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  1. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter-Dec.'05/Jan.'06

    I didn't see it go that far, but I did hear alot of "I'm taller" "No, I'm taller"
  2. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - November 2005

    What studs really means is....... Wack over Geu Langley over DM ND over Dewdney PAU over Poco GN over Whalley Oh and we are all happy that you have no metal in your eyes! :wa:
  3. E

    Pakenham Cup 2005 Pakenham Cup Final

    Lite it on fire???? If that were the case then we would have lit cainey up also. It broke when he was sitting in it. Poor wee lad. Who killed cainey? You bastard...........
  4. E

    Premier Totally Fcuking Offside

    knvb deserved what he got. :wa: Next time consider staying home, maybe you and knowone can split a litre of cola or something......
  5. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

    Re: Roxy Another typical PAU night out really... ;) Yo Guinness, "pass me another Stella"!!! :D OfftotheRangersgamewego!!! Peace out
  6. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

    I believe it was mentioned, many threads back, that you are always welcome F*gBalz....... Delete that.......
  7. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

    Tonights a go, downtown it is, start at my place......... Rain or shine I fear no beer!
  8. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

    Re: The Nation of slippin sliders ;) It is also our hope and belief that shyte like this doesnt make another piss taking forum. Now, does anyone have a hanky?
  9. E

    Best lines heard around the park

    Playing post education soccer up in K-loops, Gareth Wilkshire stops, mid play, to ask the guy if he has a gun rack. Damn near sh*t my pants.......
  10. E

    Premier FVSL Premier Week #11 MOTW

    What happened to the 'Nation' A more sustainable name in my opinion
  11. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Nov. 04'

    Would you expect anything less from this crew??? I'll tinkle on your finkle...... No what Im sayin
  12. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Nov. 04'

    Re: Fenian Bastard !!! It's alot easier, naye funner, when there miss 'ing' front teeth. :D Has anyone seen my viser, I lost it when I tripped over my labia at the pau party on Sat
  13. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Oct. 04'

    Re: Seriously Guinness Which he still hasnt paid for, uuunnnnrucky bastard who brought the beer.... BTW Guinny tell your mom to stop sending the link to her site, or take her web cam away. Getting tired of the same OLD thing......
  14. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Oct. 04'

    Someone had also mentioned in our team that Knvb is coming out to watch our training sessions to get some coaching tips. However, I think he is there to try and see if would be good enough to crack our squad. ;) He's looking for new running drills. Hey, bottom of the pack.... Never touch...
  15. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Oct. 04'

    Might as well be with a team whose on top of the league......... How is the lower half anyways? P.S. your always welcome.
  16. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Oct. 04'

    Dicks, Dicks, Dicks... Doesnt anyone care about the VJ anymore?
  17. E

    Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Oct. 04'

    Hey Guinness and Skip! Are you guys hugging right at this moment..................? Right now......? If not, how'bout now...........?
  18. E

    Premier FVSL Premier Predictions 2003/2004 Week 8

    GEU Poco Langley Delta PAU:wa: