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Is BC Youth Soccer Okay? Apparently so...this year


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

If CSA wants to make an impact, look at the hockey model, and mirror it on a reduced scale.

Start at the U-6 level, and every year the kids in a club should be shuffled / re-drafted to new teams. The clubs need to be continually recruiting former players into coaching (Surrey United does this well by compensating for costs of coaching clinics). Do this until they are of rep age.

Once players become "of age", they could play in a similar junior style program. It would take funding, but would pay huge dividends.


New Member
May 31, 2005
Dirty Money
look at the hockey model, and mirror it on a reduced scale.
Start at the U-6 level, and every year the kids in a club should be shuffled / re-drafted to new teams.
Junior Hockey is so successful because you have the best players from towns not even on the map and from big cities willing to relocate away from home to play in front of 5000 plus, with the chance to make the NHL or be a stud in Europe.

Seriously I don't think some kid from the North Shore is going to be happy he got drafted by Golden Ears United United and sacrifice travel and playing with local friends for the chance to be a Whitecap. It might be discouraging for some.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Junior Hockey is so successful because you have the best players from towns not even on the map and from big cities willing to relocate away from home to play in front of 5000 plus, with the chance to make the NHL or be a stud in Europe.

Seriously I don't think some kid from the North Shore is going to be happy he got drafted by Golden Ears United United and sacrifice travel and playing with local friends for the chance to be a Whitecap. It might be discouraging for some.

First off, you have to think much smaller scale than junior hockey. The part where I stated "mirror it on a reduced scale" is key.

As for the draft idea: at the higher, rep level, you'd first need the structure, including ensuring these kids get professional level coaching. Then you need a "billet" type system- where the kids stay and live locally w/ families.

The system needs to be set-up and geared toward developing professional players. That is the whole point of Junior Hockey- development. The kids stay and play 2-3-4 years, then move on. They don't stay. You can't honestly say that is the point right now w/ the majority of the clubs. This may mean fewer clubs are able to participate, but that's OK, because you want the best of the best, not the mediocre. In the Lower Mainland, for example, you may only have 3 or 4 clubs that could participate on this level. There likely aren't enough elite players to support more.

Besides, the "discouraging" argument is moot. You sort of want to have the cream rise to the top. Junior hockey is set-up like this on purpose. Most get home sick and discouraged first year. Some find they aren't cut out. Fine...toe tag them, send them home.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
It all boils down to money and will (pros and cons both ways)
without being long winded and repetitive...

The problem in Canada is the soccer mom and dad living vicariously throught their kids, or power-mongering at executive/beurocratic at ALL levels of soccer, from youth all the way to the top (CSA and provinces)

The states have more money, and therefore hire in the best people (Game Wise) and they SPEND money...I don't know what the difference would be if you looked at per capita per dollar spent of federal funds would look like (US vs Can) but if it is even close THEY do a better job with it...

If you look at the DeGuzman story, and many others like it you will quickly see that the organisations are often times more interested in their own success/well being than their players they purport to be there for development and human-being wise.

Athletics & Athletes are definately put on a pedistal down across the 49th and we do so much wishy-washy stuff up here...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't belive the money isn't there to do something on a smaller scale here. Maybe even just provincially / playing teams accross the line. Maybe the same needs to done in Ontario, and Quebec. Let's face it- travel Nationally here is way too expensive, but North / South is manageable.

Come to think of it, very similar to junior hockey, isn't it?

Bottom line: what we do now doesn't work for the elite. We need to look at what we do well in other areas, copy ideas, and think outside the box.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Lets face it where are you guys comming from. Soccer in BC is good soccer. Where the problem is. The people running it most never played soccer before. Thats the main problem. Select,Gold,Siver Bronze but not silver one two three bronze one two thre four. What the hell is going on. Club like Lyinn Valley has five bronze teams. What is that all about. Select are not the best players they are a cleek.System does not work. Select program should run only in the summer months. That way each kid in this Provice has a equal chance. Than select Provincial Team. Do not worry about stupid hard ware. Think how to develop kids. Work on a system of development. Think of big picture.Select program shoud be Kelowna ,Kemloops ,Penticton ,Victoria,Nanaimo, and five clubs from Vancouver. Kelowna and Kemloops and Penticton and Nanaimo should be able to pick up three ringers to improve the level soccer on the teams. It has to be BC program and not Whitecaps or some other guys name. Select a Provintial team from these guys and you will see better resalts. Next step would be to bring in Coaches from Europe or from down south for a Provintial teams. This way guys would get new ideas and maybe improve soccer sence. People runnig the soccer are to stail ,soccer needs changes. They suspend kids for three years for telling the ref to go and Frack him self. Some refs deserve that. Good refs call the game and never have any problems. We do need some guy from BC soccer to tell us rules of soccer every year. It is crack of Sh-t. TYhey shoud work on making it more fun for all natins playing soccer and forget catering to only one. It is so false that the normal guy that knows the soccer would barf. They have to stop rigging the out come of the games and good refs that wont do that get shafted.It is beond fare. It needs a new kick in the but. We have to start all over again. Proper. Ten diferant leagues do not improve soccer. They actualy do the oposite.
Just look at white Caps they do not care they have their own program to draw kids from.
Where do the other kids play. First we need BC League at senior level than a youth program. PCSL is close they need more clubs and youth should be part of the chain to each club.Surrey senior team surrey gold teams and silver. House shoud be for pickup soccer only. No points system. A place where kids learn basick skill before they move on.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Sorry about spelling one or two many beer. But the format and is what it is.
When you take all the things going in gold soccer it is old silver soccer. Metro is a gold soccer. Only top end soccer schools are at metro level. Elms in Richmond is the only guy at that level. We need total changes to improve. If you watched Canada play last knight it would have been clear to you. Ref was way off, but over players were even more off with all the yellow cards we got. They play soccer but think it is hockey.
It must be BC youth and not only Vancouver youth. It does not work as is. When you see one of the best players at U18 suspended for three years just because he is Punjabi. It makes you sick to think that the guy working for BC soccer is democratic person. No blody way. He is non less than a god dam racist. That hids behind the doors of BC soccer. Good players are getting shafted because the are not Ango boys. Unfair guys i did film the game and will send the tape to Fifa people in november if young guy does not get the fare treatment. All of you Punjabies, Italians, Greeks, Portuguies, Serbs Croats, Bosnians, Latino and rest shoud ask who the young guy was and stand up for him. He told the ref to fruck off ,that ref truly deserved it from the young man. Sad to see that the so called Canadians do sh-t like that. Niel Elliot you are the guy with soccer sence. What the fruck are you doing. Whats up do you have gastric problems fro tainted water. Just because you guys trow a guy out that could make a living from soccer you must be fealing good about your self. At least he is not Angalo boy. SICK.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Tonight 7pm till 8pm on 10 499 you will be able to hear about the young guy from ICSF getting three years away from the game. And school expaltion all on behalf of dubm refferee that got sent out to distroy the Ethnick team. Just like what they did to POrto youth and Croatia youth. Yet Scotish youth can play and Inglish youth can play. Equal for all forget your democatic vew. It is based on racisim.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The B.C. U-14 'All-Stars' were absolutely embarrassed today by the Ontario squad to the tune of 5 - 1. I found out that the Ontario players pay next to nothing to play compared to the thousands of dollars that have to be forked out to play Provincially......BC is MILES behind at the moment and it showed today.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
Fresh off the presses, the BC U14-Boys Provincial Team came back yesterday from Sherbrooke, QC, with the gold medal after beating Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba on their way to the National title. The U16-Boys brought back bronze while on the girls side BC finished second on U14 and third on U16.

Does this mean all's roses with BC Soccer and a round of chest thumping is in order?
Of course not, but maybe the gap is not as big as sometimes advertised.

Congratulations for a job well done to Staff and players of the BC Provincial Teams!


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
Not that I heard of, but, then again, I kind of didn't have much time for chit-chat.
I was carrying the old ball-and-chain around and if I wasn't up and ready in the car 1 sec after the final whistle to go sight-seeing I knew the doghouse would be waiting...


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Yes, those were excellent results for the BC prov team. Enjoy them while they last, as it appears the BC provincial team will no longer run come 2011 as the youth metro and SYL programs appear to be merging, and blending in the bc team. Will allow for a greater NTC pool, I'd imagine, as well as proper regional "champions league" with Washington and Oregon prior to the winner of that heading to prestigious tournys (maybe Surf Cup? Maybe Texas....etc).


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, those were excellent results for the BC prov team. Enjoy them while they last, as it appears the BC provincial team will no longer run come 2011 as the youth metro and SYL programs appear to be merging, and blending in the bc team. Will allow for a greater NTC pool, I'd imagine, as well as proper regional "champions league" with Washington and Oregon prior to the winner of that heading to prestigious tournys (maybe Surf Cup? Maybe Texas....etc).

Although this is a significant and important step forward, I would hate to see an end to SYL. The reason for it is complex but revolves around the relative-age debate ('Outliers' by Gladwell - Chapter One - the Matthew Effect) that is seriously being discussed in many circles around the globe in education and sports. Having Super Y League with the birthdate being August to August helps develop more late born players and will increase the player pool at the older ages. We just need to change the way we run and set up our grassroots soccer to half years rather than full years. I truly believe that because the US has club leagues with an Aug to Aug birthdate and a very competitive high school leagues with a Jan to Jan birthdate, is helping them develop more elite players at a more rapid rate per capita than we are.

I would rather see a two season set up with an apetura (fall/winter league) and closura (spring/summer league) like they do in South America. Apetura would have a cut off date of Jan/Jan and the Closura would have a Aug/Aug cut off date. The steps that they are taking for the super league could and should be made to the select league (apetura) and they play the Y league in the spring summer (closura). Winner of the Apetura league goes to Canadian Nationals and the winner of the Closura league goes to North Americans in Florida.

After many years of studying this and traveling to Europe and around North America coaching and managing teams while talking to as many influential people on the subject of development in both education and sports, as well as being tired of people saying things need to change without putting forward any suggestions, I came up with my own Soccer Utopia that I think would help us catch up to the other nations in CONCACAF that are ahead of us. It's long and a bit complex so I think I'll blog it, provide a link rather than just cut and paste it on the site.

It is radical but we need to at least double the number of elite players in the country. Ignoring a huge section of players because we can't identify them at the younger ages for selected teams because they are physically and cognitively less developed due to late bithdate doesn't make sense. If we change this before it becomes the norm we'll catch up and be pioneers in not only football but all sports.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Although this is a significant and important step forward, I would hate to see an end to SYL. The reason for it is complex but revolves around the relative-age debate ('Outliers' by Gladwell - Chapter One - the Matthew Effect) that is seriously being discussed in many circles around the globe in education and sports. Having Super Y League with the birthdate being August to August helps develop more late born players and will increase the player pool at the older ages. We just need to change the way we run and set up our grassroots soccer to half years rather than full years. I truly believe that because the US has club leagues with an Aug to Aug birthdate and a very competitive high school leagues with a Jan to Jan birthdate, is helping them develop more elite players at a more rapid rate per capita than we are.

I would rather see a two season set up with an apetura (fall/winter league) and closura (spring/summer league) like they do in South America. Apetura would have a cut off date of Jan/Jan and the Closura would have a Aug/Aug cut off date. The steps that they are taking for the super league could and should be made to the select league (apetura) and they play the Y league in the spring summer (closura). Winner of the Apetura league goes to Canadian Nationals and the winner of the Closura league goes to North Americans in Florida.

After many years of studying this and traveling to Europe and around North America coaching and managing teams while talking to as many influential people on the subject of development in both education and sports, as well as being tired of people saying things need to change without putting forward any suggestions, I came up with my own Soccer Utopia that I think would help us catch up to the other nations in CONCACAF that are ahead of us. It's long and a bit complex so I think I'll blog it, provide a link rather than just cut and paste it on the site.

It is radical but we need to at least double the number of elite players in the country. Ignoring a huge section of players because we can't identify them at the younger ages for selected teams because they are physically and cognitively less developed due to late bithdate doesn't make sense. If we change this before it becomes the norm we'll catch up and be pioneers in not only football but all sports.

Having two separate seasons in the Lower Mainland, at least, is well underway. Just as you suggest Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. In a more thorough fashion than is now in that there is the Select/Rep/House fall/winter and then SYL in Spring/Summer. Deeper connection between winter/summer, club structure so kids can move freely throughout the Club they are registered to.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
National Club Championships...

Surrey Guildford United - 4th

Coquitlam Metro-Ford Fusion - CHAMPIONS

Kelowna United - 5th

Surrey FC Pegasus - 6th

Coquitlam Metro-Ford Dynamo - CHAMPIONS

Coquitlam Metro-Ford Silence - 4th

Victoria Gorge - Silver medal

Surrey United - Bronze medal

Throw in this summers gold medals in the U14 boys and girls all star teams and I think that we're starting to wrestle back the title of the soccer capital of the country.

I truly hope that it's because we are improving our standard in the province and not the other provinces doing worse. From traveling this summer and winning tournaments with my young team, we are also catching up to the teams across the border as well.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Good post Jonesy, it is about time we started to see some encouraging results and realize that maybe, just maybe, the programs that have been put in place over the past few years or so are starting to pay off.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
National Club Championships...

I think that we're starting to wrestle back the title of the soccer capital of the country.

that's not really much to brag about unfortunately as against the the rest of the world we are below average. baby steps I guess?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Great for BC SOCCER!! Congratulations to ALL the teams representing OUR province!!! Special congrats to my long time foes and allies, the U-18 Coquitlam Metro Ford Dynamo, who finally captured what they long sought after, a National Championship. Coquitlam Metro Ford are a high quality club with true soccer people that know what it takes to develop and to win.

To the SU ladies, I don't know what to say. Penalty shots again?! Everyone knows where you stand and you make our club proud. To our SGU U-14 team, fourth is a great placement and will serve you well as you progress in your endeavours.

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