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  1. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL D3] Results & Banter February 2010

    From the Results of Saturday's game looked like "Lee.... the Captain of the ship" went down with it at the helm in a not so glorious blaze of glory. Though it was so damn good chants going on.
  2. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL Div 3] Results & Banter December 2009

    Yeah it was what, 5-0 last time? You gonna have to do better than that if you want to " take it out on the magpies goaly "
  3. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL Div 3] Results & Banter November 2009

    Kevin Hector injured his left ankle getting out of the car at the field, and then his right ankle getting back in, out indefinitely.
  4. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL Div 3] Results & Banter November 2009

    We had the 2nd of the two bye games this weekend, and the way the weather is looking right now pretty pumped about it.
  5. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL Div 3] Results & Banter November 2009

    Ah really should have been on the sidelines for this one, dont think i would have heard the same chatter from them as the Mines vs Magpies game, sounds like coquitlam exposed the pheonix the same way Mapies did, good work.
  6. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL DIV 3] Results & Banter October '09

    yeah i was pissed because one of are guys showed up wasted and sub'ed himself on, running around the pitch like a moron. As far as the game went, this stuff happens, we know where better then that, be back on the top in no time.
  7. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL DIV 3] Results & Banter October '09

    poco got lucky we started off really slow and let two goals in because of sloppy defense. should have been another W for Port Moody but fell short.... look forward too the rematch, well played by poco.
  8. PMwanker

    Div 3 [FVSL DIV 3] Results & Banter October '09

    why is it always the bitch's at the bottom of the table talking trash? If you spent the more time on the pitch and less time on this site you might actually make something of yourself.