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Numb from the Covid


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

this pretty much sums up things out there now.

Getting me out of home projects though!!! So I got that going for me


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
jesus GIF


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So....I have a group chat w/ a bunch of guys up here I ride, run and swim with.

We have a rule of no COVID talk, cause a few times, guys have gas-lit each other over mice nut type comments. The opinions range, but a few highly educated guys from the medical field in the group, and those two on polar opposite ends of the COVID opinion spectrum.

This dude literally is one of the world's leading renowned designers of artificial heart valves, whatever the fcuk that is called. Currently between gigs, and nothing but time to spend on web till late hours. COVID fatugue? Yeah, the guy is way down the rabbit hole.

My simple comment was over frustrations of booking a pool time, "...can't wait till the lake is warm enough". This is what I got back, LOL...enjoy....

"Lol... well Mike, that is your constitutional right to speak your mind. the audience can easily “not read” .

Having visited former Eastern Germany (Rostock) and coming from a Mom that grew up under communist rule ....

Speaking your mind is a very important thing.

Re Covid:

IMO - is like sex , religion, politics .... don’t discuss at the dinner table....


1. Science

2. Politics

3. Identity

4. Ostrich - ignorant head in sand don’t care

I do laugh ....Woodstock , anti Vietnam , etc demonstrations would not happen with today’s generation.... of sheep

Where are all the people that fought against teachers , parents , authority ?

If you speak against or challenge anything in MSM ... you are suddenly a “trump supporting racist “. Yet a Canuck was just charged with alleged rape .... and do you hear anything in MSM anymore ?

Where is Jenna Mcarthy? Who extremely. Vocally spoke against vaccines that were developed over decades and proven in multiple generations and safe and effective .... did Jenna mcarthy die ?!?

I worked with and colleagues so the 3 PhDs virologists.... quote ... It is just a flu....

I performed 3 viral inactivation studies on bovine tissue to inactivate BSE mad cow viral inactivation ... so I can speak to the science and have had my work approved in Canada USA Europe Asia and Australia

Now to identify- when People got the “flu” vaccine .. did the y tell the world ?! Who the fk cares !! Are you some martyr ! I think the try martyr is that women that died of the blood clot in Alberta .

So now the politics .... funny how politicians are probably making full wage , and don’t have to commute ?!? How much time do they save .... money... you think they want or care about the average person ?

More science ... government said we are listening to WhO CDC....

When WHO realized that shutting down was causing major financial issues for the lower classes , they reverted and said “shutting down is bad” don’t shut down ....

CDC has recently changed their details on their website stating that “obesity” is a leading cause (90%) to death related Covid issues...

Have you heard Bonnie Trudeau anyone ...

Say that obesity is a world concern ?!?

Nope .

As Tom mentioned , not much we can do ... the majority rolled over ... an unless you have a million dollars to run for MP and attempt to make a change.. but you will be against the majority of re tards and labels racist and sexist so you will lose

So... yup ... do a speed work out in 40minutes and long days in the lakes and ocean."


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Jerry had 74k people at his place Saturday night. Masks optional.



Sep 21, 2015
Dirty Money


Sep 21, 2015
Dirty Money
Jerry had 74k people at his place Saturday night. Masks optional.

No idea how to delete a post.

For all those that have missed the energy of a live crowd and what it brings to a sporting event, and have an ounce of 'general sports fan DNA', and DAZN, go and watch the main event, starting from when the match just prior ended. Unbelievable presentation of a sporting event. From the English anthem getting booed, and everything around Cancelo's entrance was spectacular. Big TV, as loud as the stereo or neighbors will permit.

I did not have a clue who Cancelo was before this fight, nor paid any attention to boxing. Had this put on my radar on Saturday by a buddy, and now I am completely invested in what this guy does next. And also anything Eddie Hearn, the promoter, is attached to.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
No idea how to delete a post

No idea how to delete a post.

For all those that have missed the energy of a live crowd and what it brings to a sporting event, and have an ounce of 'general sports fan DNA', and DAZN, go and watch the main event, starting from when the match just prior ended. Unbelievable presentation of a sporting event. From the English anthem getting booed, and everything around Cancelo's entrance was spectacular. Big TV, as loud as the stereo or neighbors will permit.

I did not have a clue who Cancelo was before this fight, nor paid any attention to boxing. Had this put on my radar on Saturday by a buddy, and now I am completely invested in what this guy does next. And also anything Eddie Hearn, the promoter, is attached to.
I signed up for this reason. Had a few pops and needed to get those feels back. Pumped me up and even managed to have the wife close the door because it was too loud.

1st month free. Some how I was able to bill it direct to my telus company phone bill. Oops

View attachment 20210508_210305.mp4


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It's going to be really weird going to the next live event, in any capacity. Outdoor concert, whatever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I've started shutting down the Covid chats Dude. Every one of them these days takes a turn towards toxicity.

We had it turn ugly on Sunday evening (safe outdoor gathering for Mothers Day) with some close family. I said I didn't want to talk about the fake news/Qanon stuff mixed with the sky is falling, we're all going to die narrative.

Sadly people cannot discuss things today with any nuance, and the sad reality is there is no black and white. Facts are facts, and there is nuance. People are so divided and polarized and unfortunately have chose identity politics over facts and critical thinking.

Is covid a thing? Yes.
Does it kill people? Yes.
Will I die: Probably not
Will I get very sick? Maybe.
Do vaccines work: yes
Will I grow a tail or turn into a Gates Foundation Clone Zombie in 6+ months? No. (probably not anyways you'll enjoy the increased 5g connectivity)
If "healthy people" choose to wait on the vaccine does that make them evil? No.
Do I respect people's rights to choose what goes into their bodies? Yes.
Should church gatherings, movie theatres, sports, indoor dining be open? Yes.
Does wearing a mask work? No.
Does it hurt to wear a mask? No... probably shouldn't wear one doing strenuous activity though.
Should you fight people because you don't want to wear a mask in Save-On Foods? They deliver.

Am I going to die on any of those "hills" listed above? No... except maybe being able, on an individual basis to choose what goes into your body.

Turned 40 today. Was struggling with the vaccine shot. Went and got it. I'd rather die of side effects of a vaccine than carry on living in this sort-of-kind-of free world under covid protocols.

Franny, I'll let you know what temp my legs hit tonight ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey man, you are as old as you feel! I was feeling older than 40, you were amongst the many other motivations 4 weeks ago for me to get my shite together and get my fat arse in shape. A few shorts weeks of clean eating and daily HIIT training and I feel 39.76 now. ;)


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Work safe inspection for covid triggered by a former employee who lefft disgruntled and quit yesterday. I'll turn this into a sales call and sell the on my display of social distancing labels. What a waste of time this is going to be

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