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2017 BC Mens Provincial A Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

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Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Was the CB really out of line? Someone tried to do him in the 99th minute of a 2-0 game? How should have he reacted? the game was over at that point. It was a blatant tackle to injure.
A two foot torpedo tackle in that minute would get that reaction in most matches with any heartbeat. Dude, I have to disagree with you on this one. Tackles like that do not happen often in the last seconds of games. Perhaps mid game they might happen, but in any case that is a straight red card, no matter what minute you are in.

I watched the second half online. It was pretty ugly. Inter was content of playing long balls to their front 3 and getting the ball out of their back 1/3 as quick as possible. I didn't see Aldergrove sustain any pressure at all second half. it was a very ugly half from what I saw online, with Inter getting more of the chances. Their front 3 on Inter is very strong. Aldergrove front 2 is very strong as well,... one team finished some chances.

Congrats to Inter! well deserved title after knocking out PEG and the top 2 Valley teams.

I imagine if we watched any game at random in this province at the senior A level it would be described as ugly - we just aren't very good at the game in this country! But in an A cup final, I think the sentiment is that we'd all hope the best footballing team would win, not just the best athletes. That second goal was a nice individual effort though!


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Not really sure what you are trying to say here or even why at this point?


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
I got suspended one time in bc's and it carried over to the next year at bc's.

Congrats to Inter. Solid effort and they got the job done when they had to. Huge congrats to all the players and especially Joe and Ken. As for the pk save, Erman is a stud. Always said he is the best keeper around and to save a pk in the finals... HUGE! No better feeling and no better way to get your team into a huge game.

Good luck at nationals!!
Thanks 29. Always fun with you. Enjoyed our many Nations Cup adventures.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Team Inter.....congratulations!! Long time coming. Team Marrello, Ken, Tempy, Ermy, Thriller Miller, Strecks very happy for your lot. Lots of Cup finals, league championships, and even a relegation along the way. You stuck together and got rewarded with a provincial championship.

The game wasn't pretty, but not many cup finals are. No offense to either team or league, but VMSL #7 vs FVSL #1, it lacked the true quality of a PEG vs METRO FORD final. Aldergrove had some chances early, but did not capitalize, and say what you want, Milos is a game breaker. Feel for my mate Nuno.

Hildebrandt tackle was straight red, and lucky he escaped without a pummeling. On the day he was overmatched by Alexander, and looked tired from TSS match, eventually showing his frustration of the 100 minute match. I thought Lucyk did a good job on the big lad up front.

Inter build to win provincials, one game a week.......Nationals with 6 games in 6 days on turf.....that's a tough task, but I'm sure JOMourinho will have you ready!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
Dirty Money
Wasn't at the game, watched the video, god help me if someone tackles myself or one of my teammates like that. That tackle is a leg breaker waiting to happen. I have definitely given my share of late, hard, and even a few dirty challenges over the years but I have never thrown a two footer like that. douche bag


Mar 30, 2017
Dirty Money
@Dude say what you will but your opinion is completely biased. Pussy move is what it was especially if you back away and let everyone else do the "brawling" on your part. I have definitely made my fair share of hard tackles but never have I made a tackle to injure someone or go through them like that. He's lucky they let him get away with only a bit of payback, had it been a leg break I'm sure he would have got it worse.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
All you guys claiming sainthood need to honestly STFU about your innocence in this game. I don't know exactly what you are claiming on this one @HighLife, if you either don't have problems brawling or you have been on the giving end of dirty tackles, but not that dirty, and "My oh my, I've never done anything that bad", but seriously, give it a rest.

Say what you will about the tackle, I think consensus here was it was dangerous and worthy of red, but the minute you start to proclaim complete innocence over your entire footballing career, and claiming you've never made a dirty or dangerous tackle, or never fcuked up, is the minute I call total bullshit.

Let's not start lying to each other now, hey @HighLife? We don't want to put the fine name of Takethepiss.com into disrepute.

Leaving it at that; Inter deserves congrats for a strong run, and hopefully these guys can pull off the same magic Peg did years ago in dialing back the clock for their last National win- I think the last one BC won.

That is, unless Aldy is awarded a second spot, then I'm pulling for the farmers and an all-BC final.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Again, I can be convinced Connor deserved red, but late tackles like that happen often
Of all that's been written, it's this that I strongly disagree with @Dude. It's rare to see two footed flying tackles straight on like that. They do not happen often in my opinion. Not surprised by Inter's reaction to the tackle at all...it was instantaneous and involved several of their players. That's a good indicator of what was thought about the tackle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I can honestly say I've never thrown in that tackle. Thrown in a few good ones and a couple mistimed that could have been red. However if I'm mad and had enough I make sure it's a shoulder I throw to the chest or let him knock it down the wing and clean him out with the body. That was an intent to hurt, no doubt. We all lose our heads, especially at 20 in that big situation, nasty though, really nasty.


Mar 30, 2017
Dirty Money
@Dude everyone else here thinks they don't happen often, so everyone is lying.

I've actually broken my leg and broken an ankle because of cnuts like that so don't come here accusing me of going through someone like that because I've never once done it. Late tackle? Sure. Dirty and with intent? Never


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Everyone else? A crowd of less than 15 commenting on TTP is "everyone else"? OK then. Me, I feel the deafening silence is more telling.

Again, whatever. You are an angel on that front, maybe not on another. I have no idea who you are, anyhow. You were a ghost known as @Stringer, now you are a ghost known as @HighLife.

You "all" are quick to condemn a kid who made a bad tackle in the blink of an eye. You have NO IDEA what his intent was. NONE. You weren't in his head.

I saw a competitive kid, who was frustrated as hell, who tried to dribble through a team, ball got away, and boom, made a late lunging tackle to win a ball that I'm sure he now regrets. But once it's made, it's made, then the TTP faithful get on here and roast him for being dirty, a pussy, a coward, you name it. You then claim to have never made a bad tackle, EVER.

FFS, there was an equally dirty tackle committed against HIM vs. Bays. Late in the match, by their left fullback. How did Connor react? Got up, swore at the defender, and limped away. Yellow on that one as well. There too, I thought it should have been red. Soon after Connor was subbed off; after the match said it wasn't worth it to react or play on, they were up 4-1, and they had a game the next week to win. No brawl in that match, and just as there was w/ the final this weekend, handshakes after.

Seriously, the high horse back is being broken on this one. In a very brief chat w/ Connor after on Sunday he was gutted, fresh tears in his eyes from the loss. I don't need to ask him to know he had no intent to injure. This is an ultra competitive kid who simply lost his head. So condemn him if you want, but think to yourselves very carefully, are you really that innocent? Come on...

It was a bad tackle, yes. I was surprised it wasn't red. I was also not surprised at the reaction after. What I'm not going to do is to do what is obviously popular here, which is to socially burn the kid at the stake.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
1st world problems.

Gotta Love it.

This one is just getting extra attention because of the pedestal the kid was put on prior and it being a provincial final.

The haters are out in full force.

Time to move on........

Its Evident @HighLife is missing @Soccer Coach


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
1st world problems.

Gotta Love it.

This one is just getting extra attention because of the pedestal the kid was put on prior and it being a provincial final.

The haters are out in full force.

Time to move on........

Its Evident @HighLife is missing @Soccer Coach
We all miss soccer coach
The talent on Inter deserves a coach like him
They would win the Nationals


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm definitely not trying to call him an awful kid or "condemn" him. As I said before you can't teach the heart and passion he plays with. Heat of the moment, missed a PK earlier im sure dealing with lots of chirping, it happens. The moment boiled over and im sure he's happy nobody was hurt. I'm just saying it was fukcing nasty, those are the worst tackles. Launching at a guy while he's planting kicking a ball. luckily it was all just pushing and shoving and nobody is hurt.


Aug 23, 2007
Dirty Money
Thxs 29....and for this Conner kid the next coming of God apparently from what I read on this thread. Why don't we just change the name of this thread to "all about Connor". I didn't even know he was playing??? What has he done in his soccer career? Fsvl player of year?? Congrats on that great achievement He found out quick what it's like to play a good team. I don't even want to talk about the tackle no room for that in the game Move

Nationals here we come
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