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2004 Masters Provincial Cup Draw

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Both games went to PKs....

Surrey United 3

Paddlewheelers 2
Club Inter 1




New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Scottyshell said:
Well....Come on come on....who's it to be in the FINAL???
Nobody see the games today?

Cheers! :bronco: :bronco:

pks were the order of the day
SU beat PAU 5-4 after a 2-2 draw :D
battle royale.
In the end it was a 48 year old Farquhar facing the near, if not already 50 JP for the last shot to win it all...and yes, Santa delivered the presents. ;)

Paddlewheeler beat Inter 5-4 after a 1-1 draw. Inter won the first half with more skill but the Paddle had the jam and some pace down the flanks in the second...managed to tie it up in the second half.
...I bet on Tommy Mcquaid over Zombrano in the pks and won $5.

more later on the SU PAU match(pics via ballbaby)...I'll leave some details for others to describe... all in all a great battle, as both teams left it all on the park....full marks to the PAU boys. A tightly contested and fairly played match. :)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
What can I say? Both teams played hard! It was not an overly skilled game to watch as Adanac was a little bumpy to say the least. We opened the scoring on a saved penalty by Parker from a Harkinson attempt that resulted in a goal-mouth scramble and a 6 yard shot from Howes that finally found the net. We carried some of the play after that and had a couple of beautiful chances in close remarkably saved by John Parker. Then all of a sudden Steve Brown of Peace Arch finds some open room in the midfield, takes the space and unleashes a 30-40 yard cannon. What a beauty! 1-1 at that point and the game becomes more even. I think it was suffice to say that goal by Brownie deflated us for several moments. Halftime break and we regrouped. I took a corner (it was a beauty.......have to qualify that because I will sewer myself later in this post) and it found the head of Reeder and it was 2-1. Peace Arch pressed and pressed and they did get caught on several counters and such but and it turned out to be a big but, we did not score. 10 minutes left in the game, Peace Arch's Paddy ( I apologize for forgetting his name, excellent player) scored from a poorly cleared ball inside the six. 2-2 and overtime. What happened in overtime typifies our postseason. Peace Arch scored on a header from 5BT's and it was a beauty as well. His celebration was something to behold. Off came the shirt and he was flailing it around like a lariat and the PA boys were screaming with joy. I was in shock. This can't be happening! Please somebody do something! Ahh yes, my linesman buddy on the east side who called me offside a few times had his flag up. Oh my! The shirt quietly and sadly found itself back on the body of my buddy 5BT's and the game carried on. Was it offside? Honestly, I can't tell you. Some neutral observers say yes. Some say no.

Penalty shots. 5 volunteers. "I'll shoot first" As I was walking up to the ball I remembered the last several weeks and my youth team I coach going through peno training for cup play. My demonstrations for the boys were not very good. I haven't missed a penalty since I played the Whitecaps reserves (80's)eons ago but as I was walking, I had that sick feeling and I wanted to turn around and walk back to the centre circle, but how could I do that? I set up the ball on a piece of grass that I could find and then proceeded to shoot it right at Parker. I almost puked. Then I did slowly walk back to the centre circle, sat myself down and watched the procession. Howes shot and scored. Muirhead shot, it hit Parker and squeezed through his legs. Nutmeg! Dougie scored. He walks back smiling and then promptly gives us shite for not cheering for his effort. We cheered. To close this up, two PA players missed, Danny Christie who hit the crossbar and in a cruel twist of fate, Steve Brown sent one flying over the crossbar. Farquhar had the privilege of being the 6th shooter and with all the marbles, and a few heckles, he slotted it and we once again defeated an excellent Peace Arch squad.

It is getting harder and harder to beat these guys. They are a tough bunch. They don't give up. They can play! I do have to tell you, John Parker is one of the best goalies I have played against and with. Our goalie Angelo Bonato will tell you the same.

I am battered and bruised and cramping and I am at work. I just came back from an emergency call from a lice-infested house where all the occupants have been coughing violently for 5 -13 hours straight. I limped into the house but when it was time to get out, I was able to run. :D I feel itchy and I'm coughing. Thank goodness we won. It's not so bad dealing with cooties when you win.:cool:

Off to the finals where we hope we can salvage what we gave up last year in the Final. We haven't exactly strolled into the Finals, but should we be able to? Every good team needs luck and this year we have gotten it. I feel bad for the PA guys, especially the guys who missed the penos. They both played so well and they don't deserve that fate. As for me, I hope to wait a while before I 'volunteer' to take another one. But you never know, it's how you feel at the time. Right now I feel itchy.


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Congratulations Surrey United

Well said Ballbaby! :D

I won't bore you with the details of the match all over again but I wll say as Ballbaby did, I'm cramping, sore, and feeling like an old bastard who just had a fifty pound weight dropped on my body for 2 hours... :D

Yep, thought I had the golden goal, yep, took the shirt off, yep, called offside by the ref and east linesman, yep, who knows??? :confused: I told Renee, If I take my shirt off it's got to be a goal!!! :p It's the nature of the game...very disappointing for us :( but satisfying knowing we played much better than the last two weekends and actually gave SU a bit of a scare...could have went either way for sure :D

Actually, it was a fantastic game and it was the epic battle PA knew it was going to be, loads of running, excellent hard play from both FVSL Masters teams, on a day that simply zapped the energy out of you, it was fcukin hot hot....The two other semi-finalist must be shakin' in their boots at the thought of playing Surrey United next week....No offense, but SU and PA could still hold their own in a open league division anywhere....if it where not for the very long recovery period us masters need (oh yeah and pampering!!!)

I've enjoyed football this year in the Masters div and look forward to next year...see you in September old bastards :)

Well onto Summer league play and look forward to another kick at the can next year....fcuk I hurt :eek:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Where's Balls?

3-2 Slurrey United (pk's) No idea what happened in the game, or on Saturday for that matter. We (Mens team) got the result from the 8th green. I think.


New Member
May 27, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes Ballbaby your Peno was leaving a lot to be desired to say the least. :rolleyes: Eitherway to bad they put you guys on that field as it didn't help the flow of the game really. The PA goalie I thought was the man of the match as he made a bunch of great saves throughout the game.
Not a bad day to watch football on Saturday with great weather, great beer and both semi's going into peno's.

Congrat's to both Surrey U. and Paddlewheeler on reaching the final.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
JP on our winning PK from Farquhar. Combined age......98 years. I'm absolutely serious. I would put these two up against many half their age. Anyone arguing against this should take their head out of their ass.

Trying to upload the pic. Maybe too many years combined for the disk space?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Ballbaby said:
Regs, why can't I upload this last pic?
Because I'm sitting here and intercepting it between the time you hit the submit button and the data being inserted into the database.

How the fcuk do I know? :rolleyes:


BTW, only premium members can view these pictures... if you posted them in the gallery, everyone would be able to see them. For that matter, Aves could have posted them in the gallery...



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Let's try this one. Why does the camera love the oldest man on the planet? He looked like this when he was 20. He is a phenomenon, an enigma, and on the 13th fairway of his life ( as told to me by one of the parents of a kid I coach who took in our game). The man with the sore quad is Steve Brown, another great player.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Because I'm sitting here and intercepting it between the time you hit the submit button and the data being inserted into the database.

How the fcuk do I know? :rolleyes:


BTW, only premium members can view these pictures... if you posted them in the gallery, everyone would be able to see them. For that matter, Aves could have posted them in the gallery...

Only Premium members should get to view these pics. They are vintage before they are taken. :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money

Ah, but Aves did indeed post these pics via email to his own select 'Premium Members' list.

Your loss Regs. :D
A hidden statement perhaps? ;)

I have to say Ballbaby, I agree, many great players in those pics.
Fitting there were none of you in there. :p
Farquar is a legend.
I look forward to kicking him again next year before he goes O-60 the following year after that.

I'm surprised Reeder scored a header on the weekend.
That melon of his was feeling no pain on Friday night at our joint tax party.
A good thing that game wasn't played Saturday for him. ;)

Unlucky 5BTs and the PAU crew - Good bunch of lads and took the 'shite' to penos.
Well done on a great year boys.

When and where is the final again lads?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Su/pau

Rangerforever said:
I'm surprised Reeder scored a header on the weekend.
That melon of his was feeling no pain on Friday night at our joint tax party.
A good thing that game wasn't played Saturday for him. ;)

It was played on Saturday. They're taxing joints now? Nice, taxing joints and a bunch of dooby smoking accountants! Reeder was awfully hungry the whole game. Caught him having some Chinese food at halftime. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Peace Baby...Ballbaby that is...

Saturday game? Oops. :eek:

I'm surprised Reeder could function Saturday.
Pisstank. ;)

You still didn't answer when and where I could come and watch your boring fcuking match.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Peace Baby...Ballbaby that is...

Rangerforever said:
Saturday game? Oops. :eek:

I'm surprised Reeder could function Saturday.
Pisstank. ;)

You still didn't answer when and where I could come and watch your boring fcuking match.

That would explain why he went down with cramps on the touchline and needed help getting up. A little dehydrated I presume? :eek:

Accountants have a high stress job and drink like fish.:rolleyes:


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Just got the call from the postgame piss-up...Surrey United beat Paddlewheeler 3-1, which from all accounts could have been a few more.

No offense to the paddle, but the real final was last week vs PAU. I had so much confidence that I stayed home with the kids and did yard work all day...was tempted to join the postgame piss-up but I'll have to raincheck that for May long in Vernon boys. :D :D

Congrats to Paddlewheeler for making the finals

and a big YAWP for the SU masters for winning their first over 35 championship(3 time over 30's winners) and a chance to travel to Flin Flon, Man in Nov. :rolleyes:

Did you remember to put me on the team list?
team publicist / water bottle strategist :wa:


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Regs said:
BTW, only premium members can view these pictures... if you posted them in the gallery, everyone would be able to see them. For that matter, Aves could have posted them in the gallery...


Thanks, and done(will be) for all those wanting a look at old man farquhar slotting the winner in the pk's
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