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Premier [VMSL Premier] The Saudi Connection Boils Over


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
This is so awesome. What kind of idiot spends $100K on a VMSL team?
funny money GIF
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
If @whistle-blower blower truly is the "whistle blower" he claims to be, he'll be able to answer the question about Rinos/Rob Freedman that everyone has wanted to know for years:

Does Rob Friedman wear a hair piece?

And if so, I expect some fancy pictures to prove it.
No one cared , he was never there for practices , he came only to games and to collect money from the lower divisions to renew his jackets and “ coaching gear “ every year to make himself look like he knew anything about soccer when he actually doesn’t

No one called him for team pictures , players hated his guts . That’s reflected clearly on the players who stayed with him

His son is worse , he is the mafia boss who never shows up even to games ( except finals to be in the pictures holding cups) , only gives directions behind the computer screen

Worst managers in the province . And now they are joined by the worst coach in the province , no wonder every game in the last few months ended up with 5 goals loss even against Div 1 teams

The coach who agreed to join them is just using them to play his low quality U15 kids in premier ( who are rich enough to pay his expensive fees to make them belief they can go to pro )

Likely one more season for this lousy club to collapse , their Div 1 team was begging to get players who could pay Robert mortgage and their few loyal guys are done ( injured or retiring ),

their stolen “ prem “ spot will be lost soon and the parents of the kids will pull their kids back to the youth clubs when they realized the big lie and delusions the coach is trying to make them belief ( similar to what happened to 2015 embarsssing session )

Too bad Mr Rino is not healthy enough to fire this gang . There are many decent people who can do a better job managing this club other that this Trio
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
This is so awesome. What kind of idiot spends $100K on a VMSL team? What's the motivation?
The motivation was to have a club structure that could go right away to semi pro or to CPL 2 once it start

we confessed that the process was wrong in the period mentioned under the Freedmans guidance.

when the mistakes were fixed , a real strong and organized structure was formed without any violation of the law , a real successful project was going to be a model for everyone but those thieves stole the club , thinking they could take the credit and build on it , they collapsed quickly because simply they don’t have the energy to work hard , lazy credit suckers joined by manipulating money hungry coach , a recipe for failure , they are failing and they deserve that
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Dear Mr Whistle-Blower

Really is this the only name you could use, be original and find another name. I could help with some suggestions -

1. Bad Divorce
2. Mr Bitter
3. I want my money back
4. I hate Rino's
5. Bad Breakup

Feel free to use any of these suggestions :mad:
May be you can call me The Freedmans Nightmare .

by the way , what’s your comment on their behaviors?
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
People break up and separate in professional ways. The Freedmans are thieves who broke up and thought they can just steal a club with its spot that they contribute to the merger and its money they paid for everything

they lost the players , the funds , the ( real coach ), they still catch to the spot with a lousy coach but soon it won’t mean anything when they all get banned


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
May be you can call me The Freedmans Nightmare .

by the way , what’s your comment on their behaviors?
...except, it's not exactly coming through that way, is it?

Nothing you have posted is really that Earth Shattering. It's been the worst kept secret around here for some time. Well, the lump sum was a bit of a shock, but I suppose when you add things up. And, WTF is with the TV Broadcasts? Anyways...

Can I add a few most suggestions to @whistle blower 's?
-Whinny Bitch
-The Sheikh Cut Me Off
-Soccer Coach (oh wait....)
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
We haven’t put everything they did yet
We are saving many emails and recordings they don’t know about so they don’t think of lies when we put this in front of BC soccer
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
...except, it's not exactly coming through that way, is it?

Nothing you have posted is really that Earth Shattering. It's been the worst kept secret around here for some time. Well, the lump sum was a bit of a shock, but I suppose when you add things up. And, WTF is with the TV Broadcasts? Anyways...

Can I add a few most suggestions to @whistle blower 's?
-Whinny Bitch
-The Sheikh Cut Me Off
-Soccer Coach (oh wait....)
Oh believe me it is making them go crazy , they are calling around to stop this when they could just do the right thing and return the stolen property

for the Freedmans, to go to the soccer field to collect the 350-400 dollars from the poor lower divisions guys who don’t know ( till know) they are mistreated compared to 14 year old privileged rich kids in premier

for them to collect the wages every few months is crucial , banning them will destroy them forever

and if you think having info about poaching and offering official contracts for players is not a ( big ) thing , then you don’t know the amateur soccer rules in the province

anyway let others judge , I know many silent followers are taking notes and want to keep reading and know

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