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City of Vancouver votes in favor of Whitecaps soccer stadium plans


Mar 13, 2002
Dirty Money
City of Vancouver votes in favor of Whitecaps soccer stadium plans
July 11, 2006 - 5:12 pm
By: Shane Bigham from News1130.com

The City of Vancouver has endorsed the Whitecaps soccer stadium proposal. It does not mean that the stadium will be built right away. What it does is open up a two-year process where the Whitecaps have to address several issues outlined by the city. Land use would be one of the factors that has to be looked into. They have to issue quarterly reports on their progress as well. The plans could be scuttled at any time. The Whitecaps might find they cannot overcome all the obstacles involved in building the stadium. An amendment was deferred Tuesday that will be voted on in September at the first quarterly report. It might open up a parallel process that would instruct city staff and the Whitecaps to look at another site. That decision will not be made until September.

Wow...glad that after 3 weeks of meetings that council were able to make a decision on the topic:rolleyes:
Unbelievable, really. So much for this thing being built in time for 2010.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
As usual, the original plans will be obsolete by the time it actually get's built.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah, it's a bit of a push now. They figure at least 2 years before a shovel breaks ground.

I hope there is a way for the Cap's to Fast Track their end of the due diligence. Maybe now that this has preliminary approval, the 2010 Committee and Province can help move this along, considering we now would have an outdoor venue to hold the opening and closing ceremonies in.

Pray for some common sense...


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
The stadium would be too small for the opening and closing ceromonies.

I've said before and I'll say it again. It should be built to hold 30,000 right off the pop. Not expandable for sometime down the road. Do it right the first time.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think they can expand to 25-30, which would be enough. I'd rather have 30 thousand outside than 60 inside BC Place.

My feeling was 20-25, but I think they are building it on projection...they want an intimate venue, and you can realistically expect to fill a 15,000 seat stadium for various events, but 30 is pushing it, save the Lions.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Great News I say!!! If what I hear is correct and the stadium can hold over 20,000, why not go after an MLS team. I deal with them with work and and they told me that is one of the main things they look at if the stadium can fit over 20,000 people.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think that's the plan Zenga. The Whitecaps have made it no secret that their mandate is to play in the top pro league in North America. The early stadium sketches are just that: sketches. Now that this hurdle is clear, they can move forward w/ the others, and the last one they will tackle is the final configuration.

I'm sure once they get into final configurations, the other potential stateholders will want to have their imput, including the BC Lions, and MLS (assuming the Caps are bidding for this new franschise in time for stadium completion). If the MLS says 20,000 is a must, and the Caps have to expand to 20, then I can't see that being a barrier.

I remember readin somewhere that MLS would be looking at expansion in 2010.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Went to the Whitecaps game last night w/ Mini Dude (we bought season's tix this year). Bobarduzzi made a nice speech and publicly thanked the fans for their support on the new stadium, which was nice.

The game itself was terrible, but whatever. That's the gamble one takes. Hopefully you can enjoy yourself even if the game bites. So, generally, Mini Dude and I will take a walk down to the Southsiders section. If he's bored, he plays soccer with some of the other bored kids under the scoreboard. If not, he gets into hanging over the fencing, waving a flag. Usually I bump into a few TTPers, and share a laugh.

Gotta say though, had the city council not had the wisdom to discount anything anyone was saying either from or in opposition to the Southsiders Supporters Club, this project would be dead in the water. Now, I'm no angel when it comes to letting loose a few F-Bombs and C-Bombs, but I like to pick my spots. When you watch and listen to these guys, you get the feeling that they are lonely guys looking for something to cheer on, and laugh at their. It is almost like they think and behave as though hooliganism in the EPL is cool, so let's imitate that here. Seriously, they even get right down to imitating English accents. One young guy in particular- I'd say 19, light haired skinny tall kid- took it upon himself to scream at the top of his lungs the whole 2nd half at the Montreal support, fully 50 yards away. Every second word was "****", "****ing", "Bitches", "Cnut", or "Faggot". Essentially, if you needed to hear where the Gasstown Project Opposition claims of homophobia and racism were coming from, you need to look no further. There was a group of about 20 around him that thought he was the cat's ass, too. It was sad.

Again, I'm not going to tell somebody to lay off the loud swearing just because I have my kid there. It's my choice to be there, and we can go sit in our seats and be away from that, too. I just tell my kid that guys like this think they are cool by constantly swearing at the top of their lungs, but really, everyone else thinks they aren't. He agrees, lesson learned. It isn't difficult to agree when pretty much everyone in that section is sitting there shaking their heads.

Anyways, I've witnessed the Southsiders club act pretty embarrassingly this year, but last night was by far the worse, and they looked and behaved like a group of complete uneducated idiots.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I believe the 'person' you describe is a so-called TTPer. Can you guess which one?



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Here's one for you - the guy Dude is talking about above is now the webmaster for the Whitecaps.

Am I the only one that thinks this is a weird hiring practice for an organization trying to appeal to "families"?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I, for one, can attest that the guy has matured a bit...He is/was a goof...Is not a huge soccer fan per se, more a Whitecaps fan. I don't think he knows the game as well as most, but has a lot of passion.

A lot of the guys in the SS and on forums and boards have been on him for two or three years to act his age, and not embarrass us, and he is getting better (from the 4 games I have been to this year)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You have to be taking the piss...:rolleyes:

The whole Southsider gang hasn't changed. Still a bunch of guys Canadian guys who chant w/ English accents- same old thing. Every opposing keeper who visits is a "Fat Bastard" (seriously, that's the chant on goal kicks: "YOU FAT BASTARD").

They have a cute new thing they do that makes me want to throttle somebody...

The club has a young lady come in and sing the anthem. She does a nice job, just sings at a little slower tempo. There's a good 5-10 guys that think it is funny to sing- at the top of their lungs- the anthem at a faster tempo. So, just imagine this: most people that are Canadian kind of like and appreciate our anthem. Personally, I take a lot of pride in it, so long as the singer isn't trying to Americanise it (make it "their own"). So, you have the vast majority of fans just standing, many trying to sing along, but this group of idiots who think their act is pretty good!

Too bad it is one of the better spots to take in the game. Could do without the 40 year old virgins club. It’s just...sad. And lame. You know it is when your 8 year old kids is telling you how lame they are.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

I won't question his passion for all things Caps, in fact from that regard, I think he is the perfect fit for the whitecaps website... However, there should be consequences for a person's actions no matter what the age and to be hired less than a year from when it was documented how he behaved/acted is alarming.

I guess I am questioning more of the Whitecaps than of this person - he is what he is - it is they who in the end either didn't care what type of person they were hiring or didn't do their homework completely.

Either way, it's my opinion it wasn't a very wise move, especially if this topic makes for discussion outside TTP and other fringe forums...


I, for one, can attest that the guy has matured a bit...He is/was a goof...Is not a huge soccer fan per se, more a Whitecaps fan. I don't think he knows the game as well as most, but has a lot of passion.

A lot of the guys in the SS and on forums and boards have been on him for two or three years to act his age, and not embarrass us, and he is getting better (from the 4 games I have been to this year)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
The 40 year old virgin thing is also a bit unfair, there two or three of them- I'll give you that...Remember, it's okay to be loud, vocal fans of the pro/semi pro/whatever local soccer team and not have played soccer your whole life/currently-often times (All TTP aside) Soccer players are amongst the most arrogant/aloof/cocky bunch of wankers around. Just cause a guy likes soccer and like to sing and cheer and chant and emulate the fans he sees at Stamford Bridge or whatever on TV doesn;t make them a loser, and often times the accent is real, I know a bunch of the SS'ers real well, that are from overseas, and actually speak with the accent.
I know it sounds like I am being defensive...I do take in the games from the SS, post of the SS forum, drink with SS'ers in the park pre-game (when I can attend) and most of the guys are top class...There are a few Neds among the SS'ers...and the anthem thing is more of a tradition than anything else, that has been going on since the old Croatian guys in the Beer Garden days (Pre-official Southsiders Club or whatever) along with You fat Bastard on Goal kicks and a few songs.

Funny, the SS used to be really strong back when me and my buddy started regularly attending. A few guys left and have come back and left again...

All I know is that even with the three or four anomolies in the Southend, It is easily heads and shoulders the best atmosphere/area to watch Caps games.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
All I know is that even with the three or four anomolies in the Southend, It is easily heads and shoulders the best atmosphere/area to watch Caps games.

I'll give you that.

Still, from the outside taking in the whole scene...40 year old Virgins. The bunch of you guys.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
March Last year, the potty mouth joined TTP and post-whored and link-whored and it was on...TTP vs You-know-who on the Stadium Discussion and Southsiders threads....

No worries Dap, I got you covered ;) lazy sellick supporting teachers :D

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