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March and Rally Against Campbell


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok, I am not going to get into all of this but the one question that I would like ask everyone is this..........

It is all agreed that these changes are neccessary and you have 4 years in your mandate to introduce them! You are an elected official and public opinion matters in you getting re-elected! So when would you make these difficult decisions, right before the next election or in a manner that will give people the most time to reflect and see that they were neccessary and overall good for the province?

You can argue all you want about the cuts being too harsh but I do believe that Campbell did run on a platform of change, and getting the economy going.............

But tell me that you wouldn't be making the changes as he is in the time frame that he is doing and I'm talking to a liar!



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money

Why dont you try and convince me

Frankly, I don't think that there is any way to convince you. Not because my view is invalid but because you are too close-minded. You don't even know the difference between EI and severance. Plus you make pig-ignorant generalizations such as,

Oh, I'm sorry...I forgot, City workers are known for their hard work and tireless efforts.

Do you base this opinion on your vast knowledge of how the public sector is run?
My employment and subsequent unemployment is tied to the department's budget. When the money ran out, I was laid off. When new monies were made availiable soon after, I was hired back. The employer was in no way contractually obligated to hire me back. There is no seniority in my trade. That's why I said that not all unions and CBAs are the same but you obviously chose to ignore that. So can you see how your generalizations are offensive? If you can't then there is no reason to try to convince you.
Then again, I should have known better than to respond. Anyone who has read your posts should know that no one is as patriotic as you, nor does anyone work as hard as you do.

ps Raef Mair was a Socred cbinet minister. That alone qualifies him as a right winger.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Sniffle, sniffle...

Gee Jinky, so sorry to have hurt your feelings. You can lay it on pretty thick, but when someone challenges your stance, you cry like a girl.

EI: Employment insurance provided by the feds for the benefit of employees who have been laid off. Under EI, you are entitled to a certain percentage (which can be capped) of your total wages, usually for a period of 1 year. I think you need to show during that year that you are out looking for work, or are unable to work.

Severance: Disbursements paid to the employee when said employee is terminated. Certain amounts of fair severance are required by law

If you were laid off, as an employee, you were entitled to both of the above. Off the top of my head, the equivalent of 1 weeks pay for every year employed would have been paid out. In addition to this, you are entitled to any vacation pay accumulation, plus any bonus or commissions earned to that point. You should also be entitled to benefits for a period of time after your termination. To me, that is fair severance. Depending on the company (either public or private), and depending on your position within the company, you may actually get over and above the standard severance required.

If anyone cares to refute the above for me, have at it. It has been a while since I’ve actually reviewed the employment standards act, so this is all by memory.

As a self-employed person, I am not entitled to EI if I have to close shop…even though I pay more than my share every month. As a self-employed person, severance means jack shite to me, because it is just money leaving one pocket going to another.

If I’m generalizing anything, it is the mass opinion of public sector workers that they are entitled to keep their jobs, no matter what. You know what? I don’t give a flying fcuk if you are offended by my comments. The various comments flying out of the mouths of the likes of you are offensive to anyone either struggling to get a job, or struggling to make ends meet. As a group, you people are self-pitying, and self-degrading.

My employment and subsequent unemployment is tied to the department's budget. When the money ran out, I was laid off. When new monies were made available soon after, I was hired back. The employer was in no way contractually obligated to hire me back.

So? What the hell is your point? I am happy (and I'm not being sarcastic here) to learn that you are currently not out of work. I've been there, and it is not fun being laid off. If you don't have seniority, though...good. You should be paid on based on your current value to the company anyhow, not seniority.

I find it fcuking hilarious that I'm pig-ignorant now (what women's lib group did you steal that description from?), but when I make posts supporting our teachers and nurses, I don't hear squat from you. This tells me you are only concerned- and only offer opinion- if it directly affects you.

Pretty convenient there, Jinks.

BTW: anyone who listens to Raef Mair on a regular basis can tell he's more center-right than hard core right wing. That's obvious.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
You see, there is no point in arguing with you. It's just generalization after generalization with you.

You couldn't see my point?
You state that the way to keep one's job is by working hard, working efficiently and working productively as if to infer that these concepts are foreign to all public sector employees. I try to tell you that this is precisely how I got re-hired for my public sector job because I have no job protection. Do you understand that? I am arguing against your generalization.

Then of course you back up your generalizations with misdirection.
"Crying like a girl"? "Stealing from womens lib groups" ? What is that shite? Are you trying to be witty? Anyone who disagrees with you is a girl?

As far a laying it on thick, you would know all about that.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Easy Simba...

I generalized to make a point: public sector workers are not known for their productivity, or their hard work habits. Public sector departments are known for many things, but certainly not high efficiency. Yes, that is a generalization. If you were re-hired because you are good at your job (likely), then I apologize for offending you personally on that point. I don’t know you, so I really have no idea if you are or aren’t good at what you do. My comments were, however, meant to generalize.

How can I make such comments? For my current and past jobs, I’ve had to work with many different departments of many different public and private companies. In general, the least productive and efficient to work with were public sector companies- including hospital boards and school districts. When on site, the workers generally work with less of a sense of urgency, with an almost indignant attitude towards their immediate supervisors. My opinions are based on what I’ve experienced first hand, and I don’t take my comments back.

If I’ve offended you with my sarcasm, oh well. Grow thicker skin.

As for you, don’t generalize me as pig-ignorant when you know that I take a very sympathetic and supportive stance to many of the issues teachers and nurses are fighting for.

Funny, I think aside from this unproductive argument we’ve had (don’t get me wrong, it’s been a blast), we would probably agree on many points. For example: settling Native land claims should be top priority. I have far too much fun, however, arguing with you…so let’s not let this little bit of agreement get in the way.

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money

Public sector departments are known for many things, but certainly not high efficiency

Bullshit. There are many examples in Canada, the US, and elsewhere where public utilities and such have been less productive and more expensive. By and large we get pretty decent value out of our public servants, who in a lot of cases could make more money in the private sector.

Good entertainment out of your catfight, though. Carry on.:)


New Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money

In any arguement there are generalisations. There are also catagories. It is hard being a teacher or a nurse and put into the catagory of "public sector workers". In oz there are a large portion of the public sector that reside in offices all day and dosweet f.a. So strangely enough as a teacher i like to think of myself as separate to them. There is also a portion of the teaching fraternity that do little.

it is the mass opinion of public sector workers that they are entitled to keep their jobs, no matter what.

This is true of both these groups and that annoys me no end. I am a good teacher who works hard and enjoys her job but goddammit if we could just sack the crappy ones our image would improve.

Keep up the protests. Health and education are not buisnesses and they MATTER!!!!!!!!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So strangely enough as a teacher i like to think of myself as separate to them.

That's probably a good attitude. I don't think of teachers or nurses as public sector workers, even though they are.

By and large we get pretty decent value out of our public servants, who in a lot of cases could make more money in the private sector.

Lowest pay doesn't always mean lowest cost. Again, I did generalize (on purpose). There are some good examples out there, I'm sure, of public servants who give good value. Some public, and I'm sure, more not.

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
low blow?

Maybe off topic, and definitely a cheap shot, but Dude, here's a question for you. Given your pro-business ra ra Campbell and the right wing crew stance, how much have you cost our publicly funded health care system, say, over the last six months?

Just checking.:D

Enjoy your next race. You should be able to get some of those "your tax dollars at work" signs for your shoulder, ribs, legs, ankle, thigh...

See you on the bench Weds.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Screw you,

I'm not a hard core Campbell "Ra, Ra" supporter- there are lots of things he's done that I don't like- I'm just an anti "Bitch, bitch" supporter. Anyhow, I'm made my views pretty clear on our need to have a strong Medicare and educational system.

Ironically, the backlogged system has cost me a lot in the last year.

My wait for an MRI would have been over 12 months (non-emergency), by which time I probably would have had irreparable damage to the shoulder. The private MRI (which I got 2 days after booking the appointment) cost me $900.00. My private insurance wouldn't cover it, and neither would Medicare. Four months later I had my surgery. The way I look at it, that's better than 16 months.

Phsio for rehab now costs $35.00 instead of $20.00 per visit. At 12 visits, that's an extra $180.00 more than last year.

"Your tax dollars at work."

That's a great idea:D ! Do you think the Provincial Government is sponsoring these days? Can you ask your brother for me:rolleyes: ? If not, how about you? You're a high rolling stock trader now...you can get space on my left ass cheek…"Sweeney's Trader Tips for Profit":eek:


Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
enough already

Sitting here in my office trying (really trying) to get completed and right outside my window there is the really big lady singing some pro-union tunes. She brings in a march of a few hundred people knowing that they are participating in something someone else advised them of, knowing that they are getting paid and enjoying the nice wheather. Chanting "they cut back" "we fight back"! directed at the US Consulate. A lot of different groups involved.

All they need is a soother!:mad: I, like I'm sure many other people, take this crap as annoying and if they are looking for support they have not found any.



New Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
some questions

the really big lady

1.Why is her size relevent?

knowing that they are participating in something someone else advised them of, knowing that they are getting paid and enjoying the nice wheather.

2. Did you go and chat to them?
How nice of you when you are clearly so busy.


Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
tiner needs a soother as well

1. Size? Get on topic will ya.

2. Why would I want to 'chat' with them? I'm sure they are nice people, but my post was more of a complaint directed at the event. These people are disrupting people trying to work. And again if they are looking for support from non-union people about there cause they are not getting it. After there little party they littered all around with there flags, stickers, banners etc. for someone to pick-up. That someone is our tax-dollars.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
After there little party they littered all around with there flags, stickers, banners etc. for someone to pick-up. That someone is our tax-dollars.
The people that will clean up the mess will no doubt be unionized. They will also blame it on the government.

It's a vicious circle :rolleyes:



New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Unions and private companies both suck. Everybody should just grow pot and be your own boss.

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