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Global Warming


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
The new report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its new report today. Media is reporting thae new IPCC report details how badlynclimate changebwill affect people and wildlife. Thats not really news to oil companies execs who new about global warming decades ago but kept it a secret.
Wonder how the lower mainland will fare? We won't suffer from droughts in the winter.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
The full IPCC report has over 3,000 pages, but there also is a summary report. Unfortunately the summary report does not show what to expect in the lower mainland.
The IPCC is comprised of scientists from around the world. Canada's rep is Dr. Sherilee Harper, from the university of alberta.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
As mentioned in other threads, change in fossil fuel use to affect climate change is a long haul process that encompasses massive infrastructure change in it's own right. You'd mentioned that Energy Companies (formerly known as oil producers) are investing, and they'd be smart to do so.

Just understand, nothing is free, all alternate energies come at a cost, somehow and some way, and none are free of an environmental footprint. "Extracting" from use of fossil fuels will need to take a while....but all you really need to do is look at what all the car companies are planning for their fleets, and you have your answer. I just want to know if my township will allow me to bump up my total hydro use in our house, as we're right now at the limit. Not sure how I'd add in a super charger by going the permit route, but that's a battle for another day.

Here in BC, suspect we'll see a trend towards hotter, dryer summers, longer and harder forest fire seasons, and with that, more flooding in the fall.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Here in BC, suspect we'll see a trend towards hotter, dryer summers, longer and harder forest fire seasons, and with that, more flooding in the fall.
Wife and i are thinking of moving from the lower mainland to victoria, the sunshine coast or the south okanagan. South okanagan will get too hot so probably down to victoria and the sunshine coast as our options. Not sure which of those two will do better with global warming. Regardless of choice, hoping my favourite barrister will help with the moving costs to get rid of me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Victoria and the Sunshine Coast are far too close to the water - you know, if you're going to "trust the science" and all.

There's no desire to get rid of you - that's a decidedly one way street when it comes to political discourse in this day and age. I'm happy to be yelled at by lefties (I'd rather they confront me with logically sound arguments, but that rarely happens). I'm confident enough in my own skin and the defensibility of my positions that I don't remotely feel threatened by people who think differently than I. And, I've been wrong many times before and will be many times again - show me and I'll concede the point. Hit me with bald assertions... not so much.

Anyway, it's good that we still live in a country where opposing opinions are allowed - for now, at least. Trudeau is setting up to go after freedom of thought - but that's a different discussion for a different day...


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Anyway, it's good that we still live in a country where opposing opinions are allowed - for now, at least. Trudeau is setting up to go after freedom of thought - but that's a different discussion for a different day...
Did you hear this argument about Trudeau from one of your clients?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No, I reviewed the draft bill that's hurtling towards the House of Commons...

I don't know how many times I've said this recently, but again, what I would give for a Paul Martin Government.

Not surprisingly, I generally vote Cons, but see myself as a PC, or small c voter, social conservative type...but in the many recent elections it's because I have had zero faith in the Liberal Party, and now I genuinely fear them. The whole trucker protest was so badly managed, and it never even had to be an issue in the first place. That's only the tip of the iceberg. The amount of effort that this government is putting into silencing opinions that dissent against their messaging should scare people, and the problem is, most of our population seems to be gobbling it up right now, then the rest are blissfully unaware. Most have accepted the mandates because (like me) they get have vaccinations, and (I am am not one of these) are content in the privileges that adhering to those mandates has allowed.

I strongly object to the misuse of "Freedom" in the context it is being thrown around right now. You want to see what losing your freedom looks like? Turn on any news channel, see Ukraine. BUT....I can get onboard the term "Freedom of Thought".

Even questioning mandates these days opens oneself up to being unfairly labelled, as opposed to being a critical thinker, or a thought leader- which used to be encouraged. Now? Thought leadership is only encouraged if that thought is in line w/ the Federal messaging....otherwise, you are:

  • A Right wing nut.
  • A racist.
  • An idiot.
  • Unstable.
My thoughts on Global Warming? Well, let's be sure to address it properly, and the proper term is climate change, and it is inevitable. Unless we can not only curtail population growth, but reverse it (not happening), this planet actually needs to learn to adapt, as energy consumption will only increase, we will never decrease it. Nobody likes to talk about expanding Nuclear Power, but the reality is, we need to increase our efficient use of energy if we are ever to try and level the playing field. All forms of energy production need to be adapted, including increasing efficiencies of fossil fuel usage. Both sides can argue all day long, nothing truly progresses until it's accepted that we need it all, we need to find more efficient means of using it, and we somehow need to dramatically balance the scales.

Back to your question as to where? Is there any right answer? If you are afraid for your future, you should probably find some high ground. Colorado is pretty. Maybe Banff or Canmore? Me, I'd like to spend my retirement in Portugal, enjoy great, cheap food, great surfing, and great weather for my remaining days. Right on the fcuking beach, and if a tsunami takes us, so be it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
my buddy always calls me a fence sitter but really I prefer to feel there are points to be made on both sides. Common to reasonable solutions begin with some common ground, common thought. I realize politics aren’t like this, look at the electoral process it’s a smear campaign against one another. For me it’s a huge turn off.

I grew up at a table of politics, dad a history/law teacher. Honestly I hate it. It’s a bunch of people thinking they are smarter/better then each other. It’s about exploiting divisive concepts/opinions and riding that wave as hard as we can. Any opportunity to call each other wrong/idiots and “win.”

I wonder what the response from the right would be if this was a conservative government and handled the same? Seriously would the right had listened or flipped opinion. I’m not pro Trudeau, he’s handled this horribly. But should people be driving around with huge fcuk Trudeau flags? That’s what we are teaching our children? Hate? Is this what standing up for your ideals means?

I find Canada’s behaviour pathetic/disgusting. You want hardship as you said look at Ukraine. Can’t go on a holiday or a restaurant. Yeah at this stage it’s all ridiculous but seriously grow a sack. Seriously.

No Dude I’m not talking about people that have lost there livelihoods. Or telling you to grow a sack. I realize the mental health side, we haven’t seen the tip of that iceberg. the west needs to Harden the fcuk up. We are so bloody privileged here. I’m with you, lift all mandates. the loud message has been about freedoms. That is the message. Not just the left wings version of the right. It’s flying loud and clear by my house twice a week. Freedoms? You must be taking the piss.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
you're right, the visceral response to Trudeau isn't constructive. that said, we took our lumps when Harper (who I never voted for) was swept out, and it was a long time and a lot of sneering, condescending, holier than thou defamatory comments from Trudeau before those flags were unfurled. There's only so much bullshit people will take before they fight back. Rogan's not wrong on that point - nor are you about the state of politics in this country...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
you're right, the visceral response to Trudeau isn't constructive. that said, we took our lumps when Harper (who I never voted for) was swept out, and it was a long time and a lot of sneering, condescending, holier than thou defamatory comments from Trudeau before those flags were unfurled. There's only so much bullshit people will take before they fight back. Rogan's not wrong on that point - nor are you about the state of politics in this country...
LOL, I have been living in shame for the last Harper election where I changed my voter card to Lib. I didn't like the direction Harper was going w/ his stance on immigration. So, I'm culpable of helping that asshat get into power. I thought we were getting back to a "close to center" party...and boy was I wrong.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
my buddy always calls me a fence sitter but really I prefer to feel there are points to be made on both sides. Common to reasonable solutions begin with some common ground, common thought. I realize politics aren’t like this, look at the electoral process it’s a smear campaign against one another. For me it’s a huge turn off.

I grew up at a table of politics, dad a history/law teacher. Honestly I hate it. It’s a bunch of people thinking they are smarter/better then each other. It’s about exploiting divisive concepts/opinions and riding that wave as hard as we can. Any opportunity to call each other wrong/idiots and “win.”

I wonder what the response from the right would be if this was a conservative government and handled the same? Seriously would the right had listened or flipped opinion. I’m not pro Trudeau, he’s handled this horribly. But should people be driving around with huge fcuk Trudeau flags? That’s what we are teaching our children? Hate? Is this what standing up for your ideals means?

I find Canada’s behaviour pathetic/disgusting. You want hardship as you said look at Ukraine. Can’t go on a holiday or a restaurant. Yeah at this stage it’s all ridiculous but seriously grow a sack. Seriously.

No Dude I’m not talking about people that have lost there livelihoods. Or telling you to grow a sack. I realize the mental health side, we haven’t seen the tip of that iceberg. the west needs to Harden the fcuk up. We are so bloody privileged here. I’m with you, lift all mandates. the loud message has been about freedoms. That is the message. Not just the left wings version of the right. It’s flying loud and clear by my house twice a week. Freedoms? You must be taking the piss.
Somehow you've managed to capture all my fence sitting thoughts and stance in one brief post that is 20x shorter than I would have wrote. Well done, and the world of TTP thanks you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
LOL, I have been living in shame for the last Harper election where I changed my voter card to Lib. I didn't like the direction Harper was going w/ his stance on immigration. So, I'm culpable of helping that asshat get into power. I thought we were getting back to a "close to center" party...and boy was I wrong.
Harper out is when I signed up to join the party. I figured they'd have to move back to Red Tory roots to counter the (what I saw as) obvious lurch to the far left that Justin was setting up for. I was right on one and wrong on one - but the wrong damn ones...


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Ford is now selling a bi-directional charger for its electric pickup truck, for $1,300. People can power essential parts of their homes using their truck in the event of a power failure. No need for a generator.
Meanwhile tesla is testing a 24×7 power supply system in Alaska to replace desil fuel for a small community. Normally batteries don't work as well in extreme cold, so maybe Tesla has a solution.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
BC is eliminating provincial sales tax on used electric vehicles. Unfortunately they sell for a premium. A friend recently bought a used nissan leaf and had to pay both federal and provincial sales taxes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
"friend recently bought a used nissan leaf "

Peeing Step Brothers GIF by reactionseditor


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
IMO, the question isn't "Can it?", it's "How?".

The left wing only focuses on answering the "Can", but ignore the "How". Even if North America and all of Western Europe became carbon neutral overnight, what about South America? Africa? Asia? No way, no how. Besides, I don't know about you @PV, but I know exactly the cost different being on 100% Hydro vs. a combo of Natural Gas and Hydro costs me in the house.

Three years ago, in the 2 month billing periods of Nov/Dec, Jan/Feb, we'd be up around $2,000.00 to heat our house. You read that right. We made some changes (windows sealed some leakage, etc...this is a 1991 build, so....), knocked that down to $1500-$1700 ish.

Brought Natural Gas up our lane, changed our boiler out, and added a hot water coil to the Central Air, now our total energy consumption for those periods is rarely over $500.00, and that's in cold months, and me running a space heater in my office that doesn't get the central air. It's a huge difference. Hydro is the most expensive form of energy.

This is why it's a slow roll....not to mention again, South America, Africa, and Asia, where largely governments are as corrupt as hell and only care about their own bank accounts, and how to line those while in power....and never letting go of it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
I have always wondered why don't we use our funds for climate change in places where the impact would be huge?

For example use the money to help a country like India move away from coal and convert all cars to electric. Make all taxis and bus transport electric. Help them build rail network. The impact on pollution would be massive. Send in teams to help clean up and get lots of trees planted and help to get waste under control.

Would not helping countries that cannot afford to go green not make a much bigger impact on the climate than in places that are already way ahead?

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