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2002 Over-30's Cup (the last one)

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Surrey United 2(PK's)-1 Westside

First off and most appropriate, congrats to Westside for a good hard fought battle. Secondly, someone has to do something about the officiating. I am so pissed off. The central focus of a game should be the players, NOT THE REFEREE! This official is supposed to be one of the top three. Then there truly is a problem. :mad:

The two yellow card rule in this years BC's and then a suspension is questionable in the first place, ESPECIALLY when you have a referee like today who was throwing them around in RECKLESS abandon. Disgraceful! It's a semi-final match man! We have been playing like that our whole frickin careers, and you come along and decide we should change......today! As a result of this referee's actions today, we played half the game with ten men, and the entire overtime with nine men. We also will be missing at least four players in the final next week due to his irresponsible actions. Some of you may be thinking, hey Ballbaby, it was your team's irresponsible actions and not the refs. I can assure you that this is not the case. Anyway, enough of that.

Game started out a little scrappy on our end but our left back Randy Carmichael scored on a left footer from about 30 yards out that the keeper had no chance on. It was a beauty! The game was pretty even and I believe we were more creative in their third. They scored on a crossed ball that evaded our keeper. Kudos to our keeper Dave Ellenwood who filled in admirally for our regular keeper who was away baptizing his daughter. The game was very hard fought but we squandered some good chances, yours truly.........again! We played a man short in the second half when one of our players retaliated. However, we kept going at them, and going at them. Every once in a while there would be a counter attack by Westside, but I felt like we still dictated the play. I could sense that they were getting tired but I am the one who had to be subbed just before the end of the game suffering from calf cramps.

At the start of the overtime, we went down to nine men when Randy Carmichael was shown a second yellow for a very minor infraction. Kelly Bey then surcumbed to cramps and I went back on. All we could do was absorb the pressure but we actually had the better chances to score. Westside should have ran the ball right at us and forced us to make a decision but they opted for the long ball in the box. I believe that was due to fatigue. No one wanted to run the ball and really, we did defend very well. Quite a few blocked shots at the top of the eighteen.

On to penalties. It got to the sixth shooter and we won, and that's that! My penalty was not the greatest but it went in.

Kelly Bey ran miles and miles in the midfield and our back line was as solid as ever. Aves and Reeder played outstanding and Mark Hughes was incredible. Everyone played hard and well on both teams. We sure have grinded out a few games this year aginst a lot of adversity but we somehow find a way to win. Even with nine men, I had that feeling that we would squeak it out. In some ways, even with the lousy ref, I thrive off these kind of games, rather than a 3-0 score.

Well done Westside. Well done Surrey U!


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done SU

Ballbaby, Aves et al: Good job considering.

You lot say you've been hurting most of the year in the numbers department.
Are you now hooped for the final to defend your championship?
Those cards have got to hurt at this point in the tourney.
You'll also be a bit sore this week no doubt and it may be tough to get decent training in as well.

Good luck, RF.


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money

Sounds like a farmilar song....the reffing in the over 30's has been treible this year, I can not agree more with your comments on todays game as I watch from a far....I left early as my kids had baseball and lacrosse games, but wished I could have stayed for the whole game....

Congrates to Westside on there effort and good luck next week in the finals to all the Surrey United players....:D



New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Well done SU

Originally posted by Rangerforever

You'll also be a bit sore this week no doubt and it may be tough to get decent training in as well.

Good luck, RF.

Ballbaby has been trying to get a decent training session in all year.:p

Today's game was a gutty effort as we played with 9 men for over 40 mins...The ref had no choice I guess on the retaliation smack for the red, but the 2nd yellow-red showed he lacked common sense about the nature of the game... (that foul did not warrant us going down another man in the game.)

Westside were a good , tough team to play against and we managed to battle for the win despite the odds.:D
I agree that 2 yellows within the entire bc's=game suspension seems harsh...has it always been that way?

I'm also not all that thrilled about playing the final on the turf...isn't there grass somewhere, anywhere?:confused:

Cheers to the Westsideside :cool:

Balls, looking forward to your indecent session this week...:p



New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Cup Final

Any thoughts about the match up this weekend?
SU vs Columbus

SU beat Columbus last year in the BC's and Columbus won about 3 years ago out at Association Park. They've also added Kevin Colbow...I don't know who else.

Who has seen both teams this year? What about the match up?


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I've seen both you fcukers...


Columbus started the year pretty strong and only lost one game this year in our league. Having said that we could've should've beat them twice (we tied them and lost) during league play and we took it to them to the tune of 3-0 in our league cup semi's.

They are like all the better teams: they rise to the occasion and have a strong, experienced lineup. They have much the same team as last year. You guys are missing a few players due to some ambitious :rolleyes: tackling so I'm predicting a tight game.

For the record, I didn't think the ref was that bad with the cards; there was a lot of chippy stuff going on out there. I didn't think he had much choice.


New Member
Jul 24, 2001
Dirty Money
we could've should've beat them twice

....Peter, and your point is what exactly? :confused:

That's all right, we'll save you a 'standing room only' ticket for the final.....or at least we could, or we should......:D


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
My point?


He asked who had seen both teams this year...I answered him. He just played us. I told him we just beat you guys (I assume you play with Columbus and I've brought you out of lurkdom) and I thought, having played in the other two games, that we were unlucky not to have done better. Then he can figure it out for himself what to expect.

It's all I can do at this point, whine that is. I also said you guys were a good team. Do you have a selective reading/comprehension problem?

Congratulations to both teams. Have a great final guys! Wish I was there...


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I stand corrected...

I checked and Columbus beat us twice (2-1) during the year...we still outscored them 5-4 in the aggregate :D


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't worry about it, Peter. Doomsy has only played 3 games with Columbus this year. I really don't understand where his bold comments are comming from.

PS. He's also a Bruins fan. He could also be bitter about Boston getting the piss taken out of them by the Hab's.


New Member
Jul 24, 2001
Dirty Money

you guys were a good team

Seedy, you suck! All the slags that KNVB and Guinness lay on you are correct! You take all the fun out of TTP for me!:mad: Grow up and get a real job!

Peter, relax dude and take a valium.....or maybe a Viagara! I hope your extended health plan covers that for you girls in the West End cuz you can never seem to get it up for the big game! How many semis have you lost in provincial cup in the last few years.....anyways, the standing room tix are still available.....I'll now go back to lurkerdom......:eek: :eek: :eek:


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Doomsy G

You back to "lurkdom" and stay there! If by any chance you talk to your older much more talented brother, who by the way is an accomplished soccer player, much more well known through the local soccer community with a much more interesting writing style, tell him to sign up a TTP account.

I'm sure he would have much more to offer.;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Surrey United 1(pk's)-0 Columbus

Surrey United are BC Champs for two years in a row and we have won the League Cup, the FVSL Master's Challenge and the BC Cup for two years in a row! Well done guys!

This year was tough! However, it was that much more satisfying. Columbus has some very talented players which is no surprise to many, but again, I believe our fitness was superior. In the overtime period it became evident. They sat back and absorbed. Not all of them, but enough of them that all of them had to alter their game plan.

The penalties were well taken but I truly feel bad for the Columbus player, Sean Mclaughlin, who missed the 7th shot. He is an excellent, classy player who happened to be the unlucky one this year.

It was an evenly matched game but I don't think our team thrives off the artificial turf. It definately takes some getting used to. Also, it claims many victims. I twisted my ankle severely in the first ten minutes and as of right now, I cannot believe I finished the game, and a couple of Columbus players also surcumbed, one likely a ligament tear. I even saw the ref catch some turf and take a tumble. I would rather play on a nice grass field next year if we are fortunate enough to advance.

Our back line was extremely solid.......again! That cannot be overstated. I'd pit them against anyone. Our midfield had their hands full with containing Pesht and Colbow, not to mention Ciaccia with his late runs from the back line. Our front runners were a handful themselves and had several excellent chances to pot a few. Columbus had a cross that found it's way into the net in the first half called back on a foul on our keeper. It was a little controversial but I agree with the referee's decision. :)

I guess i can go on and on but I won't. I must state that every player on our team plays a key role with their attributes. We really do have a fine mix. We were missing some very key guys today who were instrumental in today's successful result. Ron Ritchie who is recovering from an achilles tear, and Kelly Bey, Mike Marini, and Randy Carmichael who wre suspended from play today due to the two yellow card rule. We missed them and tey would have made a difference. No problem with what we had on the pitch, but their presence would have given us a very nice cushion. I think Columbus may have been in the same boat.

It was a great year. Congrats to the Surrey United U-21's who also are provincial champs, and to the Surrey United Premier who won the VMSL League Title today. Surrey may get some slagging for whatever reason, but it sure feels nice being from Surrey today! :D Hey I have two daughters who were born in Surrey and they are beauts!

Oh yes, good luck to our Open (no pun intended) woman's team who are in the BC final next week.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

Well done lads (Aves, ballbaby etc...) Nice to see you lot and the U-21's win the BC's!!!;)


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
2 in a row!

Ballbaby et al,

Well done!

Another (extra)pk victory. Great teams know how to win and you guys managed to do it again. Winning it back to back has only been done once (Firemen) and not for 10 years so you guys should be proud. Next year will be interesting with all the teams going at it in the O-35's. I wonder how they will break down the berths between the different leagues.

Did you actually get the hardware? I was hoping to win it figuring the BCSA would forget about it (with the whole Blatter thing and all occupying their collective mind--the CSA have officially thrown their considerable influence behind the great man :rolleyes: ) and we could play tiddley winks 'til the cows come home in our old age.


Unlucky! That's the League Cup and the BC Championship lost in the same year when you were that close. You guys sure know how to pull it (off) in the big game...the tampons are in aisle 5A.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Over 30s champs again

Well done lads,wow another pk win. I thought it would be alot tougher this year due to the loss of some very key players in the semi. Good teams find ways to win! Ballbaby did you take one of the spotters? if so I hope it was better than your last.;) Full credit for taking them though.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
As a matter of fact Cainy I took number 5. Although last week's penalty wasn't a classic, it went in, and that's all I care about. Yesterday's I can assure you was a lot better. I roofed her baby. I roofed her! Yeehaa!:D


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
shooter #7

I missed my last penal last summer but I slotted this one:) ...which is not bad for a defender:rolleyes:
Penalty shots is always a tough way to lose but we did well to not miss in 8 shooters.... It was a sweet victory in the sense that all 8 guys contributed to the win when faced with the "pressure moment"(and the two left + Angelo were probably squeezing the sphincter a little tighter while waiting for their turn.)
As the shots go into the 6th, 7th, 8th guys...its ironic that the guys you wouldn't give the nod to, have to step up and win the game:D ...or not:( Good thing there's no pressure in over 30's)
The boys who slotted them , in order: Bill Connor, Dave Ellenwood, Murray Howes, Steve Reed, Spiro Pegios, Dave Harkison, yours truly, Ian Farquar...and Angelo Bonato made the save on their 8th..:D :D

Before boring too many with the SU love-in I'd like to note that Ian and Spiro did a great job of neutralizing their midfield (Kevin Colbow et al)...Brian Cuthbert played well...turned it up a notch...Harky was a presence as usual...Tommy McQuaid sucked it up despite a wonky knee...George Paille showed up when we needed him...and the whole team took it to Columbus as the game wore on into the 2nd half and OT. Columbus came at us in the first half but we outworked them in the long haul and deserved the win.:) ...but of course I may be biased just a bit.:rolleyes:

Maybe I'll get another chance to take one in summer league ( I was dropped to the bottom of the list last year)...no fcuking respect:rolleyes: :p :D

The world remained as it should in the land of the Firemen...the established veteran side defeated the Surrey commuters in the over 35 final. Brent Gant had the hopps to nod in the winner with 5 min left...just when we were looking forward to OT:mad:
Actually, we were out of beer anyway.:cool: ...next year should be interesting with the old boys reunification title at stake. Rumour is Don King is getting involved... or was that Don Smith from somewhere out there??:cool: :D :D ;)
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