
-Azad Palani in Punjabi is Azab Palabi
-Aldergrove is not in Langley
-Grimm is either a Columubus supporter or he is living in a rubber room wearing a Saffron hoody
-Stephen Burns was a large part of this victory
-Tbarz opens at 7pm daily
-Players wins games and championships. Coaches take too much shite when times are bad and get too much credit when things go well. The latter is kinda fun.
-winning never gets old

Oh yah......shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

On to nationals.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
this one is the sweetest championship ever for me because of the path we took to get there. If anyone had been a fly on our dressing room wall at Ambleside back in October, you would never have believed that was a scene from a future prov championship team. It's funny or maybe ironic that when I bolted out of the room that night the one guy that came out to try and talk to me was Lavy Mangat. Knowing the Ambleside trails as I do, he was unable to catch me but, as it turns out

Is this that game?
YouTube - West Van FC vs. ICST Pegasus in Men's Metro Premier League soccer

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Well done Reedie. But a word to the wise, stay away from T-Barz in the future, unless you want to risk getting shot or something.

Ask Lavi about my advice.

Congrats to all that deserve congrats, starting with the two referenced above, as well as Adam and Sandy.

Sir M


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money


I'm not 100% certain but I'm pretty sure that's the game. Let's see, 4 goals against and no goals for....yeah, I think that was the game. Well, it sure looks like the game. Did one of those goals actually bounce off the ground over the keeper? Hmmmmm....OK, if there was a cardboard box there with my footprint in it then it was definitely the game. I think. I will look at the footage again after I clean the tbars goop off of my medal.

Did you know Sapperton beat us both times this season?

Also, I hear that Poco is merging with Inter next year. That will be an interesting dressing room.

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