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Bob Birarda done as Womens Whitecaps/ CSA Womens U-20 Gaffer


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I think that’s the point Freddy, there is to much of this type of shite that goes on. Have your code of conduct etc all you want but what is the actual protocol to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen. There needs to be a proper overhaul of the system not just on the women’s level.

Are clubs even trained properly to deal with these issues?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
This is the major talking point.

Were the Caps, and CSA, alerted to the very disturbing nature of these allegations. It sounds like they were, and not nearly enough was done about it.

Did I read that the whitecaps were contacted when he was considered for his most recent job and said nothing then too? 2 opportunities and lips were sealed.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Seriously. There are so many recent examples where the Caps could have "Done the right thing", and instead chose to quietly handle issues or sweep them under the rug.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Sep 24, 2011
Dirty Money
Lenarduzi has to come under scrutiny at some point and the Whitecaps have to make some kind of stand whether it's the Anniversary year or not, i don't see how he can possibly survive this.
Reading the Reddy quote too, it's tough to believe CM and Coastal were not aware especially with CM's affiliation with the Whitecaps, Reddy's statement seems to imply CM was more interested in making money with his company than the welfare of kids. His position would seem untenable with Coastal if that is the case.

Sunday League Gaffer

Active Member
Oct 23, 2016
Dirty Money
Hearing from a very good source that the top brass at the Whitecaps want to met with the Vancouver Province about this issue and the bad press they are getting on it ..... Some things never change.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Shouldn't the Whitecaps have alerted the police when it was first reported?

Alerted the police to what, exactly? Anonymous, in the shadows, years old complaints of non-criminal activity? Go investigate, VPD!

At this point, there's a huge blinking red light concerning this particular coach's interactions with female players under his tutelage - although even that is still reliant on rumours, innuendo, and anonymous, dated allegations.

But the police? Unless someone is going to come forward and say on x date this coach committed y crime against z person, all this "the police should be involved" nonsense is just that - nonsense...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Has anyone worked in the restaurant industry?

Is making a comment on an outfit illegal? Or creepy/douchey.

What do we want the whitecaps to do here? They got rid of him after investigating. Nothing “illegal” happened did it? What were they supposed to report? That he touched a thigh?

Yes new protocols and such need to be put in place. It more sounds like this coach is just a slimey Guy then a criminal.

What is everyone wanting to see happen here?
What can even happen in this case?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Alerted the police to what, exactly? Anonymous, in the shadows, years old complaints of non-criminal activity? Go investigate, VPD!

At this point, there's a huge blinking red light concerning this particular coach's interactions with female players under his tutelage - although even that is still reliant on rumours, innuendo, and anonymous, dated allegations.

But the police? Unless someone is going to come forward and say on x date this coach committed y crime against z person, all this "the police should be involved" nonsense is just that - nonsense...

I think that's the point, do we know this hasn't occurred already? Some of these allegations are pretty bad, these were some very young players, and I'm not familiar with the law even 1% of what you are, BUT, had the girls at the time put in a complaint to CSA or the Club, and the allegations were serious enough, should the police not have been notified? I mean, it sounds like it was bad enough to at least perk up someone's Spidey senses and say, "WTF, BOB?"? It's about doing the right thing by the person making the complaint, no?

At this point there is very strong allegations from at least two girls who've identified themselves and another 12 who prefer to remain anonymous. You are saying a crime wasn't committed...how do you know? If players of this age are bringing the issue to the club or to CSA, shouldn't it have been at least criminally investigated?

Honestly, tell us, because I really don't know protocol here.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
I'd be interested to know what the parents especially the fathers of these girls knew about these incidents. Were they aware and if so did they speak up or was there more at stake that kept them quiet. I think you know where I'm going with that. fcuk me If it was my daughter, Bob wouldn't be around to defend these allegations.

Where there's smoke there's fire.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Has anyone worked in the restaurant industry?

Is making a comment on an outfit illegal? Or creepy/douchey.

What do we want the whitecaps to do here? They got rid of him after investigating. Nothing “illegal” happened did it? What were they supposed to report? That he touched a thigh?

Yes new protocols and such need to be put in place. It more sounds like this coach is just a slimey Guy then a criminal.

What is everyone wanting to see happen here?
What can even happen in this case?

Same comment....how do you know he wasn't just a slimy guy? How do we know it didn't go further? if some of these allegations are true, and some slimy guy was trying to get something on with a girl under 20, how do we know he didn't actually get further?

Just because it is generally accepted in the restaurant industry doesn't make it right. My 17 year old daughter works at Earl's. Slimy old fcukers hitting on her all the time. I get it, however, this wasn't Earl's, it was a high level athletic performance program, and frankly, it's not expected nor accepted to be sexually charged in the same way the restaurant business is. Also, just because it is in the restaurant business doesn't make it right, either.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd be interested to know what the parents especially the fathers of these girls knew about these incidents. Were they aware and if so did they speak up or was there more at stake that kept them quiet. I think you know where I'm going with that. fcuk me If it was my daughter, Bob wouldn't be around to defend these allegations.

Where there's smoke there's fire.


And right now it appears the law is protecting the club and officials more than players.

It would have been career suicide for these girls to speak out. University references, furtherance of profession career, National duty. Seriously, if you put yourself in their shoes, speaking out would have been terrifying.

Now that they are, you have the public saying things like "There wasn't actually a crime committed" (we don't know that), "Why didn't they speak out then?" (well, duh), or the best, "Why are these girls staying anonymous?" (Realy?).

They are staying anonymous because in the information age, as soon as you attached your name to something like this, it stays with you forever. Every job application going forward for Ciara McCormick, the employer will try and do a web search, and her name will pop up. That will influence the interviewing company one way or another. Bank applications. Anything you can think of that someone would want to do some research on you. It takes a fcuk load of bravery to carry the flag in this fight, I have a deep admiration for her.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Has anyone worked in the restaurant industry?

Is making a comment on an outfit illegal? Or creepy/douchey.

What do we want the whitecaps to do here? They got rid of him after investigating. Nothing “illegal” happened did it? What were they supposed to report? That he touched a thigh?

Yes new protocols and such need to be put in place. It more sounds like this coach is just a slimey Guy then a criminal.

What is everyone wanting to see happen here?
What can even happen in this case?

He was in a position of trust. He violated that. When these incidents took place they were young girls. There is an innocence factor I believe you are overlooking. I believe that alone Carries some criminal element no??


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Alerted the police to what, exactly? Anonymous, in the shadows, years old complaints of non-criminal activity? Go investigate, VPD!

At this point, there's a huge blinking red light concerning this particular coach's interactions with female players under his tutelage - although even that is still reliant on rumours, innuendo, and anonymous, dated allegations.

But the police? Unless someone is going to come forward and say on x date this coach committed y crime against z person, all this "the police should be involved" nonsense is just that - nonsense...

I know what your saying but there is something wrong with the system because it creates opportunities for abuse to happen. It's kind of like Graham James, Canadian ski team, U.S. gymnastics where people felt something wasn't right and ther were rumors but because there is no concrete proof of anything and people would be worried about a defamation lawsuit nobody speaks up and says this person should not be coaching. I get innocent until proven guilty but if you are in charge kids and young adults there cannot be even rumors of inappropriate behavior.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
not saying no crime was committed... saying what we have thus far falls way short.. yes we have to protect kids, but we also have to protect people making a living who may happen to cut a player with a vindictive streak a mile long...

the solution is to have a female staffer present whenever you have male coaches dealing with female players... no one on one meetings, no closed doors, none of that shite... you protect BOTH parties that way, frankly...

as for Birarda, again, the girls need to make specific allegations about specific things done at specific times... maybe there was a sexual assault based on the trust relationship and/or age... maybe there was criminal harassment if someone told him to stop with the comments and he didn't... maybe there was invitation to sexual touching, sexual exploitation of a minor, etc etc... who knows... until someone identifies themselves and says "here's the deal", "where there's smoke there's fire" is of absolutely fcuk all help to the coppers...

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