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Local Sports Talk Radio - November 11


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
the real issue..........

I'm delighted for you to have a wealth of 'sports' radio riches at your disposal (and if I remember correctly, 'sports' radio in Vancouver, with the exception of the hockey broadcasts, should have been disposed of ages ago). Have any of your new 'sports' idols addressed the woeful state of any sensible footballing coverage in Vancouver? When I lived there the likes of Neil McRae (who, in fairness, was listenable) looked down his nose at all things football and the rest of them put together wouldn't know one end of a Meraloma from the other. The tired old nonsense about football not being a big enough local concern simply doesn't ring true (and never did as an excuse for ignorance) and TTP is testament to that. Unless the thousands of members of this site come here simply because they're lonely.

Most, like me, know a little about football too.

But enough of radio stations I'll never listen to, one burning issue remains for me. Well, two, but I've got ointment for one of them. How's Mrs. Dude getting on with her battle against the ageing process?

You know you want to tell us.



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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
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Funny you should ask as supposedly there will be a TTP Article posted last Monday about the lack of 'footballing' coverage here in lotusland.

You mentioned Neil McRae... Dude didn't in his article and I hope he can follow up here with how he thinks McRae stacks up in the current market.




New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

Funny you should ask as supposedly there will be a TTP Article posted last Monday about the lack of 'footballing' coverage here in lotusland.

Not half as funny as that, Dr. Who.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
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Don't laugh at me, I'm just the deadline maker.

Last Monday,



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Two issues:

1. Neil McRae is a sideshow, not a show. He rarely attends any games, and offers his opinions in such a manner to get reaction...regardless if it is an intelligent viewpoint of not. Besides, he doesn't have his own show, which was the criterion here (unless you count his "Brian Burke Ass Kissing Hour"...I don't count that). He can be funny at times, but he doesn't fit for this discussion. Hell...I may as well have wrote on Brook Ward, too.

2. Soccer coverage: unfortunately, this is a hockey town. Hockey, then NFL, then MLB, then NBA will demand most of the coverage. Having said that, I really do thing there is a place for a 2-hour segment once or twice a week for local footy fans to tune into. If it were 5 days per week, it would probably be a rating killer, but one or two maybe something that could balance the fine line for profitability by tapping into what is essentially a small segment of local sports fans.

My opinion,


PS: Mrs. Dude is doing great. She's starting a cooking class soon. WTF is that all about?:confused:


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

....offers his opinions in such a manner to get reaction...

What a shocking thing to do. Off with his head.

Hockey, then NFL, then MLB, then NBA....

Rubbish and I'll tell you why as I'm sure you're keen to know. While there's no denying Vancouver's a hockey town and I hope that never changes, how you can say there's more interest in netball and rounders than football is beyond me. Most things are, admittedly. Netball was so successful they fcuked off back to where they came from after five minutes and local rounders is simply a euphemism for a piss-up isn't it? Again, TTP is really indicative of how popular football is and I know dozens of people who couldn't give a flying fcuk about those other naff 'games'. They don't know me and have no idea I've been following them but that's another thing entirely. Simply because it's 'the way it's 'always been' and you're force-fed the company line that you're on the receiving end of syndicated American sports programmes because that's what 'you' want doesn't mean objectivity should be abandonned entirely. Broadcasting re-cycled American programmes is cheap and, as you've already pointed out, the reason McRae sticks out like an arab on a jumbo is because he's opinionated. Until locals start whingeing about a lack of football coverage they'll continue to be subjected to people who don't know a Pegasus from their Arsenal cracking on about things they do know about. If you tell someone enough times they like and should do something, chances are they'll begin to. Why do you think pillates is so popular?

Whoops, wrong guy to ask.

Having re-read all that, I suppose the biggest hole in my argument is that the introduction of Fox SportsWorld and other satellite options offering global football have been such a bust in Vancouver. I don't know anyone who jumped all over that like a tramp on chips.

And, in terms of your other question:

cook __ (_P_)__Pronunciation Key__(kk)
v. cooked, cook·ing, cooks
v. tr.

1. To prepare (food) for eating by applying heat.
2. To prepare or treat by heating: slowly cooked the medicinal mixture.
3. Slang. To alter or falsify so as to make a more favourable impression; doctor: disreputable accountants who were paid to cook the firm's books before taking another man's wife out on the auspice of her attending a fitness class.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The last two words of page 1 sum most of this up quite nicely... dry and uninteresting. That's how I view the local sport radio scene. (and that article) Mcgooch is an fcuking boob; despite his deep rolodex I can't stand to listen to him any more than I can stand to hear another unfunny cnut joke. I feel like I want to reach through to radio and slap the stutter(sp) out of his mouth every morning, obviously not an obtainable goal, so I simply change the station. (which explains this damn Justin Timberlake song in my head.) Pratt and Taylor are only marginally better. Pratt is an opinionated cnut who comes off like he's never wrong and will tell that to anyone who listen to his moans. I can't honestly stand those two for more than 10 minutes at a time. It was the same when Mojo was at 1040 as well, only times two. Taylor I don't mind, he's usually entertaining, but has absolutely nothing to say/add unless he's asked. (although his knowledge of Jersey #'s is freighting as it is useless.) This would explain why they go off on hour and half rants on ridicules topics, like best car move or football movies to kill time. In short, they're shite. I much sooner listen to Fastshow’s collection of top choons.

Rome for all his pauses and repetitive jokes and Dan Patrick for that matter are by far and away the best radio sports show going. (that we get) Note I say sports show because he and Dan Patrick are the only ones who don't smash us over the head with great big Orcas. I’m more a sports fan than a die-hard Canuck fan, which you would have to be to listen to that nonsense on a daily basis. At lest they cover college football, tons of NFL, baseball :)rolleyes: ), NBA and small bits of hockey although American (for the most part) it’s a broader range than listening to Mcgooch call Gretzkey to talk about the Canucks or another GM to talk about the Canucks or the Canucks to talk about the Canucks.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Fasty, weather you like it or not, the truth is that the local pubs out here rake it in every Sunday morning by televising NFL football. It's popularity amongst the relatively small segment of local soccer players (as compared to the rest of the demographic) is debatable, to be sure, but you can't dispute the fact that after hockey, NFL football is far and away the most popular spectator sport. What would happen if those same pubs chose to show Fox Sports world's footy coverage on Sunday Mornings instead of the NFL? Answer: they would have a near empty pub.

I do agree that the local soccer coverage is shocking, and we could certainly use more...but to your reasoning that the demand for it is ahead of the other American major league sports is very shortsighted. It's like me saying that there should be more DH Mountain Bike Racing & Freeride coverage, because the biggest segment of that sports followers live here in Vancouver, and if you don't believe me, just look at NSMB.com and it's 3,279 members, 22,024 threads, and 399,341 posts (and counting).

Somewhere there is probably some statistics to back me up...so I suppose I should try and find them. I'll do a bit of digging and see what comes up.

Thanks, BTW, for the definition…I’ll have to check to see if she’s falsifying our company account information. Where would I be without you?;)

KNVB: freighting? Are you shipping something somewhere?:confused:

I don’t agree with you 100% on Pratt & Taylor, but I’m not far behind you. Their shows and some of the lame off-the-cuff topics they come up with show a clear lack in preparation. I also agree with your takes on the Rome & Patrick shows, but I didn’t write on them because they are not “local”.

Curious: have you listened much to Mojo’s Sports Zone? He covers a fair bit of NFL, and has regular NFL insiders as guests. What’s your opinion on his show?


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

.....your reasoning that the demand for it is ahead of the other American major league sports is very shortsighted.

Thank you for using 'shortsighted' when you could very easily have written 'delusional'. It's the bane of my life that people from my home town like sports I find reprehensible and laughable and, put simply, it just isn't right. If everyone would just agree with me (they know they want to, they're just being hard-headed) life would be so much easier. For me.

I still hold on to the faint hope, however, that my well-worn soapbox act has some relevance in saying that the principle reason for the lack of decent football coverage in Vancouver is that there isn't anyone with enough knowledge of the world's most popular sport to be able to present it properly. I find that pathetic and always have from these so-called 'sports experts'. That guy Pratt used to prop up a bar I used to 'frequent' and we used to bait him with football questions until he got fcuked off at us and pissed off. Cnut's an alcoholic. Nothing wrong with that, of course, Daddy was an alcoholic, but to be an alcoholic with no knowledge of football is unforgiveable. What a waste of booze. How much did Hunky Bill make out of his early satellite feeds to us lot willing to shell out $20 a go for the chance to watch some football? What kind of harm did we do to our insides when he insisted on everyone having to eat his foul Eastern-European potato-based shite while there? How well did the first www.offtheball.com live football event at that truly awful pub down Davie Street go over? Buckfast even wore a wig. Places that show football, while few and far between I suppose, are generally packed to the tits. Point is, the interest has always been there, there's just never been anyone capable of presenting anything remotely interesting.

Dan Stinson?

You'd get more sense out of Daniel Day-Lewis's character in My Left Foot.



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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
We need a follow-up on this article now that we have a morning show hosted by 'Jake' and Pratt.

Not sure if after all these years, the format of Sports Talk Radio is for the better. More exposure, sure, but is it really better?

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I would listen to Jake and Pratt if I really needed to cough something up - kind of like how my cat does when he has a hairball.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money

I still hold on to the faint hope, however, that my well-worn soapbox act has some relevance in saying that the principle reason for the lack of decent football coverage in Vancouver is that there isn't anyone with enough knowledge of the world's most popular sport to be able to present it properly. I find that pathetic and always have from these so-called 'sports experts'. That guy Pratt used to prop up a bar I used to 'frequent' and we used to bait him with football questions until he got fcuked off at us and pissed off. Cnut's an alcoholic. Nothing wrong with that, of course, Daddy was an alcoholic, but to be an alcoholic with no knowledge of football is unforgiveable. What a waste of booze. How much did Hunky Bill make out of his early satellite feeds to us lot willing to shell out $20 a go for the chance to watch some football? What kind of harm did we do to our insides when he insisted on everyone having to eat his foul Eastern-European potato-based shite while there? How well did the first www.offtheball.com live football event at that truly awful pub down Davie Street go over? Buckfast even wore a wig. Places that show football, while few and far between I suppose, are generally packed to the tits. Point is, the interest has always been there, there's just never been anyone capable of presenting anything remotely interesting.

Genius ...... can we put a collection together and lobby Fastshow to come back on TTP ?? #differentlevel


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It was and still is genius.

I would have to say demand has increased quite a bit since then. Not that it wasn't then; it was pretty easy to cater to Saturday and Sunday morning footballers when there were so few places offering a place to congregate, watch, and drink in the mornings.

But, on the grand scale, has it changed much? Soccer specific programming still doesn't last long on the airwaves. I suppose that is partly because the airwaves doesn't give it much of a chance (I think there was a Sunday night show for a while? Is it still on?), but I think partly, too, because the NFL and (around here), NHL simply rule. I've never been a big American Football fan, so I can honestly say "I don't get it". I can't imagine wasting my Sunday to watch that sport. I mean, people do that, did you know? A whole day! Gone! Wasted to watching a shitty, slow paced, mundane sport.

I will admit, I rarely sit down anymore to watch sports. I'd rather be outside actually doing something awesome, though I understand I'm a minority, here. That said, I like nothing much better than on a Saturday morning- if I'm not on a mountain- waking up, brewing a pot of coffee, and enjoying the EPL matches. That, and I will put aside time to watch the Caps, as infuriating as they are sometimes. I rarely these days set aside time to watch any hockey. Olympics, yes. Stanley Cup, yes. The odd compelling match, yes. But for the most part, over-coaching defensive system play has sucked the fun out of hockey.

The NHL would do well to adopt a 3 point system similar to FIFA, to encourage a more attack oriented brand, and to force coaches to open it up.

But I digress...

Over the years, not much has changes. Yes, there is even more local sports coverage, but no, the quality hasn't taken a giant leap forward.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Listening to TSN 1040 this morning, I guess Bro Jake is retiring.

I haven't heard Dave Pratt on the show in a bit. On the site they still show Dave's photo, but it's just called "The Bro Jake Show", whereas before it was something like Bro Jake with Dave Pratt or something.

Did Pratt burn another bridge? There are all sorts of guests on the show wishing farewells, but it's like Pratt never existed?

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Listening to TSN 1040 this morning, I guess Bro Jake is retiring.

I haven't heard Dave Pratt on the show in a bit. On the site they still show Dave's photo, but it's just called "The Bro Jake Show", whereas before it was something like Bro Jake with Dave Pratt or something.

Did Pratt burn another bridge? There are all sorts of guests on the show wishing farewells, but it's like Pratt never existed?

Pratt is still there (sadly) unless he did something in the last few days??...their having special guests with him for the summer with the new person taking over for Jake in September.

Miss Bmac...

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